This is US!

This is US!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Happy Birthday To ME!!!

It is official! I am now a year older. Yeah right like I am soooo old. For my birthday Hans took me and Arlee out for breakfast at IHOP. After that we came home and decided to go on a bike ride down the Jordan River Parkway from 5400 S. to 2300 S. and then back. We of course had Arlee with us and she slept for the most part in the bike trailer.  After the bike ride we went and got some things at Costco. We went home and showered and then took Arlee to my mom's. Hans and I then went to Toy Story 3, which is a very good movie and was perfect to end the Toy Story movies. After the movie we went to dinner at La Frontera for yummy Mexican food. This resturant you really don't want to have to much of their salsa as it was burning my mouth completely by the time my meal came. Hans enjoyed it, but just to tell ya how hot it was... Hans' mouth was getting hot too.  After that we went and got Arlee from my sister, Abbie (who tag teamed with my mom once she got off work.) They had so much fun together and she even got Arlee to sleep. Abbie took a picture for evidence, even though I would have believed her anyway.  Anyway, we got home and my friend pulled up and brought me a present.
While I was talking to my friend I see this little boy up by out porch and I was just thinking... 'That is so sad, where is this little boys mother. I looked closer and it was my nephew, Brock. Weirdess thing ever to not recognize your nephew. So I found out that people were inside. I walked in the house and didn't see anyone and then I walked into the kitchen and tried turning on the light and.... SURPRISE! Yikes... they got me. Hans had his family come and surprise me. We had some cake and ice cream and talked for a while and then it was off to bed for us.
Hans did such a great job for my birthday. I can't believe he even surprised me too. I usually get a little suspicious when he is up to something, but not this time. He played it out really well. Any how... because it was my birthday there aren't any pictures, I am usually the one with the camera.  Oh well, it was another birthday. 

My Sister's Adoption Process.... PLEASE READ! : )

Hey everyone,
My sister, Abbie that is hoping to adopt finally has a blog!!! If you can do our family a favor and follow her blog and tell the ones that you know to do the same. I am sure that it would really help in getting her adoption profile out there.  Abbie and her husband Matt are great people and would really like to adopt, but haven't been able to so far. Most of the time when the birth parents find the family they are looking for it is through people networking. Please help in this cause and get my sister's profile/blog out there.  Thank you.
Her blog url is:


Sunday, July 11, 2010

Hunting no more... Okay possibly!

We think we may have found something. It took some thinking, of course.  However, Hans and I have put an offer in on a house. It is a 5 bed 3 1/2 baths 3066 sq ft house.  It is West Valley City. The house just hit the market on Saturday, which was yesterday. The offers aren't being accepted until tomorrow (Monday).  We have all the items we need into our realtor so she can try and get ours in first.  Of course it needs some work, but I think that it is really going to be worth it.  My mom's comment when she saw one of the bathrooms was... " Cool, we get to teach you how to tile!" We are optimistic, but we are not holding our breath.  We are hoping to get our offer in first so the bank will just work with us and no one else... Since it is bank owned.  If it isn't accepted then we will be moving on to some other houses that we have liked, but might take longer to close on and aren't as much of our favorites. : )
Until next time...


Saturday, July 10, 2010

The hunt is on..... Still!!!

I know it is sad, but the hunt is on still. Hans and I have been looking for a house to buy and can't seem to find anything that we both really like. I can't tell you how many people are living in such a pig pen.  They are horders! It was simply disgusting. I know that everyone says try and look pass the mess, but when it is everywhere and it is up to your shins, how are you to look past it? When you can't see anything, but crap. Oh man I tell ya. I thought some peoples houses were a mess, but I stand corrected; they are actually quite pleasant compared to the ones today. People were walking and living on the same floor that had dog crap all over it. It wasn't just in one spot/ room it was in several. 
On the flipside you walk into a house that is staged and spotless... and you want to put an offer in right then, but it isn't the house for you.  No matter how refreshing.  Hans and I did go through a few houses today that we are debating on. It is really hard to decided as we are going to be living there and putting time and elbow grease into the place.  We worry about re-sale, overpaying and the area mostly.  Man o man I wish we had an extra 100 grand right now.


P.S. Sorry for the vent, but now I feel better. Until next time....

Monday, July 5, 2010

Family Pictures at the Flooded Murray Park

Here are our family pictures at Murray Park
The Boys

The Girls
The Whole Family

Now we need my brother, Brady's Fiance, Sarah and my sister, Kali's Fiance, Shawn once they get married and our new baby coming and hopefully my sister, Abbie's baby when she gets to adopt one! 

We get pictures taken often as things are always changing.  Such as life... Always exciting!

Lil' Sis is getting hitched

Well, my little sister is getting hitched! We are so excited for them. She is marring a great guy.  They met in December 2009 and pretty much hung out everyday since.  They are perfect for each other and our family couldn't be more happy to have Shawn join the family.  They haven't decided on a exact date yet, but they are thinking October 9th or 16th, 2010!

Here is her ring. Maybe sometime I will get a better picture and add it on here. haha

