I know an Easter post is "so last week" but sometimes it's just easier to throw some pictures onto facebook and think I'm done with it. However, that's not going to do me much good when I'm trying to make a blog book for family history, so here we go again (sorry if you've already seen the pictures)...
We got together with some cousins at Granny & Pops' house for an egg hunt Saturday evening. Sadie wasn't sure what to think of it all. I didn't realize it was probably the first time she's sat on the grass without a blanket, so she was much more interested in it than hunting for eggs. But she still looked darn cute whatever she was doing!
Good thing we let the babies have a few minutes to themselves or they would have been run over by the bigger kids! I could hardly catch them on camera because they were all over the place...
After they crashed from their sugar high and finally went to bed, they woke up to find their baskets filled with even more goodies from the Easter Bunny...
I gave them a 2 egg limit in hopes that they wouldn't be too hyped up for church that morning...yeah, right.
I finally wrangled them into their Easter outfits, and I'm just going to go ahead and say it...I have the cutest kids ever!
The boys thought they were just going to hold Sadie's hands and take a picture, but she took off walking as fast as she could. They all thought it was hilarious (which made for great natural photo faces for me). Might as well get used to Sadie being the boss around here...she gets whatever she wants!