Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Peanut Butter Pumpkin Treats!

My friends, Hanna and Jasmine, sent us a gift last month. It included a pink paw print ribbon, dog bone shaped sprinkles, and a dog bone shaped cookie cutter. I used the cookie cutter to make peanut butter pumpkin cookies for me and I gave some to Casper D Dog when he took me on a shopping date last weekend.

Here are the ingredients. Pretty simple. Even a dog like me can bake simple cookies like these.

Mom, I can't reach the counter!

She said I could sample the peanut butter:

The cookies are ready for baking:

I parked myself next to the stove in the dark, waiting patiently for them to bake. I am a smartypants. I absolutely KNEW the cookies were for ME!

All done!
I am the taste tester:

I spied more cookies on the table and willed them to come to me, but it did not work. Hmphf.

My Mom said the whole house smelled wonderful with yummy cookies baking, so of course she and my Dad and Grandpa tasted my cookies. Grandpa said he wouldn't lie and said they weren't the best cookies he's tasted.
Here is a close up of the dog bone shaped sprinkles. Mom says she will use them for my barkday but has been a bit unclear whether she will use them on a cake for me or on a cake for her. I think she must be teasing me.

And this is the paw print ribbon. Mom says she will try to make me a new necklace for my barkday!
And last but not least, this is a video of me mumbling and grumbling because I know cookies are on the table. I was saying "Someone get those cookies moving and into my tummy!" To get the best viewing experience of this 30 second video, you need to have your volume turned on.

Thanks, Hanna and Jasmine! The cookies were fun to bake and eat! And thank you for the bone shaped sprinkles and paw print ribbon.... I gotta get my Mom to start thinking about my barkday. She keeps saying she has too much on her mind and might forget!

p.s. Here is the recipe:



Prep Time: 15 Minutes
Cook Time: 40 Minutes
Ready In: 1 Hour 40 Minutes
Yields: 25 servings


2 1/2 cups whole wheat flour
2 eggs
1/2 cup canned pumpkin
2 tablespoons peanut butter
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon


1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).

2. Whisk together the flour, eggs, pumpkin, peanut butter, salt, and cinnamon in a bowl. Add water as needed to help make the dough workable, but the dough should be dry and stiff. Roll the dough into a 1/2-inch-thick roll. Cut into 1/2-inch pieces.

3. Bake in preheated oven until hard, about 40 minutes.

(I thought I read the treats are perishable, probably because of the pumpkin, so refrigerate the main portion while you dole out the daily portions.)

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Thank you, Siku Marie!

I have been backlogged so I am finally now just posting about a present I received in December from my good friend, Siku Marie! Thank you Siku!

Do you see my tongue poking out in this photo? I wish computers could be scented so you could smell and taste how absolutely DELICIOUS this bone is!!! It has a yummy fish smell to it!

Mom, can we stop with the photos? I'd like to unwrap this deliciously scented bone! Oh everyone, take a look at Siku's handmade card. My Mom and I love handmade things. Siku's Mom is very creative by making their greeting cards. Siku's Mom is a wonderful artist!

Siku, thank you for the lovely scented and tasty gift!

Thursday, January 08, 2009

New Kid on the Block

I made a new dog friend this week. His name is Teddy Bear and starting January 1st he started a new dog blog! Teddy Bear lives in California so there is a chance that we might be able to meet up with him and his family someday.

Remember how much fun it was to get your first comments on your dog blog? Please give Teddy Bear a warm greeting to welcome him to the Dog Blogging world! Here is his web site link!

By the way, Teddy Bear, I really like your pink nose!

I have a lot more to bark about, but it will have to wait. I know there are many of you waiting for the peanut butter pumpkin cookie recipe! And I want to show you the present I received from Siku!

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Raining Eskies on Our Date

On Saturday, Casper D Dog took me on a date for coffee, lunch, and shopping at the Stanford Shopping Mall. Our Moms acted as chaperones. While we were there, we ran into a whole slew of Eskies -- 6 of them! It was raining eskies on our date!!! Of course, I wasn't going to let any of them steal Casper away from me so I barked at them to keep away, plus Casper's health issues warrant keeping strange doggies at bay, so I did my job and guarded him.

Here is a pic of me on the lookout for other doggies! Casper is being his joyful self, posing for the camera.

We lunched at the California Pizza Kitchen. Casper's Mom hand fed us some bread but we also ate hand fed kibble for lunch and doggie peanut butter pumpkin cookies my Mom made. More about the cookies in future post.

Casper is a regular customer at the shopping mall. This particular mall lets doggies INSIDE the stores! Here we are at Bloomingdale's SHOE department.

While we were out and about, we ran into this threesome! And after barking a bit at them, we realized we knew them! Winston, Jasmine, and Juneau are from the Yahoo PeskiPix group!

Of course we had to commemorate the occasion with a group photo!

Our date winded down and Casper hopped into his eskiemobile. Naturally I wanted to follow and did just that!
Check out Casper D Dog's blog for more info about our date!

Sunday, January 04, 2009

Magazines Up For Grabs

Update: The magazines have all been taken. I'm sorry we didn't have enough to go around.

This is Hana's Mom here.

Long story short, I have some pre-paid magazines up for grabs. The subscription has already been paid for and need new homes. If anyone would like these subscriptions, let me know by sending an email to [email address has been removed from this post]. (this is my JUNK mail account. I'm not posting my regular email account here because the whole world can read this post)

Send me an email with the name and mailing address. If you want, you can use a fake name. Identify which magazine you are interested in. USA addresses only.

The magazines have approx 9-10 months left on them. I think some are weekly and some are monthly.

Business Week
Fast Company