Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Delight #2, DREW

Who gave Drew the licorice?
Drew's getting big. Case and point.

Drew met Sully, if only they knew their future destiny of BFF's and future college roommates

8 Months!
Drew, Drewby (all of us), Big D (Mom, Dad & Grandpa Hamblin), Drew Drew (Max, Nana), Drewy Cat (Rosie...who else?), Baby Drew (Lizzy, our cousin Emily & the rest of us),
Drewy or Drewy Drew (Lizzy, Rosie, Mom).
No matter how you say it, Drew is our Delight for sure. Can you tell we absolutely love this baby? As for his new 8 month old tricks: 1- he has a sweet tooth, and that is about it. He still doesn't care for baby food, but will put up a good fight for a little lick of licorice (of course, I as his mother would never ever let him taste anything with sugar in it, never). 2- He says Uh-Oh regularly and means it. 3- Drew is also working on his waving skills, he waves at himself mostly, which we all find hilarious. Baby D is the life of the party, and we love having him around.

February's Delights

Delight Number One- SNOW!

Ski School
Skiing with the Family

I love where I live! I love the beautiful white fluffy snow that falls this time of year. February was a fun month for us, full of playing in the snow. The girls both had ski school, and loved it. Since when was "snow plow" now called "pizza slice"? I'm now feeling old, like when my Grandma calls flip flops a name meaning undergarments, like that kind of old. In any case, one delight of February was enjoying our winter wonderland, now, when will it be spring?

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

In A Whirl

Jolly Old Saint Nick was the star this year (and enjoyed dining on wrapping paper)! Max couldn't wait for Santa to come, Rosie would rather hold Baby D than play or open presents, Lizzy was most excited about a book given to her at a family party, and yes, I love the matching pj's. Any questions? Good.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Must Be Santa

6 Months!
29 Inches
20 1/2 Pounds
6 Teeth
Smiles, Coos, Babbles, Rolls Over, Sits Up, Giggles, Eats Baby Food, Smiles, Smiles, Smiles.
Drewby is such a joy, words can not express how much we simply adore this good natured happy BIG boy. He is most defiantly our present this Christmas!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


SIX ways to celebrate:
6- Host a Holiday Baking Party with Friends, complete with Aprons and chefs hats.
5- Have a Beary Special Me week at School.
4- Host a Annual Gingerbread House Decorating Party with Family.
3- Pick the fanciest American Girl Doll (Rebecca) to open on your Birthday.
2- Go out to lunch with both of your parents (and baby Drew).
1- Finally, after waiting 2 years, get your ears pierced, and shed NO tears!
Happy 6th Rosie, you darling little curly haired charmer. How we love you! But, next year, I think we need to limit the parties to one...maybe two, but defiantly not three!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Super Max

Back on November 18th, our very own Superman turned 4! He has proven to be super at many things, here are just a few:

Super treat sneaker
Super fast runner
Super smart
Super mischievous
Super preschool goer
Super toy hider
Super big brother
Super screamer
Super friendly
Super enthusiastic
Super LOUD voice
We celebrated our supermax by becoming a family of pirates for a superfun all boy birthday party. I continue to be amazed at Max's "Go Big or Go Home" attitude for life and have appreciated his outgoing, fun nature (most days). During his fourth year of life, he has made some serious life decisions; he wants to pursuit a cage fighting career, while playing in the NBA and trying his hand at the half pipe. He is fun to be around, most of the time, and we get our workout in trying to keep up with him. Of all of my little kiddos, he tries my patience the most, but, then says the sweetest things (example, he told Kelly: "Daddy, I love your wife") to make up for his strong will. Happy Birthday to the Max, thank you for teaching me how to mother a son, for all of your sweet kisses and for sharing your vivid imagination with me.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Show & Tell




Have you seen Baby D lately? I have. In fact, he is taking all of my time, in a wonderful way. I do plan on updating this blog, this week, so stay tuned. In the mean time, please help me choose. These are a few of my favorite pictures of Drew's six month photo shoot (I know, 6 months!). I get to choose one to have enlarged on a stretched canvas. Which would you choose? Now, come on, don't be shy, I need your (you, you and you) input. Many thanks!