Friday, February 25, 2011
Remember when....
Just a side note: I had a hearing test and voices I can hear better, but pitches are still about the same with little or no improvement. I am glad that I am hearing voices better. since that seems to be the thing that I struggle with on a daily basis when people are talking to me. If any of you would like me to hear you really well either talk right in front or on the left of me. If you are on the right and I am not looking at you and you are trying to be quite, I cannot promise any reaction. Just saying.
Thank you for the prayers and support on my behalf it means a lot.
Love you all,
Not sure if this is a good thing all the time, but I can actually hear Arlee when she wakes up and I am sleeping on my good ear. WOOOOooooo WHOoooo!
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Arlee's New Favorite Song
None other than Pocket Full of Sunshine by Natasha Beddingfield. Listen below on the playlist. #29!
Story behind this post:
I was looking at some trailers from movies and there was one for Easy A (stupid, don't watch it). The main girl was singing; "I gotta pocket gotta pocket full of sunshine..." Anyway, Arlee stops what she is doing and just starts "shakin it". When the trailer was over she says, "MORE?!" Now when she hears it on the radio she does the same thing. Arlee loves to listen and dance to music and usually envolves Hans and I in this booty shakin fun. Dancing with our little girl is a joy and it usually ends with Arlee dancing/shaking so hard that she falls over... Then the laughing begins. haha aaaaaaaaaa ha
We love our little girl. She is a giggly little thing. : )
Until next time: Shake it, Shake it, Shake it like a Polaroid Picture. Oh man I am funny! (also on our playlist except it is a remake -HEY YA!)
Friday, February 11, 2011
I watched my niece, Kasiah for a couple of days while my mom, who normally watches her was visiting my sister in Colorado. Arlee and Kasiah had a great time together. Mostly....They are just youngens. :)
Outfits provided by Arlee and her dress up stash! Their tops are from my sister, Lyndsay and the bottoms are from Christmas from me and Hans. the shoes are from Hans' mom for Christmas.
I took the Kiddos to The Discovery Gateway the first day we had her over. They played grocery store. That baby on the counter Arlee carried around forever! Okay it was more like the whole time. Everytime that we have been there she goes looking for it. While we are at home as you can imagine it is much the same.
Kasiah rode around in the little cars
Arlee played in the water most of the time.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Thursday, February 3, 2011
For now, this is just giving me an outlet to say please give me the pregnancy hormones! Sooner the better or when the time is right. Just sayin'.