Thursday, July 8, 2010

Saturday, July 3, 2010

The Hadlocks

The Hadlocks got together for some family pictures before the family split up this summer. Sam's little brother, John, got a job working for Congressman Jason Chafftez, in Washington DC, and is now fulfilling his potential as a great American politician. Please work hard to fix our country John! And Sam's older brother, Jerry, has worked hard to get accepted to the coveted CRNA program at Cal State Fullerton, and has now moved his family to California to earn that degree that will make them millions! Gook luck Jerry, you can do it! So... this is the farewell photo before the family is separated for a while. Love you guys, we will miss you!

We can only hope that next summer we will be leaving, as well, to continue Sam's education as a CRNA somewhere good!
(Note: my children are the only ones not smiling. What  little stinkers!)

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Anniversary #5: April 29, 05

I say it every year, but I really can't believe Sam and I have been married for 5 years! Life is never easy, but it can be so great when you have someone wonderful to share it with.  I love you babe!

Sam surprised me with a trip to Park City for our anniversary. We slept in, ate out, went shopping, watched movies and took naps. It was just what I needed, and not a minute too early. I have to give a big thanks to my parents who took our kids all weekend, sick and all!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Hoppy Easter

Sam had to work Easter weekend at the hospital, so the kids and I celebrated it with my family during the day, and then Sam was able to meet us later to see his family that evening. Since Sam was working, the Easter bunny came to our home the next day. So we had two days of fun-filled Easter.

Max starting an egg hunt at Grandma's house

London loved to watch Max run around.

Enjoying conference with the family on Easter!

I'm pretty sure London liked the grass in the basket more than the gifts!

Max finding his Easter Basket!

I guess the Easter bunny knew Max liked baseball.

Coloring Eggs!

An Easter Treasure Hunt: Max loved this!

My Easter Flowers!
The day after Easter all of the (ugly) Easter bouquets were marked down super low at Walmart (like $2.99), so I decided to take some home and rearrange them. I took the arrangement apart, cut the stems really short, and arranged them in a small glass bowl to put on the dining room table. I think they turned out pretty good. And knowing that I didn't pay very much for them made me smile even more every time I looked at them.

Fun Times

I've only been blogging for a short time, and I'm already getting behind! What does that mean?
In the meantime, we sure have been busy. Mostly having fun, especially on those warm weather days (now if we could only get them to stick around!) Nothing is less predictable than Utah weather. Right when you pull the shorts out of storage, it snows again!
These are just a few of the things we have been up to...

First walk of the season!
(I haven't ordered the double stroller yet, so I had to get a little creative)

Entertaining ourselves, watching London learn how to eat solids.  
This was her first experience with a spoon, you think she likes it?

Playing at Jumpin' Jacks with cousin Bridjer. This has been Max's 
favorite activity this winter.

Seeing Max jump on the scooter and ride without any help. His experience from last year consisted mainly of him holding on to the handle bars while we pushed him around. Yay!

Enjoying visits from friends! This is my friend Melissa's son, Korben.
They look more like each other, than their own siblings.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Baby My Baby!

As London is nearing 6 months, I can't believe how the time flies! These are just some things that I want to remember about my baby girl at this age.

She giggles when her dad kisses her cheeks

She loves splashing in the bath and playing with her baby doll

She tries to sit up whenever put a pillow under her head
(she's going to have abs of steel)

She found her toes and can't get enough of them

She likes to pull up to a standing position

She has just started sticking her tongue out constantly

She likes to look at and explore peoples faces.

She is learning to sit up for short periods of time
(but more importantly, how to avoid face plants when falling)

She loves her brother more than anything in the world!
(Sometimes she just starts laughing at him when he looks at her)

She likes to scream when she gets excited
She hates getting dressed, but loves getting undressed
She always sports a bib, due to excessive spitting up
She hates getting buckled in her car seat, 
and usually falls asleep in the car
She loves to play peek-a-boo & pat-a-cake
She seems to prefer most men to women
She likes to be told she's pretty
She can go on and on with baby gibberish
Sometimes I notice her cheeks getting dry due to excessive kisses (they're just too irresistible!)
And most of all, she has the talent of making anyone who is with her happy! Her smile is so infectious, and her personality is so much fun. 
If I had the time, I would be content to just play with her all day (really)!

Friday, March 19, 2010

One, Two, Buckle My Shoe

I came downstairs last week to find that Max had put his own shoe on.  This shocked me, since he has never expressed any interest in trying to put them on before. He LOVES to try on grown up shoes, but always refrains from putting his own on. Although exciting, combined with his new found ability of being able to unlock the deadbolt, this feat makes me a little nervous.

So I asked him to show me how he did it, and this was the process...

which in turn, equals a proud mom. 
Way to go buddy!