Friday, June 6, 2014

1 year old

Grant is one year old! I can hardly believe it, we weighed 22 # 7 .5 oz and his first word was ball, followed by uh oh. He isn't walking quite yet but is very close. The girls love him so much, they constantly try to hold him or hug him and he only wants to wiggle free. My fav thing is sometimes when you pick him up he will pat your back. He is such a happy, laid back kid. If he does get upset about something he hulks out for a sec then quiets down and let's you pick him up. He is a Mama's boy but still loves his dad. He is such a sweet blessing to our lives

Sunday, March 23, 2014

March 15 2014

Grant has a second tooth, he has also recently started pulling himself to stand up using me or the nearest piece of furniture. He has even taken a few steps while holding onto something. 

Monday, January 20, 2014

Baby Brother

Grant has been up several times the past few nights mostly because he is rolling around so much his limbs are getting stuck between slats in his crib. The other night he was up again and he must have woken his sisters up because on the baby monitor I heard them go in and settle him down. It was so sweet, I am so grateful for the amazing big sisters they are and for my sweet little man. 

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Operation Christmas 2013

Christmas was a huge success this year. We got American Dolls from Santa comers with little white beds and a back pack to haul them around. Kaya was more into fluffy frilly sparkley Hello Kitty dresses but seems to like her doll. Her wish from Santa was a barbie phone which he sent in a Barbie medical kits. Some of my favorite memories; last night at Grammy and Grandpa Clark's Gus and his dad started teasing McKenna that her present that she wanted to open the most (wrapped in Tinker bell) was socks and panties. She was really worried and kept asking me why I got her  those she didn't need socks and panties. Continuing the joke Gus told her she needed to be grateful for what she got, some other kids didn't get nice socks and panties. Her reply was 'But I already have socks and panties'. Then after convincing her to open her present, she found beautiful Ariel pajamas and told him that he 'was wrong, neener neener neener'. It was hilarious. The girls got a lot of clothes and pajamas which Kaya was especially excited about. After pulling each one out she would ooh and ahh then hold it up to her and twirl. She really loved them. There was once when McKenna pulled out an outfit that she wasn't thrilled with and Kaya came up to her after sensing her disappointment and said 'oh, McKenna that is beautiful' which cheered McKenna up a bit. This morning Santa had given Kaya a Frozen coloring book that McKenna was especially envious of and Kaya walked over and gave it to her without any prompting, I was very impressed. The girls have been such good sisters lately, they live playing with Grant and it warms my heart to see how concerned they are over his happiness. All in all it was a great Christmas, having little ones at Christmas brings out the true meaning of Christmas. My heart has been so full of love 

Saturday, November 23, 2013


Grant started sitting up by himself just a few days ago I'd say he was 5 1/2 months old. We also started feeding him peas and carrots yesterday. He had no reaction just ate it up! Funny boy. He loves everyone, today he watched daddy whenever daddy was near. I love him I hope that these memories will last forever

Monday, October 14, 2013

Blessings and the power of the priesthood

Yesterday you were blessed, my sweet boy, and I wanted to tell you all about it. I will admit I cried several times throughout the day. Once when I saw your daddy putting you in that tiny white suit, it just hit me that you are here with us but so recently you were an angel in heaven living with your Heavenly Father and wore white all the time. I felt like I caught a glimpse of your spirit and how big it is squished into this tiny, uncoordinated body. We finally made it to church and got settled in with all our family and, sitting amongst them and the ward, I realized how many people love us. Then it was time, I don't even remember Daddy taking you from me but almost all the men in our lives stood up and walked up front, there was: Uncle Matt Bileadou, Uncle Ian, Grandpa Clark, Grandpa Jack Anderson, Papa Brad, Bishop Adams and our stake president. Uncle Stanton and Mickey were there but a minute to late to stand with you. As all these men of the priesthood rose up and encircled you the spirit in that church blossomed. I could feel it so strong and it testified this church was true.  Daddy was nervous but he gave you a wonderful blessing. He blessed that you would always KNOW you are a Son of God, that you would protect your sisters, and that you would always encircle yourself with friends  who will help you walk of path of righteousness. And closed the blessing by telling Heavenly Father how grateful we are to have you here with us. I will never view a baby blessing the same way, I bore my testimony and wish to do so now. I know this gospel is true, I believe Joseph Smith restored this church and Heavenly Father loves us more than I love you (which is hard to imagine). I am so grateful that we have this knowledge and that I can teach you to rely/ask for Heavenly Fathers help when I can't be there for you. As a Mother this brings me peace and great joy, the power of the priesthood is real. You reaffirmed that for me today, I am so grateful to see that you have so many men of the priesthood surrounding you and I pray daily that you and your sisters will love the gospel. Amen.