"The most important work you and I will ever do will be within the walls of our own homes."
~Harold B. Lee

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

B and the Bulldogs

Brayden is LOVING football again this year!  He is playing his heart out and learning a lot. He is number 52 this year and also has new uniforms!  We love attending his games and cheering loud and supporting the whole team!  Go Bulldogs!! Pin It!

Thursday, September 25, 2014

#44 and JH football

Drew was SO excited to play Junior High football this year. He is learning a lot and enjoys playing on a small team that allows him to play a lot of different positions on both offense and defense. I have the opportunity to watch every practice during the day and I enjoy that more than the games.  He has a good attitude, good sportsman and a desire to learn more and do better!  Go Warriors! Pin It!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Back to School



Summer is over.  School has started.  I am back to full time work. I know the kids and I were NOT ready for school to begin.  We had a wonderful summer and could have used at least another month of summer vacation.  But....it had to come to an end.  August 18.  It seems way to early.

I am not sure how it happened....but I now have a SOPHOMORE, 7th GRADER, 5th GRADER and 2nd GRADER.  They are all getting SO old!  Drew is really looking forward to Junior High, Brayden is thrilled to have Mrs. Bartling, Ella really likes Mrs. Schmitt and Morley is just "going" to school and looking forward to basketball in the fall/winter.

We are looking forward to a fantastic school year!  Morley also started seminary this morning so he was up bright and early and out of the house by 6am!  I know this year will be amazing!  I wish for you to be kind, work hard and always do your best!  I love you!!

I have been wanting to create a "work station" for homework.  Finally this year I did it!  It sits on the counter in the pantry and the kids just grab the entire container and bring it out to do their homework.  It contains all of the items they would need to complete their work.  No more digging through the 'junk' drawer for sharpened pencils, rulers, etc. Yippee!  We also had our 2nd "back to school" cookie chat after school.  We talked about our favorite parts of the day and any not so favorite parts. So far the first day was a huge success!

oh....and I hit an antelope on the way to school. So now we have two damaged vehicles!  JOY!

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Saturday, July 5, 2014

4th of JULY


I love 4th of July! The friends, fireworks, food and memories! We hosted another fun party this year!In the end I think we had 45 friends/kids over!  I prepared all of the food above everyone who came brought their own meat to grill and a side dish. I can't believe I forgot to take a picture of the mass amount of food there was!  It was so much fun!  We had corn hole, hobo golf, crocket, koob, the trampoline, giant badminton and whiffle ball.  There was a lot of visiting and getting to know each other better.  Matt and I figured we were the 2nd OLDEST couple at the party.  WHAT??  Out of the nine families that came, we were almost the oldest. ha ha
Thanks to Evelyn and Ian for the GORGEROUS photo they took of us right at sunset!  It may end up on our wall, I just love it!
On the 3rd, I ran another 5k. It was the "Firecracker Run" in Bridgeport and Matt was a sweetheart and came with me. I am literally running my tail off, yeah!!
I am so thankful for the freedoms we enjoy living in this amazing country! Happy 4th of July!

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Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Scout Camp...

Matt left with Morley and Drew to scout camp on Mother's day.  I know.  Nice day to leave, right?  They were on the road early in the morning with the rest of the troop headed to Wyoming for six days. During the week I would get reports from Matt about the weather, the boys and requests for me to come on Friday night with Ella and Brayden.  I have never been to scout camp and figured this would be the best year to go since it will probably be Morley's last one.  They had a great time and some of the staff were trying to recruit him a staff member.  They were unsuccessful.  Drew had to build shelter and sleep in it one night. Matt slept close by and reported Drew did great! Troop 92 received awards for being great examples and helpers during the week!

Brayden, Ella and I had quite a week doing a lot of fun stuff and ended our week with the water park in Sterling on Thursday.  I guess we were in the sun for too long and Ella had some heat exhaustion.  Isn't it strange to get dehydrated when you are IN the water all day?  She was still sick Friday when we were supposed to leave to scout camp.  But....we left anyway.  Poor girl had her blanket and trusty bowl. She slept most of the way and we had to empty the bowl many times. When we arrived at camp she was feeling slightly better.  Her sweet big brother gave her a piggy back ride to their camp site.  She tried to eat some watermelon at dinner.  No good. She tried to walk to the camp fire, but her legs were just too tired and daddy carried her and she soon feel asleep.  Morley even gave me a great big HUG when I arrived! Yeah!

We had fun eating donuts and enjoying time with our big boys! Brayden can't wait to go next year!! Pin It!
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