This is US!

This is US!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Being the new Martha Stewart!

Since I was young I have been helping my mom put up fruit. We have made applesauce, dried apples, dried bananas, stewed tomatoes, tomato juice, grape juice, raisins, bottled peaches and other delicious food items.  This year was an off year for both my mom's and our house's fruit. (The fruit comes in more one year and off the next year.) 
The fruit that I have here is grapes so I have been making grape juice. Right now I have 39 bottles and there is still more that I need to do. My mom has come to take some and Hans' mom has as well. We have the grapes wrapping around our yard. It has been a great blessing living here to get the grape juice done. Our families both love grape juice. I think my family might like it a little bit more since I have never actually seen Hans' drink juice. With my family however we drink it all the time.  I am glad that this year it is at my house and I am doing the work to keep the grape juice that I do.  Last year, my mom came over to my house and picked them and then took them to juice at her house. I didn't have access to a juicer so she just gave me a few bottles for giving her the grapes. Those didn't last very long at all. So you may be able to tell why I am so excited that I have done them by myself this year. : D 
When I bottled my first batch of grape juice and Hans came home I asked him if he liked that I am started to be like a Susie homemaker/Martha Stewart? He was surprised I think that I was actually able to do it.


Moving AGAIN!

Just a quick note. We are going to be moving again on November 6th. I can't wait to be  able to use all of our stuff again. Don't get me wrong, it has been nice housesitting, but I am ready to be done. The apartment is going to be small, but great!  We are going to make the best of it and hopefully little or no complaining at all. I am excited to move and I tell Hans just about everyday something else that I am excited to see again. I know that I am weird, but oh well. We got a 2 bedroom one bath apartment at about 3900 S and 500 East. It is called Mallard Crossing Apartments. It is about a thousand square feet and seems to have a lot of storage.  However storage is still is the one thing that I am worried about... not having enough space for our stuff. To make it seem more real I am just planning that there won't be so I will be surprised if there is and not let down if there isn't. I have been telling Hans that we are still going to need a storage unit, but he doesn't think that we will...he also hasn't even seen the place. Oh well, I told him no complaining, because he didn't and doesn't have anytime to help me look. I don't think that he will complain either. Hans is good with things like that. Besides I have found the first two places that we lived in and Hans' mom told us about this place that we are living in now. Something has got to give when we have been living in two different houses for the last two and a half years, right?

Anyway, I will be posting pictures later after we move, but until then. Ta ta!


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Another Day as a Mother!

This was one that I forgot to post. Sorry....

Yesterday I took Arlee to the doctors after she had a tempature of 102.5! YIKES.  Turns out that she has redness in her ear and it looks like she was getting an ear infection.  They are also doing a urine test to see if she has a bladder infection.  On Sunday, (the day before and Mother's Day) she would hold herself when she was going to the bathroom.  I thought this was a little weird that she was doing this already at 13 months old.  I didn't notice that she was warm that day, but after telling my mom that she had a temperature. She told me that she seemed to be a little warm, but she thought it was just because she was cold.  I talked to Hans when he got home from school and he thought that I should take her in to get checked for a UTI. 
So I took her in and they found the redness in the ear and are doing a culture on her urine to see if she does have the UTI.  I will not be able to find out until tomorrow if she has it of not.  However, the medicine that they gave her for her ear will cure both. The reason that we are waiting for results on the UTI is to see if they are going to have to do x-rays to see if everything is working how it should. If it isn't then they will have to do some other things to fix it so she doesn't keep getting UTIs. 
Like I mentioned before we don't know about the UTI until tomorrow. I will be posting updates when I find out.


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Kali's Bridal Shower

My sisters and I threw a bridal shower for our little sister, Kali on September 30th. We had Chicken Salsa, salad, brownies, lemonade, dinner rolls and rice. We played the Price Is Right and a word unscramble.  Lyndsay and I made her a cake out of towels and I have to say that it looked great!  Everyone that came seemed to have fun, which that is all that we hoped for. Kali got a lot of great presents and is looking forward to getting married THIS Saturday!!! I can't believe it is already here.

Check out the cake pictures as well as other shower pictures below.

This was made from 2 bath towels, 3 hand towels, 3 wash cloths, five artificial roses, white ribbon, pearled straight pins and one cake topper. Isn't it beautiful?

Braxton giving me some giggles and smiles before the party

Kali opening up her gifts

Some family that came

Kali's new family- Shawn's sisters and mother: (L-R): Kate, Marianne, Mel,Weston (who belongs to Marianne) and Iris

More family

Jayden, Kasiah and Arlee eating pears before the party (After this picture was taken the three kids decided to smash "blueberries", which would be grapes on their heads and clothes.
We had to hurry and get them all in the bath and changed before people got there... what a mess! Atleast they had a bonding fun time. : )

