Saturday, October 27, 2007

Just some notes

Katie hums, says uh huh, and sounds like she is talking all the time now. She says Mommy, Daddy, Grandma, sometimes Grandpa, she asks for music whenever she is eating, says outside, banana, Hannah, Abby, Bekah, tries to say Josh, Joe, Ben, Than (Nathaniel), and Junior. She likes to smell flowers, and points at airplanes in the sky. She meows and ruffs.
She can identify her eyes, nose, mouth, tongue, ears, earrings, arms, legs, feet, hands, hair, etc.
Her top front tooth finally came in, and it has almost caught up to the rest of them. She looks so different with teeth!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Finances and Organization

Katie is looking so grown up lately. Especially with this cute hat on. These are just some pictures I took while we were trying on her different hats. My head held most of the unused hats when Katie wasn't using them.

Ryan wrecked on his scooter Friday night (the 12th). Nothing too bad, but it kinda scared me. Luckily, I saw him walking around, and he seemed fine, maybe a little tired, and THEN he told me he had crashed. If I had just gotten a call about it, I probably would have freaked out. Hard to imagine, I'm sure. :) So, his wrist is sprained, and he has some bruises and scrapes. The bike looks worse than he does. The back basket thing is cracked, and there are scratches all down the side of the scooter. Oh well. At least it is all cosmetic. Here are some pictures.

I am attending a Organization class called House of Order. Marie C. Ricks is the presenter, and I'm really enjoying it. She goes a little overboard, at least with some things that I wouldn't do, but she has lots of great ideas. It can be a little overwhelming if I think of all the stuff that I want to reorganize, but I'm trying to take it slow. It is just exciting to think of having a house that can be very organized, and having my life feel more organized, as a result. My favorite part is just listening to her talk. She is very motivating, and brings her religion into it. She frequently tells us how we need to have a "House of Order" so the Spirit can dwell in our homes, and in our hearts.

Ryan and I are also attending a "Financial Peace University" class. Ryan's work is sponsoring it, and it is 13 weeks long! Dave Ramsey is the author, and we watch DVD's of his presentation. He is funny, and has lots of good advice. Again, it is a lot of common sense, but it is good to be reminded. Ryan and I appreciate how he slips other advice in there also. He has good morals, and incorporates that into his presentation. "Don't lie! Always tell the truth" was the last one we noticed.

I am also jogging/walking 3 days a week with my friend Rebecca, and sometimes my sister-in-law (also friend) Naomi. Naomi sprained her ankle, so she is taking a break at the moment. We are on the program called Couch-To-5K Run Program. The idea is that you can get from no activity to running a 5K in 9 weeks. I really enjoy it. We start at 6:00 AM so we don't have to bring kids. It really starts my day off well. Ryan, Katie, and I all eat breakfast together, I have energy throughout the day, and my day starts 2 hours earlier than usual, so I get more done.
This added to the Belly Dancing class I take on Tuesdays and Thursdays keeps me pretty busy. I really enjoy it all though. I get more done, the more I have to do.

Katie was actually riding the scooter with Ryan's help, but I didn't grab the camera fast enough. Ryan was trying to get her back on at this point.

Apparently Katie wasn't too excited to have someone ELSE slide down the slide.

This is Rebekah, Katie, and Hannah. Rebekah and Hannah are Dennis and Naomi's daughters, and they live across the street, so we play with them alot.