Wednesday, October 31, 2012


 afro-circus, afro, polka dot, polka dot,
polka dot afro!"

Starring- A Clown, Elephant & Strong Man.
Organized by- A Ring Master
Not complete without- Cotton Candy Concessions
Side Show- The Bearded Lady 

Halloween 2012

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Summer School, Part 2

Life is GOOD!  This summer I truly enjoyed spending time just hanging out with these four funny kids of ours.  For our vacations, we stayed in the state, loving all of the fun places we have so close to home.  To break in the new mini, we did take a "road trip" down south and have never had such a peaceful drive.  As I appreciated the beauty of the world around me, and saw that same appreciation reflect on the kids' faces, I realized that yes, Life is pretty Good.

Summer School, part 1

So I guess summer is officially over.  I'm sad.  We learned valuable lessons this summer.  My favorite was how to do a front (and back, for Rosie) flip into a swimming pool.  A very important lesson, all kids should learn and practice in my humble opinion.  The practicing turned out to be most entertaining.  I love being in the pool with my kids, it could very well be my favorite part of summer.  Stick around for more lessons learned in summer 2012.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

My Passion

Recently Phoebs and I rocked Scottsdale on a girls long, extended, whatever you want to call it, weekend.  The staff at the resort we stayed at are required to list their "passion" on their name badge.  We were fascinated by peoples' passions, my favorite being the friendly hostess at the restaurant who's passion was butterflies.  She wore butterfly hair clips, jewelry and even a butterfly belt.  One morning, Phoebe asked me what my passion was.  At that very moment, my passion was sitting by the pool, enjoying free drinks, sun soaking and spending time with the besty. Upon further reflection however, my passion is being a wife to Kel and a mother to my four children.  Being a mother is one of the greatest blessings in my life. I'm passionate about nurturing, caring for, entertaining, teaching, guiding and inspiring Lizzy, Rosie, Max and Drew. Being their Mom occupies my time, mind and energy. I can't think of a passion I'd rather have. Happy Mother's Day, especially to my sweet Mom, Mom-in-law and Grandmothers who have made my passion possible and have taught me so much about how to be a great Mom.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Time Best Spent

November 2011:
Kel- Maybe we should take the kids to Hawaii with us
Sar- Really?
Kel- I think it would be a blast!
Sar- It would, but.....what about laying on the beach all day reading......
Kel- They are growing up so fast, they are only young once, let's go enjoy them!
And ENJOY them we did! I never grew tired of watching them play together. I enjoyed beach time, hikes, sunrises, swimming and time with my parents and brother more than I ever thought I would. Kauai brought our family endless joy, Lizzy summed it up by commenting "Kauai is the coolest place I have ever been to in my life Mom". Way to call it Kel, you were right, again.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Hi, My Name is Sarah, {part 2}

Besides completely loving this guy, we also:
Had a summer for night games, they were thrilling. And may I just mention that no one ever found my super sneaky hiding place...nope, no one including Mr. Stealth himself.
We also worked hard on our diving skills....
still working.
Kelly & his partners built a new medical office, it's awesome. The process was long and at times extremely frustrating. But, in the end, his new office is should go check it out.
For their Grand Opening, the clinic hosted a successful Health Fair, complete with a 5k Run. Yes, local celebrities were there. Lizzy helped her Dad run his booth, and took her job very seriously.
We spent time enjoying our Beautiful Mountains.
It's safe to say, our kids are their mother's chagrin.

And of course, Summer would not be complete without a trip up north. Riding rides with our cousins proved to be a winner, again and again and again...

Coming soon, September.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Hi, My Name is Sarah

Dearest ones, I apologize for my lack of communication as of late. I regret to inform you that I have been otherwise engaged with the following:

Head Camp Counselor at Cousin Camp 2011

Enjoying my beautiful new niece, Lily

Hosting Best Best and Family for Park City, 2011

That was just July, stay tuned for August, September & October!