Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Christmas with the Haguewoods

Grandma and Grandpa Haguewood and the Baldridges came down the day after Christmas and we headed to SLC for a few days. It was so fun! Boston enjoyed his stay in the playpen. He stayed snug as a bug in his seat while the rest of us froze!
We went to the This is the Place monument and they had really cute activities in the village. Frosty was a hit.
Dancing was even better.
Grandma Ju-ju was a dancing queen.
Train ride to the top of the village. Jerry forgot his coat so he wrapped up in his blankie.
REAL reindeer.
The info.
Unbelievable how beautiful the temple was.
The Baldridges and Haguewood grandkids.
The whole bunch. Thanks for Uncle Scott for hauling Jace around on his shoulders. What a trooper! He always gets stuck with that duty.
Ju-Ju and Brooke in the old tabernacle. My Grandpa Jensen used to be in the Tabernacle Choir so we spent many Sundays there watching him sing. He is outstanding.
Love these guys :).

Christmas Eve and Day

Dani and Emi playing their part in the annual Gibbons Family Christmas program :). Ty doing his part in the program. My part is the narrator since I have no musical talent! I am a great narrator.
Brooke playing her Christmas pieces.
Jace, Kylie, Kaylie, and Bria singing jingle bells.
Grandma Carolyn always gets the kids a toy and an outfit that she shops all year for to make sure they are just perfect! So cute.
Jace got his fireman Jeep this year and Grandma Karie gave him his fireman outfit.
Boston is just glad to be here.
Kylie got her camera and Brooke got her DS. The kids also got their gymnastic mats this year.
I LOVE Christmas morning. I think the kids do too. :)
Christmas Eve is the event I look forward to all year. We have the BEST meal ever. We go bowling and play the left/right game and the steal the present game Santa comes and brings way way too many gifts. Such a blast!
Kids always get Christmas Jammies from Grandma Karie.
Santa Boston.
Ugly sweater party. Enough said.
Brooke with her Principal Mrs. Toolson after her Christmas program. She had had lunch with the principal that day for her reading accomplishments.
Brooke's program. She did a great job singing and on her part.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Christmas stuff

Visit with Grandma Gibbons on Christmas day at her nursing home. More with my sweet Grandma Gibbons Ginger Bread cookies took the place of ginger bread houses this year. I liked not having to try to glue those houses together just to have them come slipping down. Adam returned from China with these darling hats for the kids. They LOVE them. So cute. Only Adam would think of something like this. He said he saw some kids wearing them and had to get them for my kids. I love how he adores my kids (and Sierra :)). Jace was willing for ONE picture. Kylie, Brooke, Katie and Kenzie at Brooke's dance performance at the nursing home. They did a cute Christmas performace. She is taking dance from Annie's dance this year. Adorable. Ants make from our thumb prints. Brooke's arranging. Santa's and My little helper. :) I always hurry and crack the eggs before I see the kids coming because they always want to help and eggs get everywhere! Boston was cool with Santa this year :). Jace liked him from a distance. Kylie was okay with this particular Santa. Fisbee the house elf. He watches each day and reports back to Santa on how the kids acted. He returns to a different spot each morning. This morning he was stuck behind the speaker on the ceiling. Kylie did NOT like this Santa at the ward party. Brooke did.

Thanksgiving creations

We were supposed to go to Pendleton Oregon for Thanksgiving this year, but the weather had other ideas! We stayed home and ate at Grandma Perkins instead. Her pies are to die for! She is always so ready to welcome us at the last minute.
Brooke's vest. Her pride and joy for the season.

Jace's turkey from Pre-school.
Gumdrop oranges are always fun. Especially for Ty.
We did these as a kid. Always a hit. I will use marshmallows next time though.
Grandma Carolyn and her infamous BINGO!

Brooke's First Piano Recital

Brooke has been playing the piano now for about 6 months. My sweet step-mom Carolyn is her teacher. She is an amazing teacher and piano player herself. It has been so fun to see how she has progressed. We started with a keyboard that we had had for years in our storage room. I decided to dust it off one day and found that this random adapter I had worked for it. Grandma Carolyn was staying over at our house one night when Brooke had a meltdown to say the least. Grandma pulled her aside and took her into the front room and gave her her very first piano lesson. (it calmed her right down :)) I hadn't even thought of starting lessons, but grandma said she was ready. I was soooooooo excited. I LOVE the piano. Grandma Carolyn is amazing to teach her. Sometimes over the phone, but it works great.
Brooke's first recital was so fun. She was super nervous, but did great.
Grandma and Grandpa Jensen were there supporting like always :).
Grandpa and Grandma Burton don't miss anything :).
The whole family.
Brooke and Grandma's duet.