Sunday, May 22, 2011

Matt Mo is 4!

We had another birthday celebration... Matt Mo turned 4 this past week! On his actual birthday he got to share some treats at preschool, have a special lunch at Gatti Town, and go swimming at the Natatorium that night. Then we got together with family this weekend for presents, pizza, and CAKE...
He requested a Buzz and Woody cake...sad I didn't have time to make it myself, but he didn't mind!
Guess he was too excited to make a wish...he was blowing out the candles as soon I got them lit!
Licking the frosting off Buzz and Woody...yum!
So excited to be 4!
He came home with quite a loot of new toys too...

What a fun day! I love seeing my children so happy and doesn't take much. Matt Mo is such a sweet kid with a tender heart. Of course, he can be frustrating too (typical for this age), but we sure do love him. Happy birthday, Matt Mo!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Sadie at 12 Months

Sadie had her 12 month check-up yesterday and here are her stats:

Weight: 19 lbs. 4.5 oz.  (17%)
Height: 30 inches (73%)
Head: 18 1/8 inches (74%)

I was pretty surprised to see her weight... I've never had a baby below 50% on anything before, but I guess all her walking around has burned off some of that weight. The doctor was surprised too, but he said as long as her head is growing like it should (which it is), she's probably getting enough calories and there's no need to worry. I still can't believe she's a year old - just look at how much she's grown...

Other things about Sadie at 12 months include:
  • She loves gathering things and carrying them pajamas, shoes, diapers, blankets, towels, etc. (basically anything that gets left on the floor by her brothers - there's plenty to choose from!)
  • She loves dress-up (and real) jewelry. If you are wearing a necklace or will give her your bracelet, she'll be your best friend. 
  • She loves baby yogurt and most table foods...she especially loves to eat anything off mom or dad's plate. She's also completely weaned and does great with a sippy cup of milk.
  • She still only has 2 teeth, but the top 2 are about to break through any day now.
  • She's got some natural rhythm and likes to "dance".
  • She loves to wave bye-bye to daddy as he leaves for work every morning, and she gets very excited to see him when he comes home.
  • She thinks her brothers are super funny...until they get too wild with her...then she thinks they're scary.
  • She loves bath time. She also loves running around naked with just her hooded towel on afterward.
  • As much as she loves her daddy, I think her favorite place to be is on her mama's hip (and I love it...most of the time!)
In short, we think she's the cutest, sweetest, most special little girl in the whole wide world...we LOVE our Sadie Lady!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Just an Ordinary Day...

If you were to show up at my house on any given day, you'd probably see a little of this...

 Undie-Man, Iron Man, Spider Man, the Incredible Hulk, and others make regular appearances over here...
 They've got plenty of stunts in their repertoire to show off...
 And they're pretty darn cute too...
At the other end of the house, you might find a little stinker who won't take a nap because she's too busy pulling her own stunts like this...
Or you might find her wandering the house with her new favorite accessory...
It's never too early to learn good dental hygiene (even if you only have 2 tiny teeth)...
Our ordinary days can be pretty extraordinary, and I cherish these fun times with my little ones!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Happy 1st Birthday, Sadie Lady!

I know everyone says this, but I just can't believe my baby is already 1 year old! The time has flown by, but I sure have loved every minute with her. I may have gone a bit overboard with her party, but I just couldn't help myself from going all girly after 5 years of nothing but boy parties...

 There were lots of sweet treats to choose from...
But none of them could compare to the sweetness of the birthday girl...
She wasn't too sure what to think about all of us singing to her...

But it didn't take her long to get after her birthday cake... she has a sweet tooth like her mama!
Time to open presents...
She put on quite a show for her captive audience, clapping for herself after each one...
She got lots of cute girly outfits and some fun toys too. It was adorable to see her walking around pushing her new baby stroller - she knew exactly what to do with it...
Here's to hoping the next year goes by a little slower...I'm definitely not ready for a 2 year old! Happy birthday, sweet baby girl!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Easter Weekend

I know an Easter post is "so last week" but sometimes it's just easier to throw some pictures onto facebook and think I'm done with it. However, that's not going to do me much good when I'm trying to make a blog book for family history, so here we go again (sorry if you've already seen the pictures)...
We got together with some cousins at Granny & Pops' house for an egg hunt Saturday evening. Sadie wasn't sure what to think of it all.  I didn't realize it was probably the first time she's sat on the grass without a blanket, so she was much more interested in it than hunting for eggs. But she still looked darn cute whatever she was doing!

Good thing we let the babies have a few minutes to themselves or they would have been run over by the bigger kids! I could hardly catch them on camera because they were all over the place...

After they crashed from their sugar high and finally went to bed, they woke up to find their baskets filled with even more goodies from the Easter Bunny...
I gave them a 2 egg limit in hopes that they wouldn't be too hyped up for church that morning...yeah, right.
I finally wrangled them into their Easter outfits, and I'm just going to go ahead and say it...I have the cutest kids ever!
The boys thought they were just going to hold Sadie's hands and take a picture, but she took off walking as fast as she could. They all thought it was hilarious (which made for great natural photo faces for me). Might as well get used to Sadie being the boss around here...she gets whatever she wants!