Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Moroni's Quest

  1. What new insights did you gain regarding your character? It was interesting for me to play the part of someone that we really know nothing about, except that Nephi considered himself blessed "exceedingly."  That was enough of a clue for me to imagine that Nephi's wife, whatever her name was, must have been quite incredible, to be a match for Nephi. Like most people, I hadn't ever stopped to consider what she went through, to also leave behind friends and money and a comfortable bed, to live and marry and give birth to children in a tent in the wilderness. I had many feelings come to the surface as I found it quite easy to imagine the heartache of watching my sisters, who I grew up with, ultimately marry men that would make countless efforts to murder my husband. And then to have to separate from them, it truly made my heart ache. I also saw the "Nephi's broken bow" story in an entirely new light, feeling how much Nephi would have needed the support of his wife, as he tried to come up with a way to provide food for everyone. I cried real tears, more than once, singing (praying) for him, in a most desperate way, for the Lord to give us a miracle. I have been in that situation before and felt the helplessness of having everything on my husband's shoulders- when all I could do was pray for him- and I'm so grateful I got to feel those things and the feelings of gratitude and relief and awe of my husband once he was able to deliver. I just think Nephi's wife had to be incredible. Spiritually and emotionally strong, faithful, and brave.
  2. What emotions did you feel at the completion of your performance? Besides what I described above, I was so surprised that after we were done with our scenes, I was completely emotionally and physically wiped out. I felt a fraction of what Lehi must have felt have some of his visions. I was so exhausted that I had to go lay down and sleep, I couldn't even keep my eyes open anymore. I was also kind of sad that we were done. It was such a great, fun, and uplifting experience overall, that it was actually hard for me to accept that it was all over.
  3. Did any unexpected feelings, emotions or insights come to you during your performance? The most surprising blessing that came to me as a result of playing the part of Nephi's wife, was how much it translated into my own life and marriage. As I channeled the "Myra" role, and her faithfulness, her kindness, and support to her husband, I found myself bringing those feelings home and being so much kinder and supportive of Samuel. And he was reciprocating the same. I told some people that we got free marriage therapy, because our relationship was strengthened so much, just by playing the roles of a very strong couple who brought the Lord into their marriage from day one. I didn't expect it to affect my everyday life like this. I am SO grateful that my Heavenly Father would allow us this unexpected blessing. It has continued even after Moroni's Quest ended. 
  4. If you could do it over again, what would you do different? I wouldn't do anything differently except start recording earlier, because that proved to be MUCH more of a challenge than I anticipated. 
  5. What advice would you give to someone who will play your character in the future? My advice to a future Myra is to ponder and pray about what kind of person the Lord would give to Nephi to be his support and strength, and the mother of his children, and to practice being that person in real life.
  6. What is the single-most important thing you will take away from your experience in the reenactment? I am taking away a renewed sense of love and gratitude for the family unit that Heavenly Father has designed for our eternal happiness. And also a greater love for Nephi and all the righteous members of the family, and for the record that was preserved.
  7. What gospel principle do you feel most applied to your experience? That the person you marry is probably the one decision that will affect your future more than anything else! Is that a Gospel principle? Choose the right, be the best person you can be, so that you can attract a person of equal caliber, and then combine forces and be even better. And when marital problems pop up, which of course they will, pray with full energy of heart that charity can fill you so that you can handle them.

Monday, November 07, 2016

School Pics

Thursday, October 06, 2016

Friday, August 26, 2016

Thursday, August 25, 2016