Thursday, May 17, 2012

Old Funnies..

So my work is still pretty entertaining.  I have many stories but I always forget to blog about them.  One that happened yesterday still has me laughing.  I went into the Alzheimer's unit to check on a room and there's a lady in there i will name Clara.  She and a lady that works here were talking and she asked Clara how old she was.  Clara said, "I'm thirty six."  the lady said,"Really Clara?  You're only thirty six?" Clara sat there for a minute and then said, "Well I think I'm thirty six but I've been lying about my age for so damn long I don't remember." haha  Clara is such a sweetheart and that made me laugh so hard.  Another story from the Alzheimer's unit is that there was a new lady moving in I will call Rita.  She is a fiesty little lady.  She had been living here for about a day and I went in to check and make sure she was doing ok.  She saw me and looked over at the CNA's and then back at me.  She then lit up and ran and gave me a huge hug and was saying stuff really loud like, "I'm so happy to see you again."  and all sorts of stuff then she pulled me to the corner and looked over her shoulder and then whispered in my ear "You've gotta get me outta here!!"  while I was having a hard time not laughing it was really sad at the same time.  I feel bad for the people who forget who and where they are.  So then we walked around and talked and when she was calm again I left her in her room.  Working in an assisted living home is definitely an eye opening experience and I love it!  We also have people who are just retired here and don't want to take care of a yard, but the fun stories come from the other units :)  Anyway that's all.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Valentines Day!

Happy Valentines Day everybody!! K I know I've been bragging lately about my hubby but I'm going to do it again because he is so freakin awesome! So yesterday we got up and went to our seperate work places. I got called down to the front desk, which happens all the time so I just thought somebody wanted to look at a room, but when I got down there the lady at the front desk said (somewhat sarcastically),"Looks like someone's husband loves them." There was a bouquet of red roses and a basket with a balloon, teddy bear, and chocolate covered strawberries mmmm. I then got a lot more crap from the ladies at the front desk (it was pretty funny). So I got home from work and I walk into the apartment and there are hershey kisses leading me to our room so I go in and found that the kisses formed a big heart and in the middle of it was a card and a chocolate rose. How cute is that? I have a winner for sure. I had made him a scavenger hunt before I went to work so hopefully he feels loved :). So then we went to the Grand America for dinner and when we sat down we both started laughing because we were so out of our league. There were multiple forks which I expected, but when there were three different sizes of butter knives that is when I get lost! So we decided to use what looked like the best option and if it wasn't right who cares, we sure don't. The food was yummy but for some reason high end restaurants just don't seem to give you enough food so we went to dairy queen for some blizzards after and then we watched a cute chick flick and went to bed. It was such a fun night! Has anyone else noticed the hating that goes on on valentines day? I noticed a lot of people saying how we should love our spouses everyday and not just that one day a year. Which I totally agree with, but I also think having an excuse to go all out one day a year makes it fun, kinda shakes it up a bit. Anyway thats all. Life is good.

Friday, December 9, 2011


I was just thinking about all the funny stuff that happened on our wedding day and remembering what an awesome day it was. I went over to Caleb's house early that morning so his sister Melissa could do my hair and when she finished I went to get into my car and could not find my keys anywhere! I had no idea where they were so Melissa helped me look and we found them locked inside my car sitting in the ignition...yeah I had no brain that day! I just started laughing and sweet Melissa drove me home so I could finish getting ready. Little things like that just kept happening all day, but it all ended up working out. My mother-in-law called a key guy while we were on our honeymoon. Luckily we didn't need my car for a few weeks. Really though my favorite part of the day was the ceremony. It was so sweet and both Caleb and I were crying and of course I can't cry without laughing at the same time. It was fun and sweet. After we were sealed I remember Caleb giving me a huge hug and I don't think I had ever felt that loved before, it was a great moment. Anyway life is awesome. I am blessed. My husband rocks my world. And when getting married, hold on to your keys. The end.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Old Funnies...

