Sunday, August 4, 2013


The girls and I went canoeing with Grandma and Grandpa Joy in early July. It was the first time taking the girls and they loved it. We just went down to the Bountiful pond and spent an hour or so on the pond paddling around. The girls each took turns paddling and we fed the ducks while out on the water.


Keith did Ragnar again this year. I decided I'd take a year off. I like to sleep at night. Maybe next year I'll have the urge to do it again. Keith was in Van 2 again but he was runner #10 this time and had a great time. The others in his van were all members of our ward.

Mike Dolan, Keith Hadlow, Veronica Wuthrich, Fiona Jones, Teresa and Bill Quick.

Building a House!

Our biggest adventure this year was building our house. I'm happy to announce we are finally moved in! We have been here a week and it's been fabulous. We absolutely love it! The building process was fun and stressful and nothing seemed to go as planned but it's over and we are never moving ever again!

The girls loved the process. It was an adventure coming over to the house to see the latest progress.

Keith did an awesome job on the kitchen tile backsplash.

Summer Catch Up

This summer has been full of activities for all of us.

Keith, Dad and I ran in the Kaysville 10K. It was hot and muggy. No PR for any of us but we did well considering the heat and humidity.

Later that morning we enjoyed the West Bountiful parade. This parade is the best for kids their age. It's short and sweet and they throw TONS of candy!

We've also spent a lot of time swimming this summer. Kate has mastered swimming with her life vest and loves to venture out without any help. She recently acquired a pair of swim goggles and now she's willing to put her face in the water. She even jumped off the side of Grandpa Tom's pool straight into the water!
Megan is still getting comfortable with her vest but she doesn't pretty well. She's still learning how to balance with it on so she doesn't tip over.

The girls have enjoyed a few movies this summer. They've seen Monsters University, Despicable Me 2 and Turbo!

 We've spent lots of lazy summer evening in Grandma Joy's backyard.

 and some time digging for bugs with the neighbor boys.
 Kate even got a hair cut!

 and we've had dozens of popsicles this summer!

 The Bountiful 24th of July parade was hot as usual but it's always a good time.
This year we went with Grandpa Jim and Grandma Bonnie to the Bountiful City Park Carnival on the 24th. Kate enjoyed the swings and getting her face painted. Megan loved the fish pond and went back a couple of times. 

Preschool Graduation

Kate graduated from her first full year of preschool this May. She missed Ms. Laura terribly for the first weeks of summer and has asked when she is starting her new preschool ever since. We loved Ms. Laura and recently found out she is retiring from teaching to pursue other things. We are so sad that Megan won't have the same experience with Ms. Laura. Kate did so well in school and she knows all the letters and we're still working on the sounds associated with the letters.

Ogden Half Marathon

Keith and I ended up running the Ogden Half Marathon in April. His cousin-in-law and her father registered and for some reason they both couldn't run in it, so we took their place. It was awesome and I broke my PR that I had made on the Moab race. It was absolutely freezing. It was pouring rain the ENTIRE time, not sprinkling mind you, POURING! But it was awesome, I would do it again.
 My finish time.
 The mass of buses waiting to take people to the start.
 On the bus at 5:00 am!
 Waiting and waiting and waiting in the rain until we start.
 Keith's finish time.

I actually bought a race photo this time. It's nice to get an actual action shot once in a while instead of just a bunch of pictures of you waiting to run.

We were soaked to the bone by the time the race was over, I just wanted to go home and take a warm shower.

Megan's First Dentist Visit

Megan went for her first dentist appointment back in April. She was a little nervous and I ended up having to hold her in my lap. She started crying right after this picture but afterwards she did awesome.