Am avut in congelator niste file-uri de peshte similar cu pisica-de-mare, se numeste "swai". Pestele asta trebuie cica decongelat in apa rece, dar n-a durat mai mult de 15 minute treaba. Asa ca in timp ce se decongela animalul, am scos ingredientele astea:
I had in the freezer two fillets of Swai fish, which I defrosted in cold water in about 15 minutes. While the fillets were thawing, I took out these ingredients:
- 2 tablespoons Parmesan cheese
- 1-2 splashes Worcestershire sauce
- 1/2 cup plain kefir
- 4 cloves grated garlic
- 2 teaspoons Dijon mustard
- 2 oz anchovies (made into paste)
- 1 tablespoon lemon juice
- freshly ground pepper to taste
Am pus intr-un castron maaaaare niste kefir, cam jumatate de cana (se poate inlocui cu iaurt amestecat cu lapte batut), peste care am adaugat 2 linguri de parmezan ras, ansoalele facute pasta (au iesit cam 2 linguri), ceva sos Worcestershire, 4 catei de usturoi rasi, cam o lingura de zeama de lamaie, piper negru proaspat macinat si 2 lingurite de mustar de Dijon
Mix all the ingredients (except the fish) in a large bowl
Am bagat telul si am amestecat cu incredere toate alea, pana mi-a dat asta:
Combine very well
Am turnat maglavaisul intr-o punga tip ziploc, am bagat fileurile de peshte peste marinata si pe urma punga la frigider pt vreo 20 de minute
Pour the mix in a Ziploc bag, add the fish fillets and refrigerate for 20 minutes
Am dat drumul la broiler (flacara de sus a cuptorului) si-am pus fileurile marinate pe o tava tapetata cu folie de aluminiu. Am pastrat restul de marinata si-am bagat fileurile la cuptor, mutand gratarul aproape de broiler (banuiesc ca se pot face si coapte, folosind deci focul normal al cuptorului)
Place the marinated fillets on a baking sheet covered with aluminum foil (don't dispose of the marinade), then put the fish to broil on the top rack of the oven
Le-am mai uns cu marinata din cand in cand si le-am scos cam dupa 8-10 minute, cand aratau asa:
Brush the rest of the marinade over the fish every 2 minutes and let the fillets broil for 8-10 minutes, until browned. Serve.
Timpul este doar aproximativ, va orientati voi in functie de pestele folosit.