Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Avery is 3!!!

Well, back in August, my little Avery turned 3! She is a very lively, sweet, sensitive, funny, little girl. I can't imagine my life without her. She wanted a princess party because she LOVES playing with Princess barbies, and polly pockets. All the little boys and girls that attended dressed up as Princesses or Princes...except Avery. For some reason, she didn't want to put on one of her MANY dress-up dresses. She sat back and watched as everyone had fun at HER party. After everyone left, she decided to put on a dress.

Monday, December 7, 2009


This year, both the girls wanted to be pirates!!! I have to admit that i was not too excited! I am not a big fan of skulls and cross bones, but when i found these costumes i thougth they were really cute and of course, I had the 2 cutest pirates ever.

Fall Pictures

WOW! It has been a long time since I have updated my blog!! Since my last post, Avery has turned 3, Hannah started 1st grade, we have spent countless hours laughing, spending time together as a family, and enjoying all the adventures and experiences that having two little princesses brings. I had the cutest little pirates for Halloween (pics will be posted soon) and we had a FABULOUS time when we had Gramma and Grandpa Carroll, and Unlce Ben and Alyssa come to our house for Thanksgiving!!!
A few weeks ago we had some pictures taken of the girls. I LOVE them and wanted to share them with you!!