Friday, May 28, 2010

Preschool Graduation

 Ben graduated from preschool this week... my, how time flies!

The graduating class...
Ben receiving his certificate...
We are so proud of Ben - he's come such a long way from the 3 yr old who would barely say 2 words to you. Miss Angela has taught him well and we are both excited for him to begin the adventure of kindergarten this fall!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Matt Mo is 3!

My little Mo turned 3 last week. I can hardly believe it. Unfortunately, his birthday happened to be a couple weeks after Sadie was born, so his sleep-deprived mom was too tired to make any big plans. In my guilt, I convinced John to go to his least favorite place for a birthday lunch - an over priced pizza buffet with games and rides and cheap prizes. Of course, the boys loved it and I think Matt Mo felt special, so that's all that matters.

Birthday boys get special privileges when it comes to playing the games...
This game was definitely a favorite (what little boy doesn't love permission to whack something?)...
Mo thought he was pretty cool stuff throwing the mini bowling ball down the lane...
And riding the Harley like Uncle Dan...
And don't forget about the highlight of every trip to Gatti Town - the train ride through the parking lot...
We did cake and ice cream and presents with the family the following Sunday. Somewhere in between, Mo took a nasty fall at the park and landed on his face. Poor little birthday boy...
Make a wish...
It's my party and I'll make a mess if I want to...
His big present was a 3 wheeler scooter - just his size and more stable. Don't worry, we'll definitely be wearing a helmet (and perhaps full-body gear given his track record) when we take it to the streets...
Happy birthday Matt Mo...we love you!

Sunday, May 9, 2010


Sadie Darlene Hafen
Born May 5, 2010 at 12:24 pm
Weight: 7 lbs, 10 oz
Height: 19 inches

Thankfully, it was a pretty quick and easy delivery... water broken around 8:30 am, epidural around 10 am, ready to push shortly after noon. I maybe pushed 3 times and she was here... practically perfect in every way!
We're all completely smitten with her already...
So lucky to spend my Mother's Day this year cuddled up next to this little angel...