Sunday, October 23, 2011

First Day Of School 2011

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Taking a go at blogging again, don't know how successful I will be at it this time, time will tell I guess. We took the kids to the zoo this year and were able to get a lot of great pictures. It was a super rainy day and by the time we left ( we only stayed two hours ) we were literally soaking wet !!! It was great !!

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Friday, November 6, 2009


It is so amazing how fast times flies by when you just want it to stand still for a little bit. This first year of Addaleys life has flown by so quickly. It has been a wonderful year, she had brought so much love and happiness into our little home. How blessed I feel to be this baby girls mother. Happy Birthday Baby!
Addaley was all over digging inot her cake, but the first time she went to dig in Henasey grabbed her arm and yells, " NO ADDALEY", it was so funny she thougt she was doing something wrong, so after that every time she went to dig into her cake she would look at Henasey, like " can I do this, is it all right with you?"

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Monday, August 31, 2009


Karady is going into the seventh grade, I can't believe how the time has flown by, were did it go, it wish I knew and I would take it back and make her five again. Karady made the volleyball team, and her firs game is tonight, we are all so excited for her, we can't wait to go see her play. We love Missy!!!!!

Easten is in fourth grade, he was the one who woke up this morning without a tummy ache, he was ready at the crack of dawn to go. Easten helped Sayler and Karady pick out there outfits for the first day of school, I was secretly laughing inside when he was helping Karady it was so cute and priceless. My Mr. GQ.
Sayler boy, Sayler boy what we we do without our little joker. He was cracking jokes left and right this morning making us all laugh, I think it was his way of getting rid of the first day of school jitters.
Little Miss Henasey isn't in school yet, but she say she goes to mommy's school, lucky me!!!! I am so glad she is still home with me other wise I think I would have really had a huge melt down instead of the small melt down that I had this morning after Gary and I had dropped them all off to school. I saw this quote in a friends home that said " With children the days are long, but the years are short", how true that is, I need to enjoy those long days a little more so I don't wonder were the years went.
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We take this picture every year, it is tradition. I love looking back through the years at this picture that we take yearly and seeing how much the kids have grown, and also which one we have added to our school crew. I love these kiddos so much, I just can't wait to pick each of them up from school today,and then freeze time just for a year or two, or even three.

Our little Addaley is almost ten months old, she is such a joy, we all can't get enough of her, it is amazing how much this little person has changed our world.
Boys will always be boys won't they. I hope they feel just as cool at the end of the day today.
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Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Easten and Sayler stuffed their shirts with grass so they could like like they had huge muscles, I think they look like little old men with big belly's. What do you think?
Sayler is our boy that loves to use his imagination to build and create things. He can spend hour up in his roon building thing out of paper, link on logs, k-nex, you name it. It always amazes me with what he comes with.
This butterfly landed on Sayler after church one Sunday and stayed on his shoulder for over an hour. Sayler was happy that it picked his shoulder to land on, he even made it a home in one of our hanging flower baskets.
Oh Easten, how you look like your father. Easten wanted his hair shaved just like his dads, so we first cut it to look like an old mans, he was not all that excited about it, however the rest of us got a good laugh out of it.
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Addaley Ann Nine Months Old

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