
Showing posts from October, 2008

The Rick

the thing about vanity plates is that i'm not interested in whatever you feel there is about you that you feel you must share with the general public. at least not while i'm stuck behind you in traffic during a sudden snowstorm in october. be it how solid your relationship is by putting both your initials on there, or your occupation, or you ego like "THE RICK", or you sense of humor. but today i was behind a plate that said "RAMRODN" driven by a man that was about 345 yrs old. what's he telling me?
There's been a shift in scenery this way. No more leaks, no more haunts. No more cheap ass rent. And I promise you that this stupid couch/bed will be turned to kindling if I move again. The thing is a beast and mauled me several times during our journey together. I'm going to be investing in furniture made of balsa and bubblewrap. My occupation has also turned, I no longer feel sick to my soul doing my job. In different news, today I traded in some useless and mediocre dvds for some horror movies. And with my store credit and various sales I got 4 of em for $6.66. Which makes this the third time this week that number has reared it's ugly head. 666 pieces of spam for a friend, and digging up old files at work dated 06/06/06. What to make of it all eh? this is just a preliminary post to see if i feel like continuing.