Friday, January 06, 2012

Syasya di Pra Sekolah

Tahun ni Syasya dah masuk 6 tahun...Syasya tahun ni masuk Pra Sekolah sebelah sek Mama, alhamdulillah anak cikgu diberi kelonggaran dan diterima pulak. Ingat isi borang n try luck ajer. Tu pon kami tak pergi taklimat sbb surat lmbt terima, masa tu Aqil warded sbb rotavirus. So bila pi tu cikgu dia kata takpe sbb nama dah ada, cuma masa tu kami blom bayar duit uniform, dlm rm70 utk 2 pasang pakaian sukan dan satu uniform purple colour. Then byr rm166+ utk setahun termasuk utk sarapan pagi (terkejut juga mula2, alhamdulillah jimat).

Mula-mula tak berapa yakin, sbb Syasya dah biasa pegi sekolah sesi ptg, dlm 1.30pm mula sampai 4.30pm. Di Pra Sek, sek mula 7.30am-11.30am. Pagi-pagi Papa hantar dan planning awal kami transporter jemput. Transporter tu perempuan dan bila call dia kata okey, tapi agak kecewa sbb dia akan hantar n tunggu bdk darjah 1 dlm kol 1pm, dia akan hantar semua budak2 tu dulu then antar Syasya, ingatkan paling lambat pukul 2.00pm lah, tup tup call bibik, dia ckp 2.45pm baru sampai....mak aiiii lamanya dlm keta...bila tanya Syasya dia kata takpe sbb ada kawan, maybe dia tak terasa sbb Cik Ida tu bwk pi lunch jugak sementara tunggu. Anak Cik Ida ni pon friendly, tlg angkat beg Syasya n pandai melayan budak. Tapi sekarang Mama rasa Mama sanggup amik Syasya kat sek then antar balik ke rumah pastu balik ke sek Mama balik...kesian kat Syasya. Tapi masa Mama bersalin nanti, terpaksa la kot Syasya tumpang Cik Ida juga.

Okey cerita pasal sekolah, hari pertama Mama dan Papa hantar dia. Dia tak nangis dan senyum jek. Tapi Mama dan Papa masih observe dari luar dan tengok dia. Kelas 6thn ada 2 kelas, Syasya dpt class teacher yg cantik n baik, tp teacher dia pon sarat n akan bersalin dlm bln 2 ni juga, so akan ada cikgu ganti, harap2 cikgu gantinya okey. Cikgu yg kelas sebelah garang, mmg ada cikgu-cikgu lain bercerita yg dia ada tampar budak last year, adoyai, takkanlah marah sampai angkat tgn kat budak tadika kan....huhu.

Syasya nampak gayanya pandai bawak diri, dlm kelas mewarna dan cepat berkawan...dia baik ngan anak Cik Ida tu, Ain Natasya dan Syahada. Semua berkawan dlm kereta. Cik Ida tu bawak exora kelabu. Alhamdulillah, I'm so grateful that Syasya is happy at the new school and she can wake up early too. She sleeps early at night and today she requested to solat Subuh with Mama(thanks to Genius Aulad).

Okey that's all about our little girl. Love her so much. We're so proud of her :-)thank you Allah swt.

p/s: will talk about Aqil in the next entry (Stay Tuned).

Friday, October 07, 2011

My kids' development

I promised myself to keep updating this blog....but I didn't keep my promise...I'm too busy with life and I'm now expecting...oh yes...I am 5 months pregnant.

Aqil is now 3 years old and he's a cheeky fellow...he didn't like Upin & Ipin like what I've written in my previous entry, it was 2 years ago, Aqil now adores 'DINOSAURS'...he falls head over heels with dinosaurs. He's good with computers too...he can search dinousaurs game in youtube and a good explorer indeed. We can see that he likes to explore even in his Papa's car. He will touch all the buttons in the car and he knows how to switch on the dvd. Aqil's latest achievement is he is now diaperless, it has been almost a month...Alhamdulillah I'm so proud of him, I thought he still need some time but he made it :-) of course at first he requests to wear diaper and will sulk but we just ignored him :-)

Now let's focus on Syasya's development. She's 5 years old...still the 'drama queen'...She's a caring daughter, she likes to kiss my tummy and talk to the baby...She can also read Adam & Dina(something like Peter & Jane), she's able to recite a few doa's and Iqra too. She's a brave girl and confident.

