Friday, February 29, 2008

Casper's 6th Barkday Pawty and Eskie-palooza!

Casper D Dog is having a 6th Barkday Pawty on Sunday and there will be 6 eskies there and 1 shih tzu! We are gonna have fun! There was a special request for Pupcakes so my Mom is gonna make those for us! Whoo hoo!! I told Copper that if he comes out this way on his way to the North Pole to rescue Hershey, to stop by and join us. Also, JB's parents are coming out this way this weekend, but unfortunately they will be too busy to join us. Well, there's always next time!

By the way, here is the recipe for the Pupcakes. I know some of you asked about them earlier. My mom tried to send the recipe to every dog who asked about them. But, she finally managed a way to put the document on the web for everydog to access themselves. Here is it. Just click on it and you should be taken to the document!

Friday, February 22, 2008

Lookie What I Got!!!

Hi Everydog and GirlGirl and JB! Look what we got in the mail! My Mom ordered some custom made items from Casper D Dog's Casper 'N Caboodle web site. Look how cool this stuff is!!

I got a new dog car and thought I should have a license plate frame that says something about Eskies. What da ya think?

And, my Mom was tired of her old mouse pad so she sent a bunch of her absolute favorite photos of
Yours Truly to Casper's Mom and asked her to make a new Hana the Dog Mousepad, and VOILA! Look at MEEEE! Mom gets to see this everyday at work. It gives her a bit of joy and a smile in a yucky work place.
And, my Mom's coworker likes cats. He had one kitty named Jemimah who passed away a couple years ago. She was ancient, like
19 years old. Later he got a new cat which he named Betty. My mom's coworker got a big promotion and she wanted to get him something for his office, something special but something he could actually use. And VOILA, Casper D Dog's Mom made this mousepad of his cats!

And last but not least, you all know my Mom makes ribbon necklaces, right? Well, her friend had bought a bunch of them and put them on her dogs. See this photo below? Casper D Dog's Mom took these 7 indoor eskies OUTSIDE! She's a magician!!!!


Whoo hoo! My mom was so excited to get all these things in the mail!!!! (She doesn't get much fun mail.) If any of you are interested in some custom made items or ready made items with existing dog designs, you should check out Casper's Caboodle web site

(oh, and this is Casper's Blog

His Mom takes custom orders and she does a great job! You can have your pictures put on t-shirts, mugs, magnets, stickers, cards, pins, and so much more! They make great personalized gifts!
If you do want to order a custom item, write Casper's Mom at Casper's blog so that she can work one-on-one with you on your item!

Hee hee, my Mom is so giddy she finally got fun stuff in the mail! Now she knows what it's like to be ME!

Friday, February 15, 2008

My Friend JB (Jelly Bean) is Going to Make Me Famous Again

Hey everydog and Girl Girl! I made a new friend a few months ago. Her name is JB. JB stands for Jelly Bean and she lives in Texas and she has a Big World and a Small World blog, and I have to confess I really like her cool Big World blog. She has lots of animal friends and today she showcased yours truly and the eskie breed on her bloggy! I'm going to be famous again! Hmmm, I can't remember why I was famous before. Do any of you remember?

Anyhow, I am posting these photos for JB. She collects animal photos. I hope she likes them! My parents took them at the zoo last weekend. They had lots of fun there. I wish I could have gone because would have liked to have made new animal friends.

Oh, one last thing before I present my animal picture show. I have a secret to tell. JB is a cat! Yes, I am finally admitting it. I made friends with a C-A-T. Please go visit her bloggy because I think you will like her too. Casper D Dog and Copper have already paid her a visit!

These are Valentine's Day Flamingos, at least I think they are because they are pink.

I don't know what's going on here, but are they Valentine's Day Baboons because they're pink too?

This is a big cat! Look at his beautiful mane.

Here is a girl cat. I think she is bigger than JB.
I wonder if JB will like this photo.

I love giraffes. They look so elegant. They are my favorite animals at the local zoo, next to the meerkats.

Here's something very interesting about the giraffes. Did you know they have FOUR STOMACHS?? I wish I had FOUR STOMACHS so that maybe my parents would feed me more. What do you think?

Thanks for viewing my picture show and don't forget to visit my friend Jelly Bean! Oh, and in case any of you forgot, she SHOWCASED ME ON HER BLOGGY! It feels like I won Best in Show at Westminster! Ahhhh, the fame.....

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Isis is So Sweet!!!! Look at the Singing Barkday Presents She Sent Me!

