This is US!

This is US!

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Oregon Coast Vacation

Hans had another vacation so we decided to go to the coast! We went to Rockaway, Oregon. It was great and we all enjoyed ourselves. We rented a condo that was so close to the beach. It had 2 bed 2 baths and a floor to ceiling window to take in the scenery! Bald eagle spotting. It flew right in front of us as we were sand dollar hunting and scooped up a fish and flew off. Cool? I'd say so. Here are some pictures of our experience
Beautiful sunsets

our condo (a bit of it anyway)

Hurry quick before a "Stinker Wave" (Arlee)

Perfect sand to play on. 

Gorgeous beaches. The last full day that we were there the sand was
burning our feet. Our condo was just about 300 yds from the beach.
So close that we didn't have to put on shoes to get there. It was great.
Rockaway, Oregon

Look Mom a slide!

The view from our condo. 

This what I got to do when Ellie was too fussy to be put down. Relaxing
with my smallest baby was the best!

The day that we left... perfect timing. We had fabulous weather.

Family Pictures May 2014

We had some family pictures taken. Here's just a few:

Why so serious?

This is totally how they are!

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Another... Shoot!

Photo Shoot that is. Ellie had the opportunity to be a model in exchange for a free shoot (13 days old). I read that she was going to give me 5 free images. No idea where that came from. Anyway, I loved them so I bought the images. Take a look...

Probably my all time favorite!!!!!!!!!

so sweet

This one is a favorite!!!!

chunky baby!!!

Arlee's Dance Pictures

Arlee has really been enjoying dance class. Right now she goes with two of her previous friends, but is enjoying making new ones. Believe it or not one is even named Squirrel. No joke!!!

Me: look at you in the middle.
Arlee: I wasn't supposed to be there but  their arms got tired.
mine weren't tired!!!

Monday, May 12, 2014

Ellie Jane Photo Shoot

I had Ellie's pictures taken the day she was 2 weeks old. Take a look!!!

My baby had some hair... it is starting to fall out now, but she still has a good

My chunky chunk baby!!! Of course these are
present because she is leaning, but she is my
largest baby.

She loves cuddling up to Momma

I could stare at her all day...

and kiss her too.

They LOVE their sister!!!

adorable moment of many


Arlee has been the biggest help. She is my little mommy

I am in love with this man... More and more everyday
he is such a good dad. We love having him in our

A mother's touch...
Happy Mother's Day!!!