She participated in singing competition some time ago at Shah Alam and she received rm100 as a consolation price. We were very proud of her because its her first time on stage and with a microphone. She sang a song from her kindie/GA 'I love my grandma'. I asked her to repeat the song since the song is quite short. I reminded her several times and she didn't even bother. When the time comes, she did as what I've said and she looks relaxed. Wow, as a mother I was so scared she will freak out or cry on the stage but she didn't. Now I understand that as a mother we have to instill self confidence in our children. Even though I was scared on behalf of her that day but I keep on saying to her that she can do it and she can do it. If we believe in our child she will succeed...Insyallah.

I love both of them, they're my everything. Previously I was so scared that I can't love them equally but now I think its not impossible and I'm ready to love another angel next year ;-)Another good news, our ex-maid(Bibik Mariati) came back to work with us and it has been a year already(our new maid-Bibik Ida- went back for her son's engagement and never came back-luckily we kept some of her money as a guarantee). During that period I had to send them to a babysitter and both of them always fell sick and etc. I was so unhappy back then.Now that our first maid came back Syasya and Aqil are happy, healthy and well taken care of. That's another reason why I decided to conceive again... because I know there's somebody to look after my baby and me. However bibik Mariati contract will end August next year, really hope she will continue working with us..huhuu....That's all to share with everybody. Stay tuned and keep on praying I will update this blog consistently.

Thursday, July 01, 2010

My Life, My Kids & The Twilight Saga- Eclipse


Its been a while...may be nobody reads my blog anymore...emm what to do..don't blame others coz I didn't update it anymore....huhu may be lack of ideas and FB fever...since I hv FB...always upload pics and post my status more blogging...however...I'm trying my best to keep blogging and to still update it....wish me luck...
Life? as usual...since I changed my profession, I'm still like in a dream...or now its like nightmare..ahahhaha....what to do...after a while I realized that sometimes its like H_L_. When I enter the weak classes..I felt like OMG...what they can't stop talking..why they're so rude...they talk like the friend next to them is so far away....talking is like yelling...some of them can't understand BM/BI....but whenever I enter good classes, I felt relieved and content. We shared stories...about Karate Kid, Twilight....about Justin Bieber...after I got their attention... I will start the lesson....(good class students-they don't have to be smart, they just need to have the attitude to learn and respect....)

My Kids? Syasya is now 4 yrs old...she can sing and dance, sometimes story-telling(she will tell a remix of Cinderella/Aurora..heheh), she can recites Al-Fatihah and other doa's...she's cheeky and sometimes she makes me crazy....eheheh...drama queen...always want attention...Aqil? I'm glad that he now love me more than my maid...oops..what a statement...previously I had to take care of the drama queen who gets jealous all the time....and cry whenever Aqil wants Syasya accepts our new maid and she's okey if I'm with Aqil...sometimes I wish I can cut myself into two and one to take care of Syasya and one Aqil...I love them both...they're my boy is different from Syasya...he loves Malay cartoon compared to English ones..his favourite is Upin & Ipin and now he's crazy over 'Jumbo Gajah Biru' a thai cartoon with Akim & Mila voices...ehhehhe.....luckily he sometimes watches Mickey & Elmo...mmg dia berjiwa melayu gitu..ehehhe...
Recently my bro in law & wife visited us and they gave a few movie hubby & me watched 'The Karate Kid'....I love it....Jaden Smith is so talented and first I thought he is a she....I love the theme song 'Never Say Never' by Justin wonder my students love him so much..he's not bad after all...even though he sounds like a offence JB fans...

I hope I will win the premier tickets.....wish me first thought of buying the tickets but the show starts early and I don't think I can make it on time since I'm teaching the afternoon session.... the moment I can't wait to watch Eclipse...obviously I'm team Edward....owhh...he's gorgeous....oolala...ehehhe....key thats all for now....will try to update from time to time...adios amigos....