Lookie what Isis sent me for my 8th Barkday! She sent me 3 stuffies! Whoo hoo! I love stuffies. How did Isis know I love stuffies? She must be psychic. Thank you Isis! You are the sweetest eskie ever! I love my new toys, but I'm suspicious of the singing stuffie....

I am going to show a LOT of pictures and video so it can be like you were there when I opened up my Barkday present!

Sniff... the box came from only 30 miles away. Boy, it sure arrived quickly!

Let's get this opened, Mom!

This is SO exciting! I smell stuffies!

Wait a sec! Where is the pink candle that I noticed earlier? Mom, did you take it? It's for me, ya know, not for you. Wow, this blue loofa dog sure is long... it's twice as long than the average loofa!! Whoo hoo!!!

Hm? What's this? Smells interesting. I don't think it's a stuffie though.

Here I am prancing around with my brand new toys!! Whoo hoo!

Mr. Hedgehog, I'm gonna roll you down the stairs later! Ha!

I'm 8 years old, but this cake has only 6 candles... but that's A-ok (where "A" = American Eskimo)!

I'm gonna get ya Mr. Blue Loofa!

Mom wanted me to pose nicely with the toys Isis sent, but it was hard to resist putting the toys in my mouth. Oh so tempting....

Ok Mom, take your picture so I can be done with posing and then play with my stuffies!

Watch the first 6 seconds of this video. You'll see me do a really cute head tilt when the stuffie starts to sing to me! I was surprised, to say the least!

This video is similar to the above one where I am barking at my new toys!

At the end of this short video, you'll see me give my Mom a weird stare. Why does she always have that camera with her?

Thank you, Isis! You're the bestest eskie friend ever!!!!

Monday, February 11, 2008

Don't Forget

Click on these links to USA network and CNBC network.

Live Telecast: Monday, Feb 11 (8-9 PM Live ET) on USA Network
Continuing Live Telecast: Monday, Feb 11 (9-11 PM Live ET) on CNBC

Live Telecast: Tuesday, Feb 12 (8-11 PM Live ET) on USA Network

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

My 8th Barkday and "Pupcake Eating Contest"

Edited: Uh oh. My mom is not too smart. She told me tomorrow is my barkday... But, I just checked the calendar. TODAY IS MY BARKDAY!!! Not tomorrow! Some Mom I've got. She doesn't even know what day of the week today is!


I am turning a big 8 years old tomorrow today. We celebrated my barkday with my niece Happy, on Superbowl Sunday and had a Pupcake eating contest. I had a fun day with Happy, even though we didn't interact that much together, but Mom says it is good to have dog-company.

Here my Mom was gathering all the ingredients for my special Pupcake. It included Gerber's beef baby food!

And here they are after baking and being frosted with my favorite, cottage cheese! And, the doggie bone sprinkles are pretty darn cute!

(by the way, she made 5 Pupcakes. We ate 2 already and still have 3 left!! Yay! More for me!)

Here we are on my carride to visit Happy so we can celebrate my barkday:

Happy, what are you doing down there? Come up here to celebrate with me!

It's my barkday celebration. Does that mean I can have some pizza, please? You're on a low carb diet, so I could eat the crust for you.

This is Happy's favorite spot where she gets lots of pets from her dad.

I thought I should try out that spot, afterall, it IS my Barkday, isn't it?:

Superbowl Halftime! This is when we get to have the Pupcakes!

Yum! Don't they look good?!

The frenzy begins!

My Mom says that you all know what would happen if the Pupcakes were left intact in whole pieces, so she cut them up....

(There is a video of us woofing down the pupcakes at the end of this post.)

Happy wants MORE:

For some reason my Uncle thought I should get a Barkday brushing:

We went to my Grandma's house after the celebration. I was dog-tired by the end of the day, but I had a good time on my special day.

Here are the videos.

This is where the Pupcake frenzy continues and we scarf down the pupcakes during our Pupcake Eating Contest! They were yummy! We actually split one pupcake during Superbowl halftime. But later, Mom gave us the other pupcake to share, so by the end of the day, we each got a whole pupcake to ourselves!
====>(Click image below to view video)

This is when Happy and I played chase. I am the chaser and Happy is the chasee. This is always the case. My mom says this is a cute video because Happy takes off down the hall, and I follow suit (even though I pretended to be interested in the basket of toys):
====> (Click image below to view video)

Well, that was my Barkday. Hope you enjoyed the photos!

Hana the Dog

p.s. If anyone wants the Word Document for the recipe to the Pupcakes, let my Mom know. She can email it to you. It looks like this:

She modified the recipe when she made the pupcakes and only used half the ingredients to make the 5 pupcakes. The recipe above is unmodified.