Monday, May 4, 2009

No More Diapers!

I can proudly say that we are diaper free in the Sammons home. Avery has successfully mastered the art of going to the potty. It only took 2 or 3 days and she got the hang of it. We are so proud of her. Hannah thinks it is so cool too! I think she is more worried about her having "an accident" then Justin and I are. Hannah is CONSTANTLY asking Avery " do you have to go the potty?" if the answer is YES! then Hannah practically yells "hurry avery, RUN to the potty" Such drama!!! I can't believe that my little one is old enough to be potty trained. I am excited but a little sad too.

Friday, May 1, 2009


Easter was ALOT of fun this year. We were in Mississippi for Easter with Daniel's family. My mom went all out for Easter loading up on candy and little basket stuffers and a pinata. Getting everyone all dressed and ready for church was a fun experience and everyone looked so nice.

from L to R Olivia, Bekah, Avery, Alizabeth, Hannah and Wesley
What a nice looking bunch.

After church the kids were really excited to hunt for eggs! After a short dance party in the garage with Gramma while the Easter Bunny was hiding the eggs, we let the kids roam the yard to find the eggs.
Then it was time for the Pinata. Avery and Hannah had a blast whacking the pinata and trying to bust it open. Avery did a great job and Hannah was the first one to bust a hole in it.

After all the festivities we went inside to eat some candy and prepare the yummy Easter feast.

Mississippi Trip

The girls and I took a road trip to Mississippi for Spring Break. The 9 1/2 hour drive went relatively well. The girls stayed busy coloring and watching movie. Thank Heavens for a DVD player in the van!
Daniel (my brother from Uath) also drove his family to Mississippi. We haven't seen eachother since 2006 so it was a fun reunion. The kids LOVED playing together! We met Daniel's family in Memphis with plans to go to the zoo. It turned out to be FREEZING and WINDY as you can see from the picture. Avery isn't in the pic because she was holding onto my leg crying that she was "blowing away"
Hannah and Alizabeth. They were inseperable!

Avery and Olivia. The were sweet little buddies,

That night we ate at a yummy BBQ place in Memphis! The food was great but being together was even better! I wished we lived closer to our cousins so the kids could grow up together and play together.

Hannah, Avery and Alizabeth waiting to eat.

Daniel, Hannah and Alizabeth having a water drinking contest.

Grandpa and Olivia