Monday, July 7, 2008

Misc. thoughts

Katie wants to pray with us now. Or, you know, by herself, but that is a little difficult. One time I was "helping" her, and said, um, and she of course repeated it. Then I started laughing and it kind of ruined the moment. I'm sure Heavenly Father understands. Also, each prayer needs to include, "Mommy, Daddy, Abby, Hannah, Josh," etc. Anyone that she loves and can say their name. It depends on the day, but thankfully Ryan and I are usually in there.

The other night, Ryan and I were downstairs watching a movie, and we heard a loud "thump!". We went up, and Katie had fallen off the bed! Luckily, the mattress was still on the floor, so she was just scared more than frightened.
Since then, Ryan has put her bed frame together so she has a "big girl" bed. She seems to like it the same as the mattress. It wasn't an adjustment for her at all, that I could tell.

Katie still stays in bed until we come get her when she wakes up. It is great, but kinda funny. I would think she would want to get out, instead of waiting for us to come get her.

It seems like the baby has hiccups every night right as I'm going to bed. She is also very active from 9-11 pm each night. She doesn't move much throughout the rest of the day. Hopefully that isn't an indication of what will happen when she is born. I know she will determine her own schedule once she is here.

3 Weeks to go!