Friday, September 9, 2011

Avery Lost A Tooth

Last night Avery was brushing her teeth and she said that one of her teeth was bothering her. I of course asked her which one and asked to look at it to see if I could see anything. We were both suprised to discover that her tooth was loose. It wasn't just a little bit loose was VERY loose. She was SO excited!! She began to run around the house and excitedly tell her daddy and sister the whole story. So this afternoon after school her and I were in a store and she was talking to me. As i looked down at her to listen to what she was saying, i could see that little tooth just wobbling around in her mouth while she talked. It was almost out! So we came home and it one little tug, out popped this tiny little tooth!
I can't believe it! Isn't she too young? She just turned 5 about 3 weeks ago. I heard that if they get teeth early, they will lose them early. She got her first 2 teeth a week before she turned 4 months old.
She is very excited for the tooth fairy to come tonight.

PS. We discovered that her other little bottom tooth is loose.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Avery starts Kindergarten AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!

I can't believe that my little girl is now in school. All summer long she has been SO excited!!! We did all the school shopping and filled her backpack and it sat by the couch for about a week. Everyday she asked "Mommy, do I go today?" So the night before they were in bed early and I said "tomorrow is your first day of school" and Avery started screaming and laughing and jumping on the bed. Me, on the other hand was sick to my stomach. I was not ready for her to be gone all day. I tried my best to hide my emotions. I was excited for her, but sad for me :(

They girls share a room and so they set their alarm clock and they woke up at 6:50. They both walk into our bedroom with bedhead and sleepy eyes! We got ready and Justin and I took them to school. Hannah is a big 3rd grader and wanted to walk to class by herself, so Justin and I waslked Avery to her class. Her teacher is wonderful and Avery walked right on in. She found her cubby and they went to a table to color her name card.
She looked so small in that big classroom and my emotions got the best of me. I began to cry but tried my hardest to stop the flow of tears. I didn't want Avery to see me and get upset. When she looked up and me and saw that i was crying I told her it was my allergies. :) We said our "see ya laters" and walked out of her classroom and I lost it. Im glad Justin was there to be with me. I couldn't ask for a better school for my girls to go to. They have the best teachers and I know they are safe and loved.

GO Gamecocks!!!!

We are HUGE Gamecocks fans around here! Any chance we get to dress up in our gamecocks attire we do it!! We took the girls to an event and they were able to get their pics taken with the USC cheerleaders! SO CUTE!

Hannah wants to cheer for USC when she gets older so this was extra exciting for her.

Hannah is 8

On April 29th My little girl turned 8!!! she is such a wonderful, sweet, smart, senstive, cuddly little girl. I am so proud of her!!! 8 is a big birthday because she is able to get baptized! She has been looking forward to this for a long time. She had a little baptizm workbook that she faithfully worked in. She asked lots of questions and we did alot of talking. In the end she decided that she did want to be baptized!!! I am so happy that her daddy is a worthy priesthood holder and he could be the one to baptize her. It was a such a sweet and tender moment. I LOVe you Hannah

Hannah is 8

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Happy Valentines Day

Justin is one lucky guy! He has 3 special Valentines! Of course there is ME! I am so thankful that he is my man. I love him so much and I couldn't ask for a better hubby and daddy to my sweet girls. He also has 2 other little Valentines, Hannah and Avery. When Hannah was young he started a tradition of getting her something little for Valentines Day. When Avery joined our family she was included too. SO, every year the girls anxiously wait for their special gifts from their Valentine: Daddy.
WEll this year he got them huge teddy bears, a HUGE chocolate bar and some gum. They were so thrilled and showered him with "thank yous" and " I LOVE you's"

Here is what Hannah wrote to him in her little Valentines note.

"Dear Daddy,
Thank You for the teddy bear gum and HUGE chocolate bar. Tootsie (her bears name) is very happy here. I Love you. Youre the BEST. Even though you are blad you are still cute. you can make me smile. Am i your favorite person?
Answer _____________________________________________________

Happy Valintines Day

That says it all!

Happy Valentines Day Sweetie!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


For any of you who have little girls, I am sure you are familiar with the store, Claire's. Hannah and Avery LOVE to go there and look at the jewelry, earrings, stuffed animals and other little trinkets. Both of them save their money to buy stuff at Claire's. It is fair to say that we frequent this store. For the last few months, everytime we are in Claire's I ask Avery if she wants to get her ears pierced. Hannah was 5 when she got hers done and we were planning on waiting till Avery was 5 too, but I knew she is a little more tenative about these kind of things so I started asking early. Each time I asked I would get some sort of reason/excuse why not. "not today mom, i need to blow my nose" or "maybe when i am 7 like Hannah" I want it to be her decision so I would just say OK and we would continue shopping.
Well, on Thursday morning, I was getting Hannah ready for school and she wanted me to change her earrings. AS I was changing them, I asked Avery again, if she wanted to get her ears pierced and this time she said YES!!! I was shocked, Hannahw as SOOOOO excited and we made a date for that afternoon after school to get it done. Well, because if staffing issues at Claire's we waited till Saturday.
She was all smiles while getting her ears cleaned and marked with the purple marker.

During the actual piercing she made a very pitiful face but within a few seconds she was all SMILES.

She loves her new earrings.