Friday, May 15, 2009

It Happened...

I never thought the day would come that I would announce proudly that I am a TREKKY! haha I went and saw Star Trek and totally loved it! The main dude is ridiculously good looking and the show itself was funny and intense, everything it needed to be! I do have to admit that when they first showed the "bad guys" space ship I started laughing, to me it looks like a flying squid, but the rest of the movie was soooo good. I loved all the eye candy it offered as well as how I was completely drawn in the whole time. Wow that was a great film, but Spaq (however you spell his strange name) isn't really attractive and can't really act, but it was still fun.

A young hott William Shatner?

Monday, May 11, 2009

My Blog is Currently...

(Don't worry I will make things match)

Sunday, April 26, 2009

2 more days.....

I don't think that the next two days could possibly come by fast enough!!! I have three more finals and after 2:00 on tuesday I should be home free(hopefully it doesn't take me longer than that)! So my brain is about to burst from learning about prejudice to the quadratic formula to the pharmacokinetics of ginseng....I don't think my brain can take it anymore, thank goodness for summer! I am so looking forward to it...please come and stay soon. thats all.

P.S- How do you like the new look...I'm still not sure

Monday, March 16, 2009

Iowa Baby!

So During Spring Break I went to Iowa to hang out with Gwen girl while Beck was in the hospital with this new illness of his. It was so fun to play with the kiddos and to see Nate and Kim, seriously it had been what seemed like forever! But hopefully next time Beck will be feeling much better! Even with this crazy stuff going on in his system he is still so stinking funny and cute!
I love this one! Even with his bruises he's adorable!

Gwen was being a goof and wanted to play with the camera!
Yay! They shared!(Not normal)

One day Gwen was being her crazy self when she is just in her diaper and went and grabbed her pillow and made this bed on the floor as the rug as her blanket, I was laughing so hard this girl is crazy! Her doll wouldn't lay down flat and she would just scream at it hoping that it would listen to her.

She loves finger painting, but mostly just putting it on herself and then she would look at me and say,"I made a mess, its messy" it was so cute

she loves to play with water so I let her have a tea party everyday where she just dumped the water back and forth between the cups

Ya I had fun doing her hair!

She destroyed this slinky that was originally for Beckham and then carried it around with her everywhere saying that its her pack pack

Here's Beck with his helmet! I think he looks so cute! But it makes his head even bigger haha it made me laugh. This kid really has a huge noggin

He wanted the camera

Me and Gwen

I had so much fun playing with Gwen and then I would cook dinner and tried to make it on time for when Nathan got home. I felt so domestic! We also watched The Nightmare Before Christmas like 500 times because it is her favorite! Its so cute to watch her dance and sing to all the songs and she really knows all the right moves and words! It was really fun though, but sucked that Beckham was in the hospital for it! I sure hope he gets better soon!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


This morning I went on a run. I running not the norm because I have always thought that I hated running without proper motivation such as a soccer ball in front of my face. What I figured out is that I actually love running once I get going, but getting stretched and ready and waking up that part of it just isn't my thing. This morning though was so great! I got up at nine and got ready and got Molly all jazzed up to go and off we went. Molly is really great to run with except that she can poop while she is running right by my side so I don't even know she's doing it! I looked back at one point and there was a line of crap just right in a row haha what a nasty weird dog! But the point is I've decided to start working out so that my bod looks hot for summer and because I'm seriously out of shape! This really was the first time I worked out worked out for like a year! I've done wii fit and such, but thats not like intense cardio. I also realized with becoming a physical therapist assistant I'm going to need to be strong to help those people get better, it may require heavy lifting and with my noodle arms that just wouldn't happen! So I figured I will put it out there and let everyone know that I am getting fit because if more people know what I'm doing the higher the expectations and the more motivated I will be...hopefully. As far as food goes I don't think I'm going to change anything too drastically, just smaller portions and less junk, but mostly I want to focus on exercising!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I am now going to do a little Picture dumping because
I haven't shown a lot, so here are some fun pics:
Baby Tiya was not happy with me for flashing lights at her, so she decided to karate chop me
And stick her tongue at me, she's so cute!

Lindsey and I after we decided not to eat sugar! haha that Lasted long...

Gwen girl and Molly

Fake Happy Gwen

Gwen came and played with us for a while which was so fun to see her!

I cut my hair!!! AHHH!

Me and the boys had an ugly picture taking contest

This was good, mostly Drew just stuck his arms out, not gettin the whole point of the face, but this one is good!

On our way to Lake Powell!!!!


So I finally know what I want to do with my life! Wahoo! You people out there who know me best are probably thinking "Ya right give it a week and there will be something else" Well while that is typically spot on I think that I really know what direction I am going now. So here is what I want to do...drum roll please...I want to be a Physical Therapist assistant! I know thats sort of anti-climatic but I'm excited! So Devdog has been going water therapy since his bad breaking arm fall and he has loved it and he is also getting much stronger, so I went with my momma to observe and it looks like something that I would love! I've always known that a desk job is just not for me so this gets me moving and while its work its still fun(for the most part), After dev's session was over I talked to his therapist and she said that I could shadow her and do all sorts of fun stuff to really make sure that its something I want to do! YAY! Its great to have something to work towards! The end