
Showing posts from December, 2005


This is one of the funniest ideas I've seen in a while. If'n I could swim I would be all about this. Aristocrats joke in card tricks (maybe this isn't work safe) Newscaster stung by a bee in the nether regions This is just not work safe. It's also kinda disturbing. I looked around at some of his other 'artwork' too. Weird guy. Some prankster and a toll booth .
whoa....can anyone explain to me what is happening in this video ? and is that james brown?

I'm Back!!! Sorta........

ok, so now that i've shed this dsl yoke and achieved the enlightenment that comes from having cable internet i simply don't have time to leave you anything worthy of consumption. so have a merry fuckin' christmas or something.


why do body fluids taste salty? of course, i don't know if all body fluids are salty.

comes around.....goes around

If I could have a moment I would like to direct your attention here . Now, you're probably wondering why I would be directing you to something so dated and 2 months ago. And you're probably hoping I will answer that for you. Well, you're in luck, because I'm going to. The reason is this....are you ready? Ok, the reason I bring it up is because one of these heathen bastards ran up and stole my side mirror today. Right off my car! As I was driving! What balls! What nerve! I was distracted by my driving (ie, looking ahead of me) when he snuck me from the side and took off with my mirror in leaps and bounds into the wood on the side of the road. well...that's all i have to say today.
i just found this picture....should be 50 bands in there. example, see that guy in front smashing pumpkins? hmmm.....ok, go here for a larger image, didn't realize it would get resized that much.
So I was surfing around looking for some Random Chuck Norris Facts. As far as I can tell, this guy 's got the most. For some reason, everyone else stops at 30. update: here are some more at this guy 's site.
so i was at my chiropractor this evening for a final hurrah and it occurred to me that she was spending a lot of time massaging and adjusting my back through my buttocks. now i don't know if this is common practice. she's done it the last few times i've gone. was this typical? was she wrong to have spent time there? was i wrong to have enjoyed it? was i wrong to have asked for a happy ending?

Damnit! There's no heat in my house......AGAIN!!!

This week it was once again brought sharply to my attention that I come from a different planet than those that share my cubicle filled world. As I gathered my pastas and meats and sauces into a paperish receptable in preparation for my daily feasting I made a quick decision to have lunch with some of my co-workers. It's not that I dislike those that share my lunch-time but sometimes I like to read instead spewing banalities back and forth. There's really only so much I can not say about weddings and bridal showers and dresses and such. You may have caught on to the skewed ratio of men to women....and while normally this would be considered a good thing (say if one was shallow and superficial.....), as far as I can tell there are only two attractive women there. This seems like it's an odd balance. I've always assumed that in any given group there would a certain percentage of people that are easy on the eyes and a certain percentage of people that make you taste l...