October 31, 2007

Domincan here we come!

I am so excited because tommorow night Hank and I are leaving for the Dominican Republic. I am a little nervous because Hurricane Noel just went through the D.R. but hopefully we will still be able to have a good time and do some good for the people of the Dominican Republic. I am so excited to help all the women and children and know it will be a life changing experience. We keep joking that we will get too attached and come home with a child. Well I will miss you all and will come back with lots of pictures to post.

October 15, 2007

St. George Weekend

This past weekend some of my girlfriends, Hank, and I headed down to St. George to get away on a weekend whim! The sisters and all their kids were down there as well so we had a great time. Probably the highlight of the trip was going on a run with my sisters and living vicariously through Emmie picking out cute dance dress-ups from the garage sale across the street, the whole time wishing I could fit into them. However, I was able to secure Hank and I's Halloween costumes and they are great (pictures to follow after Halloween). We had a good time and Hank was definately a trooper as he toted us girls around and even survived the ride there and back with the three of us. Thats why we love him! I love St. George and can't wait to go back, the weather was beautiful and we escaped the rain!

October 11, 2007

My love hate relationship with my job!

So as most of you know I complain about my job, mostly the horrible commute, but also about the long hours, the sometimes boring days, and once again that DRIVE! However, the other day I realized I have a love/hate relationship with my job! Despite the complaints I love so many aspects of my job (working for a football team has its perks) and probably won't leave anytime soon! I talk about leaving but when it comes down for it, I realize deep down I dont want to go. Monday I took the day off after my surgery and as I was home for the day I started realizing how much time I would have on my hands if didn't have to slave away everyday in Corporate America! So I thought I would make a little list of things I would do on my perfect day at home with all the time to myself (obviously I have no children or this list would be really different, I would probably actually be glad for the break to go to work)!

- Sleep in past the hour of 5 A.M.
- Be able to get a good workout or a long run in without it being pitch black outside!
-Make a good real breakfast and actually sit down at the kitchen table
-Not drive anywhere during rush hour traffic
-Actually be able to go outside and enjoy real sunlight oposed to wearing three coats in an airconditioned building when it is 80 degrees outside.
-Hang out with my sisters (I am always so jealous when they call and they are all hanging out and I can't)
-Meet my husband for lunch
-Go for a bike ride along the Provo River Trail
- Make friends with my neighbors (since I am never home to do that)
-Actually make a home cooked meal for Hank and I!
-Cuddle up on the couch and watch one of the many shows that I am addicted to
- Go to bed at a decent time

I am sure the list could go on and on but this will have to do for now, oh the things I could do if I didn't work full-time.

October 9, 2007

I Obviously have no shame!

So I have no shame that i am putting these pictures up on the blog, but I thought you could all enjoy it and have a little laugh at my expense. These pictures were taken right after my surgery when I was still coming out of anesthesia so I was feeling pretty good at this point! I had surgery on Friday afternoon and it was pretty rough, however, I hoping it will all be worth it and i won't be sick anymore! Hank was a great mister mom and took care of me for 4 days straight, I don't what I would have done without him. Thank you to everyone who came and visited me, brought me yummy drinks, and those gossip magazines I love (they are even better on pain meds)! You are lucky that I refrained Hank from taking pictures at my post op when more blood was pouring out of my nose and mouth then I thought possible!( Dr. Judd I am sure you would have enjoyed them). Anyhoo I survived and I am back in bussiness, I love you all!