Justin Giles, Sergeant US Marine Corps (former)
Imagine you are walking through the woods on a dark cloudy night. You are startled by a vicious, snarling beast concealed in the blackness. Not knowing what else to do you scramble up a tree, afraid and unsure what to do next.
This is a natural human response to an encounter with an unknown foe. Because of this weak human tendency, military commanders throughout history have studied their potential enemies in minute detail. One man who understood this well was 6th Century B.C. Chinese General Sun Tzu.
“It is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles; if you do not know your enemies but do know yourself, you will win one and lose one; if you do not know your enemies nor yourself, you will be imperiled in every single battle.” -Sun Tzu, The Art of War
Following the horrible crime in Connecticut, there is a lot of talk by oath breakers about curtailing freedom. Marxists calling themselves Democrats and liberals calling themselves Republicans have made it clear, “They” intend to disarm “Us”.
From the left side I hear cries for confiscation, and from the right I hear “Molon Labe”. To suggest that this could not lead to civil war is to ignore history. War is an ugly thing, so in the interest of peace I wish to help “Them” understand “Us” and vice-versa.
Cold Hard Numbers: “Us”
Estimates from various sources, from liberal to conservative , have the number of privately owned firearms in the United States in the vicinity of 300 million. Countless polls estimate these weapons are owned by around 47% of US households, or about 54 million. (47% of 114,761,359 households per US Census http://quickfacts.census.gov/qfd/states/00000.html)
The 2011 US Census shows a population of 311.6 million.
The 1775 population of the 13 colonies including slaves and Native Americans was around 2.4 million.
At the height of the revolutionary war in 1779, there were 35,000 Continental Soldiers and Marines, 44,500 militia and 5000 Continental Sailors fighting for freedom, for a total of 84,000 colonist men. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Revolutionary_war) This gave us an active combatant ratio of 3.5% of the population. This ratio was smaller during the earlier stages of the war, and once this and the 12,000 late arriving French troops are taken into account, the overall generally accepted 3% figure is derived.
3% of our population today equals 9.35 million, and this is only part of the story. I could make a very strong case that due to the fact that we today have a large standing army, and in colonial days they did not, the percentage of active combatants in any future resistance to disarmament would double or more. There are currently around 10 million oath-bound military veterans in the US between the ages of 22 and 50, many of them combat vets. (http://quickfacts.census.gov/qfd/states/00000.html) I will leave this case for another time, because 3% is enough. Here are some quick numbers for comparison from the Federation of American Scientists.
3% US population 9.35 million
Chinese Military (active) 2.25 million
Russian Military (active) .96 million
US Military (active) 1.46 million
So, we are 9.35 million, but who are we ?
-We are overwhelmingly Christian, and worship the God of David, Elijah and Samson.
-We dominate the military and veteran ranks.
-We are competitive shooters, hunters, outdoorsmen, fishermen, ATV and dirt bike riders.
-We are fathers and husbands, sons and grandsons of the generations who won the world wars.
-We are law abiding citizens who have been sold into slavery with a national debt so big it would take a tax increase, per household, the size and duration of a mortgage to pay off.
-We work in law enforcement, City, State and Federal. “We” are deeply among “Them”.
-We are 9.35 million men with battle rifles, not armed because we are free, but free because we are armed.
Cold Hard Numbers: “Them”
During the disarmament trial runs at Waco and Ruby Ridge, it was the ATF and FBI that bravely lead the charge against vicious women and children. Any future enforcement of new federal disarmament laws would be carried out by oath breaking members of these two agencies. Let’s break it down.
BATF (2006) 4,559 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BATF)
FBI 36,074 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fbi)
This gives us a total of 40633. There could be hidden within other agencies additional groups of oath breakers who may be used for disarmament. Because I am working toward a ratio, and I used what I believe to be a 50% low estimate on the “Us” column, I will not add an estimate for additional feds on the “Them” side. Don’t forget that “We” are deeply among “Them”, and “They” live among “Us”.
9,350,000 / 40633 = 230.1
“We” have “Them” outnumbered by >230:1.
Now that both parties have a proper perspective on things let us continue the conversation with the levels of respect and confidence due.
What about the military ?
There are differing opinions about this, most having a valid basis. I will lump local and state law enforcement into this portion of the discussion. I believe that at a local level, you could see almost anything happen militarily in the hypothetical case of resistance to disarmament. On a strategic nationwide level, unlawful orders to disarm the American populace would cause a stalemate within the military. Such unlawful orders would be carried out by some and opposed with force by others at levels from individual to division. Debilitating acts of sabotage both of covert and overt nature, at all branches and levels within the service, would skyrocket.
The US military, by and large, is comprised of citizens of the states and areas most likely to resist disarmament by force. This is the point in the discussion to consider the nation’s considerable veteran population. There are around 10 million veterans in the US between the ages of 22 and 50. We are most concentrated in the areas most likely to resist disarmament. We are the fathers and brothers of many active duty military members. We are armed. We are trained and experienced tankers, pilots, medics, infantrymen and Special Forces Operators. For every Ranger or Marine on active duty, there are as many as 7 armed veterans of fighting age with the exact same skill and training on the civilian side.
Splits within the military in the US happened during the Civil War, and even during the Roosevelt administration. General George McArthur took bribe money and signed on with a group of globalists to overthrow the US Government by force. US Marine Smedley Butler, when approached by the same group, went undercover and gathered information which he took straight to congress. Butler single handedly saved the nation in the most covered up piece of US History of all time. Read “The Plot To Seize the White House” by Jules Archer or “Devil Dog” by David Talbot for more information on this.
When an oath breaking Marxist who throws like a girl gives an order to an oath keeping Marine from Houston to shoot an oath keeping Former Marine from Houston because he won’t disarm, what do you think will happen ? Every active duty officer, sworn to uphold and defend the US Constitution from domestic enemies should think on that long and hard. Although localized actions of all types are likely, I predict strategic level stalemate.
Visualization of 230:1
Now back to that walk in the woods and the snarling beast in the dark. Hopefully the truth has thrown enough illumination your way to see that you’ve been treed by a Chihuahua. Imagine a 230 pound man versus a 1 pound purse dog.
Picture a large football stadium, completely sold out. The crowd versus those on the field and sidelines is about a 230:1 ratio.
Imagine a head on collision between a sport bike and a fully loaded 18 wheeler. That is a 230:1 weight ratio.
Take an ice cube from your freezer and hit it with an Oxy-Acetylene torch. That is a 230:1 temperature ratio.
Take heart, free Americans, our Founding Fathers have got your back.
Is this really worth fighting over ?
According to Professor Emeritus of Political Science at the University of Hawaii R.J. Rummel, totalitarian governments, mainly Marxist, killed 262 million of their own citizens during the 20th century. That unimaginable number is easier to grasp if one visualizes 10 million Sandy Hook Massacres. These are flat out murders of noncombatants, an act Rummel has labeled “Democide”. I highly recommend his excellent book “Death By Government”, and a study of the information on his website from which I have borrowed the following charts.
More here at Freerepublic, with charts