Monday, December 28, 2009

Aktiviti Cuti Sekolah...Cuti2 Malaysia Part 1

Alamak, konon2 nak update2 blog selalu bila cuti xde maknanya terlalu sibuk..hehe bukan sibuk buat keje tapi menenangkan fikiran sambil menghabiskan cuti sek...lama woo cuti...otak pon sampai dah naik tepu....ehheh....lepak2...main ngan anak2..jumpa kwn/ex colllegues esp.....jln2..blk kg...baca novel..yup dgn jayanya cuti sek ni aku dah abih baca few novels...The Ugly Duckling(Nadya's), Twilight Saga(Twilight, New Moon,Eclipse &Breaking Dawn) the box set is a present from my Abah, x peduli apa org kata, i'm still my daddy's little nak bagi amik jek la kan....actually dia MPH member, thought he has special discount, then he said its okey no need to u Abah....then tgk SRK...Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi(papa download)...PS i Love you(adapted by Cecilia Ahern's Novel), Twilight...emm movies rasanya dah tgk 2012, New Moon & the latest is The Frog & Princess....

Em bab2 jln2 ni, x dpt pi maner sgt coz every weekend boleh dikatakan hubby ada job...emm byk org kawin, engagement & mcm2 lgk kami blk JB & Ipoh as kami fikir2 balik tmpt yg kami bole pi holiday seharusnya dkt antara 2 ni, sambil blk kg, sambil pi we chosen Lost World of Tambun & Cameron Highland...walopun dkt tapi best sgt2...sbb Aqil senyum n ketawa x sudah...Syasya pon sonok sangat...jdk kami semua pon happy gak...

Lost World Petting Zoo
Syasya & Mama...we had splish splash time..ehhehe
Aqil so happy indeed...Papa suka lambung2 dia....mana x happy....

waahhh Mama i'm floating...ehhe air cetek jek tu...
budak kecik ni x takut air....main terjah jek walopun air tau berenang jek....
kakak request nak naik ni, nak bwk aqil sekali x ley naik 4 org, Aqil bg ikan makan roti..eeheh

Bibik pegang ikan bg Aqil hands on experience...kakak pon excited..ehheh

Kakak x seberani dulu, tapi pegang gak python nih...
takut lah Mama...ehehhe
This is the best are given the opportunity to catch their own fish...ehhehe best
Ni free jek...x yah byr utk tangkap ikan....

Papa pon teman Kakak tangkap ikan...

Ley pegang burung2 yg jinak ni...Aqil mcm nak picit jek burung2 tu...
the kids enjoyed feeding the birds...
Ada rabbit gak...
comel lah animals ni...kebanyakan semuanyer leh dipegang..eheh its the idea thought..petting zoo..eheheh
emm it is definitely a splendid place for children...ehhehe suker dorang dpt mandi manda & tgk animals...

Okey dah ngantuk...gambo berterabur..sowwy....!pics di Cameron di Part 2 nanti...

Monday, November 30, 2009

The time that I've waited for....

Yes, yippee, hooray..its school holiday...gonna have more time with my kids, my family and friends....

This Aidiladha we celebrated it at JB then we will continue our journey to Perak...can't wait to have fun....

To all teachers out there...have a great holiday...yg lain jgn jeles yer..ehehe...

Saturday, November 14, 2009

I Miss Syasya So Much... has been a while that I haven't see her face, her cheeky voice....her smile...pendek kata i miss her like crazy...

Dulu punya susah nak berpisah, sampai antar umah org pon susah...skang ni bila dah besor sikit dah pandai pulak nak blk kg...nak jumpa Atok n nak ikut Opah balik masa Opah dtg sini last week..bila kita tepon dia ckp dia rindu...pastu kelam kabut nak letak sbb byk benda sonok kat sana kot...huhuu sayu nyer lah opah kan dah pencen so boley ngadap dia 24jam...pastu pak ngah lak cuti...ada pakcik2 dia yg lain nak layan dia...ada cat..ada laman nak main...xde aqil utk rasa dengki...kat sana dia bebas n dilayan cam puteri...kat sini mama keje...kat umah pon mama sibuk wat keje sekolah...tanda kertas n etc...

