Monday, December 15, 2008

Christmas Card pics

A good friend of mine was willing to take pictures of the girls for our Christmas card this year. I know that most of you will be getting a Christmas card but I wanted to post some of the pics for your enjoyment because they all turned out so well. (Thank you Blanca)

I didn't post the picture we chose for the Christmas card so you will just have to wait to get it in the mail.
Merry Christmas to all of you!!!

Ward Christmas Party

We had our annual church Christmas party on Saturday. We had a lot of fun visiting with friends, eating good food and watching the kids have fun. Of course Santa made an appearance and all the kids were so excited! Hannah and Avery sat on his lap and got a small goodie bag!! I love this time of year!When we got home the girls wanted to see our snowman in the front yard and I thought they looked super cute.

Passing of the Cans

Hannah's school has a tradition called Passing of the Cans. For a month the school collects food items to donate to an organization that feeds the poor. Friday was the actual "passing of the cans" All the food is placed on tables outside.

Then all the kids are lined up in two lines from the food tables to the school and one by one the cans are passed from child to child until they reach the school where each item is counted and put into boxes. Avery and I went to help out and it was a great experience. It was FREEZING outside but the kids didn't complain at all...they just passed those cans for an hour and a half.

I am proud to say that 1,914 items were collected, "passed" and donated by the kids at Hannah's school.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree...

We had such a fun time putting up our tree last week. Once the tree goes up the excitement can be felt through the house that Christmas is almost here!!! Hannah LOVES turning on the tree lights and that is usually the first thing she does in the morning. Avery is amazed by the lights and decorations and has totally suprised me by NOT touching them. She will look at the tree but hasen't tried to take anything off of it! I love this time of year. I love the sights, smells and spirit that we experience at this time of year.

Preparing for the feast

A few days before Hannah's Thanksgiving feast, I spent several hours in her classroom helping the kids with the preperations. I was in charge of helping the kids make placemats. Other parents helped them make bonnets and top hats, pasta necklaces, and art work using Indian symbols. It was a lot of fun. I am thankful that I get to bring Avery with me when I volunteer. The kids LOVE it when she is there and I think she really likes the attention.
Hannah and Brandon sporting their new hats.

Avery making her necklace.

Hannah and Avery with their new necklaces.

The Thanksgiving Feast

Hannah's kindergarten class had their very own feast. It was wonderful. They had the real deal..turkey, stuffing, greenbean casserole, sweet potatoe pie, rolls, corn, and several desserts. One mom even made an amazing "turkey" centerpiece. Lots of parents, grandparents and siblings were in attendance so it was very special. Each child got to say what they were thankful for and Hannah said she was thankful for her family. :) The kids had made bonnets and top hats and beaded necklaces (out of pasta) and wore them to the feast.

The whole class with their hats on.

Sitting at the table getting ready to eat.

The beautiful centerpiece.