boy is my face red
so here are some embarassing moments in my life. when i was in college i had what some would call "really long fucking hair". it reached, at one point to about an inch above my knees. it was a bright and sunny day, music was trying desperately to blare through the static in my car. my money situtation was virtually non-existent. i lived by bartering nothing for free stuff at stores. (for some reason i was good at this). having no money resulted in having no air-conditioning. my father, being the cheap bastard he was, sold me his car sans everything. no tape-deck, no lighter, no AC....hell, if he could have saved a couple of bucks he would have opted for no rear-view mirror. point being, my air-conditioner was the rush of hot air breathed into my face from rolling down the window. now if you've ever had hair you know that air coming into the car will generally make a mess of your head. some girls i knew spent an enormous amount of hairspray and time to get their hair just ...