Sayang...bila dah blk sini nanti Mama try utk spend byk masa ngan sayang yerk...Mama try x marah Sayang lagik...harap2 dia belajar erti rindu pada adik kat ipoh least dia x buat adik lgk...tapi kdg2 dia tepon nak ckp ngan adik...rindu gak kot..tapi harap x de dengki2 lagik....kalo x asyik nak buat adik jek huhuuu....sayang sayang tapi dengki...pegang2 adik jek...adik rimas....huhuu..

Emmm x kira lah, kalau kali ni dia nak ikut lgk opah dia ke ipoh blk Mama x kan bagi...sbb Mama x tak tahan rindu kat dia...ada ke dia ckp nanti dia nak ikut semula opah...jumpa Mama n Papa jap jek...bila kat tepon..Papa tanya sayang Papa ke? Syasya sayang Papa..tapi Syasya sayang Opah jugak...tu dia..dah buat dah dilema.....huhuu

Kakak, can't wait to see u t'row....

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Aqil's Belated Birthday aka Our Open House

Aqil's belated birthday celebration aka our open house was a success...Alhamdulillah akhirnya berjaya gak first tgk time cam xde yg free jek coz hubby weekend selalu occupied amik gambo. Apapon kena gak wat coz dulu Syasya 1st b'day buat so kena adil kan...ada pulak kursus Ladap half day kat sekolah on that day, so x ley nak prepare apapon..a day before went to Bangsar to the balloon shop, the place where I bought the air balloon for Syasya...walopun ingat2 lupa redah gak jam blk keje utk beli balloon n beli Thomas balloon....utk besoknyer walopun x smpt nam msk..kami order kuah bihun sup, kuih pelita, roti jala...drpd Cu all the food, except rendang my Opah n Mak Nyah yg masakkan, lemang n satay hubby tempah n amik....

On the day itself, I was so lucky coz my beloved cousins came early to arrange the table and hang n blow the decorate the hall for me...TQ so much to Nono/Bond, Kak Long/Wadi, Dibah n Omar...i owe you guys Big time...

Emm ada yg ingat kami wat kat hall cam big event n expensive rental...Naa..the rental is FOC, we just need to pay for the rental of chairs n tables...luckily the hall situated in front of the playground, the kids enjoy playing the swing, ride the see saw and go down the slide....Hubby pasang pelita..he bougt some sparkles but masuk angin pulak...mmg meriah bangat..

The theme of Aqil's 1st bday was Hari Raya...cake Upin & Ipin...since Aqil love that movie so much....thank u so much to Ila & Poek for baking the lovely cake...not forgetting to Moon & Sutan yg sudi amik gambo kami with the lovely guests....apapon without my Mom, maid, wah, Mak Nyah n Opah this party will not be a success....thank u so much u...nasib x sampai hati tgk Yong kelam kabut sowang2...

The birthday boy enjoyed the day too, dia suka main sana sini....Syasya jek sibuk nak main sana sini, yg kelakar dia yg sibuk tiup n nak potong kek adik dia...Aqil received many gifts...thank u once again....take care...

In conclusion, we're so happy that our loved ones came to join the party...without them it will not be a success....thanks to Azie, Ila, Filla, Mimi, Annie, Nurul, Monet, Wati, Ina, Moon, Lenny,Naza, hubby's friend and to all for attending........

Monday, October 19, 2009

Syasya's New School for next year -Genius Aulad

(Syasya with her cousin at JB-Raya 2009)

This semester(Dec) will Syasya's last moment at TT. Since next year her current school wants to raise the fee and the new amount is not worth it since its only once a week. Actually I have to admit that Syasya's progress is quite good since she joins TT. She is more confident, friendly...extra friendly and sometimes she bullies other children huhuuuu, that skilll she developed at home....start to bully her little brother...but she begins to change and improved recently(kena selalu ceramah dia).....her vocabulary expands...sometimes she can actually speak in English in a proper manner...thanks to Astro too coz she usually glued to TV most of the time....she loves watching cartoon and now she begins to watch disney movie such as princesses story...that day I watched 'Princess Protection Program' Syasya joined me and watched it till the end.