Even though I haven't blogged in forever and a day I am sure that most of you already know that I have a new job doing marketing for assisted living. Since working with old people is probably one of the funniest jobs on the planet I have decided to share the humor and start a new segment on my blog called 'Old Funnies'. I haven't worked in this field very long but I know that we belong together. I love awkwardly funny moments and those happen all the time here. This one happened a couple of nights ago and is pretty inappropriate but it is hilarious all the same. A new resident that I will call June (for the sake of hippa) had just moved in and I needed her picture so that we could have it on file. I went looking for her at her room and when I got to the hall where her room is I saw that she was walking in zigzags back and forth down the hall. I thought she was struggling to walk or that she was about to fall down or something so I asked her what she was doing and she told me, "I don't want to wear down the carpet." I tried not to laugh and said that she could walk straight and that if the carpet got worn down we could just replace it. Later June told me that her son hadn't bought her a lamp yet and that she liked to read before she goes to bed so I told her that I would get her a lamp to use until her son bought her one. I went and got the lamp and took it to her room. When I got in her room I said, "It's looking real good in here June." She replied, "Yes except that my son brought my king size bed, now what in the world am I going to do with a king size bed?" I told her that it fits in the room just fine and that it should work good for her, she then said, "Yeah if i were going to have an orgy." I couldn't help it and I started laughing so hard. Most of the residents here are very conservative so I was not expecting her to say that at all. I think she was pretty proud of herself for making me laugh. Anyway I will save some for another time.

So for a quick update life is going great. I love my job. My husband is the best and he likes his job which makes us both happy. He is going to school to be a plumber and he is working in plumbing right now as well. He makes me happy beyond belief. Life is good.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Wow I am graduating on friday...weird!! I'm so excited though. It feels like I'm just going to summer break, but no I'm done. Reality is starting to set in though with the wedding only being one month away!! Only one month! It feels like it is so close but it will never come at the same time. I still have so much to do it's crazy. I've kinda been laggin lately about getting stuff done with the wedding because school has been monopolizing my time, but now there are no distractions and I can actually get some stuff done. On sunday my uncle Rick took our groomals over at the Salt Flats and I think they are going to be awesome! I'm so excited to see how they turn out. Anyway that's all the update I got, but there is some exciting stuff goin on!!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Dumbledore vs. Gandalf

Hey ya'll so lately Caleb and I have been having Harry Potter and Lord of the Ring marathons. I even got him reading all the HP books! (that was my plan all along) In having these marathons though we have had a problem deciding who is the better and most powerful wizard:

So Gandalf is pretty intense. He is really limber for an old dude.

Dumbledore has all sorts of crazy spells that he knows. His knowledge of everything is impressive.

They both are humorous as well as crazy good wizards. The question is which one would come out on top if they dueled?

Any opinions because we both like Dumbledore better, but that doesn't mean he would kick Gandalf's trash (but i think he could)

haha yeah this is how we spend our time. We're that cool. Have a nice day :)

Thursday, December 30, 2010

I'm gettin Married!!!

BAH! Life is crazy isn't it? So on July 8th we went on our first date, which by the way was incredible and now we're getting hitched on May 20th. For those of you who don't know I'm marrying Caleb Michael Brinkerhoff (yeah I'm getting a super long and just as weird last name). So basically he's awesome. Here is our engagement story:
We both needed to do some Christmas shopping so we decided to go to the Layton Hills mall and finish up. While we were shopping around we were passing the santa booth where all the lil kids get their pics with santa and I was joking around and told Caleb that we should stop and get our pic with santa. He was totally for it which completely shocked me, but I still wasn't expecting anything at all. So we were sitting on santa's lap and santa asked me what I wanted for Christmas and I first thought A ring! but I ended up saying a basketball. When he asked Caleb what he wanted Caleb said I want Haley. I thought he was just being cute but then he said 'but really' and then he got down on his knee which shocked me and I looked at him and said 'Are you serious?'and he started laughing and then said 'Haley I love you will you marry me?' Whoa!! haha I was so shocked! but of course I said yes!!! When Caleb was putting the ring on my finger he was shaking so bad that Santa told him to stop shaking son and put the ring on haha! The funny part was that when he did get the ring on and we were hugging and kissin everyone in line started clapping and then I looked over and a lot of the ladies were crying haha! I didn't cry but I did get teary.The reason why I wasn't expecting him to propose is because he had been doing the 12 days of Christmas for me and I thought that he did that to throw me off. But he gave me the ring on day 8 and I thought if he did do it he would do it on Christmas, so I just didn't see it coming ha!He had planned to do it by santa in the first place and I just played into his plan very conveniently!

Here is my ring :) its a horrible pic but you can see that it is incredible!! I love my ring and Caleb so much!!! It's still kinda weird to me that I'm getting married but I'm so excited because I can't picture the rest of my life without Caleb in it. Anyway folks that's all I got for now but I'm sure I will keep ya updated with wedding stuff!