Yesterday you were blessed, my sweet boy, and I wanted to tell you all about it. I will admit I cried several times throughout the day. Once when I saw your daddy putting you in that tiny white suit, it just hit me that you are here with us but so recently you were an angel in heaven living with your Heavenly Father and wore white all the time. I felt like I caught a glimpse of your spirit and how big it is squished into this tiny, uncoordinated body. We finally made it to church and got settled in with all our family and, sitting amongst them and the ward, I realized how many people love us. Then it was time, I don't even remember Daddy taking you from me but almost all the men in our lives stood up and walked up front, there was: Uncle Matt Bileadou, Uncle Ian, Grandpa Clark, Grandpa Jack Anderson, Papa Brad, Bishop Adams and our stake president. Uncle Stanton and Mickey were there but a minute to late to stand with you. As all these men of the priesthood rose up and encircled you the spirit in that church blossomed. I could feel it so strong and it testified this church was true. Daddy was nervous but he gave you a wonderful blessing. He blessed that you would always KNOW you are a Son of God, that you would protect your sisters, and that you would always encircle yourself with friends who will help you walk of path of righteousness. And closed the blessing by telling Heavenly Father how grateful we are to have you here with us. I will never view a baby blessing the same way, I bore my testimony and wish to do so now. I know this gospel is true, I believe Joseph Smith restored this church and Heavenly Father loves us more than I love you (which is hard to imagine). I am so grateful that we have this knowledge and that I can teach you to rely/ask for Heavenly Fathers help when I can't be there for you. As a Mother this brings me peace and great joy, the power of the priesthood is real. You reaffirmed that for me today, I am so grateful to see that you have so many men of the priesthood surrounding you and I pray daily that you and your sisters will love the gospel. Amen.