So the search of her new school begins....may be for some people 4 yrs old is too early,but for me it depends to the child ...every child is different...Syasya for example, love to meet friends and love to mingle around...she is excited every time she meets her friends...she even requested to go to TT on week days...probably she's bored at home coz her brother is still small and can't talk to her. Since I was not working on Friday last week, I took her along. We went to a school nearby my place, I saw a 'smart reader banner' but its a normal taska just that they have that program in English subject. When I brought her in, she doesn't develop any interest and said she prefer TT. Okey, one down....then I remembered a place that one of my friends suggested, "Genius Aulad" in Bandar took me a while to read the labels nearby Giant Puchong and finally we reached the place. Went up and begin to discuss and look at the brochures while Syasya is busy playing the slide and at the same time we listen to the teaching that is going on at one my the classrooms.......then we surveyed the classrooms...Syasya followed me as well...then its breakfast time, the teacher invited Syasya to have nasi lemak...the canteen is clean,plates/fork/spoon are colourful too....she begins to blend in with other children....dah lah dtg cuma utk survey tapi Syasya rileks jek xmalu siap mkn lgk....lps mkn dia tgk 4yrs old punya classroom, masa tu teacher tgh nyanyi lagu "the wheels on the bus go round and round....." tu lagu Barney yg Syasya dia pon cam interested...sampai satu tahap dia dok situ dia mintak same uniform cam bebudak ngamuk2 nak gak...

So terus lah byr deposit and beli sepasang uniform...teacher tu pon sarungkan....siap Syasya suh Mama balik n xyah tgk survey utk thn dpn, tapi ni kes dah x sabo pulak....bila ajak balik nangis2 takmo blk...siap berlari kat dapur carik tukang masak n peluk n kiss auntie tu...x silap cam org pakistan, tapi macik tu speaking...oops yes this GA walaupun Islamic tapi medium of instruction in English....ada include bacaan Iqra' n ajar basic doa besides other subjects....tapi utk 4yrs old takde lah subject yg pressure....ok back to Syasya's story....mmg lawaklah coz teacher2 tu ckp mmg ada student yg mula2 dtg nangis xmo pi school, ni nangis2 xmo balik pulak, xpenah di buat org....huhuu mmg syasya kemaruk nak berkawan....

Masa byr deposit n byr uniform tu, siap ckp kat teacher dia, sorry lah anak saya camtu, dia ckp its ok, mkn pon xpe kira upah dia nak belajar...and dorang ckp bagus Syasya independent...huhuu bangga campur malu coz Syasya cam tu....apapun mmg tmpt tu cantik, bersih...siap check toilet lgk...Syasya mmg dah x sabo nak kesitu lgk...hopefully doa2lah minat dia berterusan dan bukan hangat2 taik ayam...huhuu.....

Nasib baik blk umah Hubby pon okey setuju, dulu penah citer kat dia....kata hubby yg penting ada penerapan Islam...mmg nak anak pandai English n etc...tapi kalau dah ada yg cam ni baguslah...tudung utk 4thn x compulsory...xde paksaan....dulu ada survey Krista jugak, suka gak owner dia n cara pembelajaran, the problem is the owner is non Muslim, so a bit worried about the food and etc, even though diorg ckp dorang serve bread/bakery stuff jek...emm kali ni I think I found a perfect place.....yg paling penting tuan punya diri suka....Alhamdulillah...doakan Syasya suka pi sekolah thn dpn.....lgpon dia x biasa bgn pagi, harap dia boleh adjust, at the same time bagus bagi dia disiplin bangun pagi. For those nak tau lebih pasal Genius Aulad..boley click sini

Friday, September 25, 2009

Raya 2009

Lama betul tak update blog. Time is so precious coz masa tu ialah masa untuk spend dengan anak-anak and siapkan keje sekolah. Tapi sambil-sambil tu sempat berfacebook jugak..Key skrg nak update citer basi...kisah Raya...walaupun org dah nak sambut Deepavali..huhuuu....Okeylah back to my story, this year boleh dikatakan aku beraya sakan....why? sbb tahun lepas aku dalam pantang...dah tempah beberapa pasang baju utk aku, 2 kebaya, 1 kurung moden dari Bandung 1 kain sari dan 1 batik sutera. Baju melayu hubby bought frm my Mom kan peniaga berjaya, masa raya aritu dia jdk dealer kuih, jual tudung Ekin tuh, baju melayu siap, kuah kacang segera-ala yang kita cuma tumis sikit then bubuh jek air n ketuk serai..kalo malas bubuh air panas pon dah siap....sodap....

