Sunday, January 28, 2007

Noses and Ribbons, by Luna

I have an eskie friend named Luna, and she has a brother named Loki. Luna is a guest on my blog today. The following photos were taken by Luna and Loki's family. This is what Luna has to say:

Here's a close up of Loki's nose. It's very black even though it's the middle of Winter:

I (Luna) seem to have a case of snow nose. Or at the very least, my nose just isn't as black as Loki's nose is:

But I (Luna) don't really care because Mommy just made me this pretty ribbon necklace:

See, Loki's jealous of my necklace!

Everydog, doesn't Luna look pretty in her fashionable necklace? This is so neat that everydog is now making ribbon necklaces! (instructions here) I learned from Luna that pink and brown colors are "in." She is so fashion conscious, so hip and trendy and young. She did a great job coordinating her ribbon colors, don't ya think? Now that a young dog is sporting ribbon necklaces, I just know that ribbon necklaces are going to be the next "in" thing this year!

I think the sister and brother team should start a blog of their own so they can tell everydog about their dogventures!! Who agrees with me? :-)

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H E L P !!!

I am wondering if anydog can help Ronak find out more about this green toy. Ronak is very attached to this toy, but it's really starting to show its wear. His Big Sis has had to take it to the hospital for fixing up on more than one occassion, and she had to amputate a rope that used to be on one end of it. It's about to go kaput, but it's Ronak's absolute favorite toy, so Big Sis wants to replace it for him or find similar toys by the maker, but she doesn't know the brand or where to get it! Has anyone seen this toy before? There is a big red Q on it. And it has a squeaker in the toy. We have seen other toys with Qs on it, like the Kong Air Q Tease toys, but nothing quite like "Kermie"... that's what Ronak calls it. Is it a Kong Air Q Tease toy? Can any dog help?


Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Pool Party!!!

Casper has been feeling well lately, so we decided it was time for a POOL PARTY!!! We even had a visitor join us, but not for long as you will see.

Hana: Why is this water bowl so enormous?

Hana: Hey Casper!! I dare you to jump into the giant water bowl!!

Casper: No way, Hana! But, I double dare you to jump in!

Hana: Casper, you’re chicken, aren’t you?! Well, there’s NO WAY NO HOW I’m jumping in the giant water bowl either!!! But I know who’s NOT chicken…..


Casper: Bye Sioba…. Sorry you can’t stay, but your mom doesn’t want you to catch a cold.

Sioba is a local eskie friend. No sooner than 2 minutes after he arrived, Sioba decided to jump into the pool!!! Our 3 Mommies were shocked! Now, that would have been a good picture. This was the first time Sioba went swimming!!! You should have seen our Mommies at the side of the pool, urging Sioba to swim towards them!! Fortunately Sioba is a natural born swimmer, whew!!... otherwise his Mommie was gonna jump into the pool to save him!

Here are more pictures taken at our pool party:

A difference in height.

Casper's BIG smile for the camera!

Smile for the puparazzi

Hurry!! The crazy ladies are coming to take MORE pictures! We gotta hide!

Hana’s ordeal with the leaf

You can read MORE about our pool party and see MORE PICTURES on Casper's Blog. He's got some nice close-up pics on his web site.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

A Sappy Sweet Love Story

My mom came across this sappy sweet story about a female and male cockatoo. It is titled "A Tale of Two Cockies: A Story of Love, Compassion, Friendship & Loyalty." The pictures are wonderful and the story is touching, according to my mom. I personally think it is a little sappy (hmm, did I already say that?), but dogs like Copper who want a girlfriend will LOVE this story. (um, okay, so I did enjoy the story, but I'm not one to settle down like that)

Oh, on the first page of the story, there is a picture of the two cockatoos that is not for younger pups eyes, so beware!

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Pet Survey

My mom saw this survey on one of the local news stations web site. It is a people survey, so go get your person so they can see it. It asks:

What do you consider your relationship to be with your pet?
Owner or
Guardian or

My mom's answer was "Parent." What did your person answer? Results of the news station online survey is here.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007


Hershey told me something very important!! Wowie Zowie, you dogs won't believe it! Hershey said I AM FAMOUS! Here's the proof:

Go to the Craftzine web site. This web site has a link to my bloggy. The pic on the left is of Casper, but at least it shows me checking out the spools of ribbon on the right. I guess somedog thought my necklace tutorial was pretty crafty and I deserved to be famous! (Thanks Zach! I think you had a paw in this.)

Here is a screenshot of the page that is making me famous:

If Hershey hadn't found this and told me I was famous, then I wouldn't know I was FAMOUS! It's better to KNOW that you're famous, than to have everyone else know it but you, right? Thanks Hershey!!!


Tuesday, January 09, 2007

New Year's Revolutions

I've been triple tagged by Ivy, Isabella, and Kevin to come up with my new year's revolu... revolu-what? Rev-oh-lou-shins. Hmpf. What's a revohloushin? My mom says that word isn't in my vocabulary. She says I don't do revohloushins, ah hem, resolutions, because either she would be against it, or I wouldn't be able to keep the revohloushin. Guess I will never know.

Hey Zach, have you ever seen this? Kevin the Collie got some reindeer biscuits... well, he says they are shaped like reindeer but are not made of reindeer. They do look kinda cute.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Ivy's Game Zone

I was so excited at the prospect of possibly being FAMOUS that I forgot to post a link to Ivy's Game Zone on the Dogs with Blogs site. Right now you can play:
Matching Game
Skwerrel Elimination
Ivy Kapers

My mom hasn't figured out Skwerrel Elimination, but she loves the Matching Game and Ivy Kapers! Randy is the bestest!

Friday, January 05, 2007

I'm Gonna Be Famous....

...I hope. Ivy's Randy is setting up a matching game. He said we could submit pictures to include. I'm crossing my eyes and paws hoping he'll pick me. This picture is the one I'm submitting. Hopefully it's clear enough to use. Ivy's got the best dad who makes games!

Monday, January 01, 2007

Craft Ideas

I want to introduce my eskie friend, Gypsy. Gypsy's mom bought her a festive collar for the holidays. Doesn't she look pretty? I think my mom is going to order me some festive collars so I can look pretty too. She played around on the store's web site and thinks you can order up to 6 collars and still just pay the $7.50 shipping and handling.

My mom was at a real store and saw some really cute crafty cards. They are 3D cards so the subject is raised. The cards, in dog, are awesome! The pictures didn't turn out too well though, but we are posting them anyways so that the crafty dogs out there that make their own greeting cards can get ideas from these. There are more cards on the store's web site.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.