This year gak aku tlg mak aku jdk dealer raya cookies, jual brooch....alhamdulillah 'masyuk' gak.... xyah kuar duit utk bagi duit raya bebudak n ada extra utk shopping baju anak-anak....tapi mmg tak leh buat selalu coz skrg ni mmg kat sekolah sibuk, takde meniaga dah kat sek...rasa nak buat once a year jek kot...bila nak Raya jek to say this, but I have a bunch of work to do...neverending....sometimes I start thinking can I handle the pressure until the time comes? thinking of choosing kwsp instead of pension...huhuuu byk masa utk anak2 tapi pressure and the workload mmg rasa cam nak explode....oops before melalut back to my Raya story...
This Raya kami beraya di Ipoh dulu, then kami smpt balik kg (Ulu Kenas) sbb Mak ada tempah lemang dekat Ayah Jam/Mak Cik Jan...heheh my Aunt & Uncle...actually we prefer to celebrate Raya at kg instead of Ipoh, sonok suasana kampung ni, but my father likes it when people come to our hse and takbir di malam raya and kami ikutlah kata Abah...tapi sbb kami kena pi ambil lemang, dptlah kami berbuka last puasa di Opah was delighted when we came back that day...apapun kami dah janji pas solat Raya n picture taking kami akan balik beraya di kg... My Opah and Mak Nyah terror masak rendang....atas dapur kayu lgk....yummy....
Then kat kampung smpt tolong Nono isi ketupat...walaupun dah ada lemang tapi kami still buat ketupat nasi ni sikit..Syasya paling sibuk tolong...ehehhe mana gambo dia nanti upload later.....

Hari Raya dah tiba...pagi2 tu pi masjid negeri with Abah & Mak...masa pegi tu dah terlambat sikit and masjid dah penuh....sampai tepaksa solat kat luar....rupanya kat dlm penuh tapi bukan warga M'sia...byk org 'I'...dorang nyer pesen pon kita dah tau....baju kebaya lace jarang2 tuh....selendang.....emmm nak wat camne dorang pon nak solat raya....salah sendiri lambat first we thought nak pergi masjid yg dekat jek...tak sangka my Dad bwk ke Masjid Negeri...but okeylah bukan selalu aku pi Masjid Negeri...eheheh.....Ni masa bersiap-siap, tu Paparazzi...ehhehe tahun ni kami pilih Maroon/Purple...syasya n aqil kain sama....sbb masa tu perasan dah kurus sikit, buat kebaya...tailor tu terbuat besor coz di main agak jek pas aku bersalin sure aku gemuk, bila try mak aihh besor dia dah kecikkan....tapi pas mkn2 tanpa henti ada satu baju kebaya pink lembut betul2 ngam and tak boleh lebih makan sure boleh terbukak butang katup dia..hehehe...

Tu dia salam Raya dengan suami tercinta..eehheh

Ni Aqil dah dapat kaki...sonok tgk dia tekedek2 jalan....siap pakai ketayap itam lgk..ehehhe

Aqil with his Uncle Adhwa....

Tu dia salam Raya dari si Pari-pari...sibuk nak jdk fairy...ehehhe...
Ni gambo raya kami, tu tgk Syasya yg mcm2 aksi...susah betul nak ambil gambo Aqil pon nengok tmpt lain plak....huhuuu
tu tangan kakak dah cam aper dah dia wat....

Pictures below with my parents and our new maid...
Alhamdulillah this Raya we managed to take the whole family picture.....lega coz last year x cukup quorum...semua anak2 bujang mengilang.....
Ni mlm Raya, Papa main bunga api ngan kakak.....masa ni kat Kg ulu kenasMaknyer pon nak main gak bunga api.......

Aqil ngan kemeja guess yg dibeli di bandung aritu...dah muat dah..nampak hencem boy dia pakai baju nih.....

Picture below kat tmpt kunjungan wajib...rumah Mak Encik.....sure pekena laksa...n etc.....
Pictures with my Aunt and lovely them all..In conclusion, I had a blast Raya celebration...will update more Insyallah......daaa...........