Thursday, May 31, 2012
CA: Jewelry store robbery suspect dies after being shot: "Police say a jewelry store owner shot a robbery suspect inside his store and the suspect later died. The attempted robbery happened at the Gold N Treasures jewelry store, located at 2550 San Ramon Valley Boulevard. It sounds like the robbers were caught off guard and found themselves looking down the barrel of a gun. One thing that they might not have known is that a lot of jewelry store owners have guns of their own. There were four suspects and witnesses saw at least three of them running across San Ramon Valley Boulevard. One of them collapsed in the middle of the crosswalk, apparently after being shot by the jewelry store owner. Police said he died at the hospital. Now detectives are searching for the three suspects who may have gotten away in a white, four-door, 1990s model sedan."
CA: Store Owner Arrested After Shooting Shoplifter: "A Lodi liquor store owner is under arrest, and the alleged shoplifter he shot was treated at the hospital and released. Officers arrested the store owner, Gurminder “Gary” Parmar, and booked him into jail for assault with a deadly weapon. Cops were called to Tokay Liquors in Lodi just before 10 p.m. Tuesday by a customer who said a robbery suspect was running away. While investigating, they learned after the suspect took a 12 pack of bottled beer and was leaving the store. The suspect was found a short time later three blocks from the store, with a gunshot wound to his shoulder and the beer. He was identified as 21-year-old Christopher Driggers. A friend of Parmar’s, who also owns several liquor stores in Stockton, said Parmar saw Driggers reach for his back pocket. "He tried to pull something from the pocket and he got scared he might have some gun in the pocket," said Sukhdit Singh. "He's an awesome guy, I never had any problems with him, I never even seen him raise his voice to anyone in here," said Kelley who believed Parmar fired in self-defense."
CO: Bin Laden hunter acquitted in Colorado gun case: "A Colorado man who went to Pakistan to try to kill Osama bin Laden has been acquitted on a charge of owning a handgun as a convicted felon. The Greeley Tribune reports a jury spent about an hour deliberating on Wednesday before acquitting Gary Faulkner, who was convicted of attempted theft in 1988. Faulkner was arrested on the gun charge after firing at three alleged intruders. His attorney argued he fired in self-defense. Prosecutors say Faulkner didn't have to fire because he had already chased the men out of his home. Colorado law allows felons to own a gun for self-defense."
OH: Jury finds gunman acted in self-defense: "A jury acquitted Dontez Parks, who has a concealed handgun license, on Wednesday finding he acted in self-defense when he shot another man who he believed he was trying to enter his van to harm him and his two children. In this case, Parks had an ongoing problem with Henry, who was the boyfriend of his former girlfriend, a woman with whom Parks had a child. Testimony revealed the 25-year-old Henry was quick to join discussions between Parks and his ex-girlfriend. Henry, who is a much bigger man with a muscular build, had threatened him in the past, Parks testified. She argued Henry approached Parks' van that evening, which was pinned between cars in the drive-thru of a gas station. She said he had no way to retreat, which is required, if possible, under the self-defense law. Parks testified Henry approached the van in a threatening way and tried to rip open the door on the passenger side. Parks said he warned Henry at least twice to get away from him. Henry then approached the driver's door, which Parks said Henry tried to open. At that point, Parks kicked open the door and fired a shot to stop the threat."
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Amarillo By Morning (Smith and Wesson on My Mind)
By criminologist Mike Adams
I never travel without a loaded gun. I usually carry a Smith and Wesson Model 640 in a bucket in the trunk of my car. Sometimes I carry a Glock Model 23 instead. I was really happy I was carrying the former when I arrived at my hotel room in Amarillo last week shortly after midnight. As I was unpacking my trunk, a man came walking across the parking lot from an adjacent hotel. His largely incoherent introduction began something like this:
“Hey, I’m a big scary black man and I need some help. Won’t nobody help me ‘cause I’m a big scary black man. I ain’t gonna hurt ya (pulls out wallet). See? Here’s my ID. I’m a preacher and I got kicked outa my room. I ain’t no beggar. I just need $12 or I’m gonna have to sleep in the parking lot. I’m stayin’ right over there (points to adjacent hotel). Theys a woman and a child that’s gonna have to sleep in a car if don’t get $12.”
I detected a slight stumble as the man was walking toward me talking. It took very little insight to detect that he was no preacher and that the money was not needed to pay off a $12 balance in order to get re-admitted to his hotel room. So I turned back toward my trunk and continued unpacking.
The final part of my unpacking ritual involves securing my firearm, which I always take with me into the hotel room. I always reach into the bucket, take the gun out of the holster, and slip it in my pocket on my left hand side (I ‘m a southpaw). It just so happened that the stumbling “preacher” was approaching from my left hand side and could see my hands clearly as I was unpacking.
Shortly after I secured all of the items from my trunk, the stumbling “preacher” shouted, “Oh, mercy! Can’t a black man get a break?” He threw his hands in the air and then turned around and walked hurriedly towards the adjacent parking lot. I had substantially more than $12 worth of cash on me that evening (actually it was early morning). I made it to the hotel room before I had to pull either the wallet or the gun out of my pocket.
The man who approached me in the parking lot that evening did three things that I consider to be morally reprehensible. Although he did not split a single infinitive, his actions are worthy of condemnation for the following reasons:
1. He invoked race where it was irrelevant.
2. He falsely claimed to be a member of a noble profession.
3. He pretended to be acting on others’ behalf while he was acting in his own selfish interests.
Fortunately, I have been a handgun owner since 1993. I also obtained my concealed weapon permit in 1997. At no time since then have I been robbed or assaulted. Nor have I even had to fire a shot, point a gun, or verbally threaten a person to secure my safety.
My experiences as a handgun owner have been no aberration. States passing concealed carry laws have seen significant decreases in predatory crime. Academic studies have also demonstrated that these decreases are statistically significant even after controlling for variables that might otherwise explain the reductions in crime.
To date, there have been 16 refereed studies that have concluded that violent crime goes down as a result of concealed carry laws. About 10 refereed studies have shown the results of concealed carry laws to be inconclusive with regard to violent crime. No refereed studies – I repeat, zero refereed studies – have shown that allowing citizens to carry concealed weapons increases the rate of violent crime.
Sadly, most of these refereed studies have been conducted by economists interested in cost/benefit analysis on matters of public policy. I used the word “sadly” because the question of the effects of gun laws on crime is a matter that falls squarely within the discipline of criminology, which is a branch of the larger discipline of sociology. Yet criminologists and sociologists generally shy away from the issue. Their inactions are worthy of condemnation for the following reasons:
1. They invoke race where it is irrelevant. Too many “social scientists” ignore citizens’ legitimate concerns over their safety and well-being. Those who would like to carry a gun lawfully are often dismissed as having an irrational fear of people or color.
2. They falsely claim to be members of a noble profession. In addition to avoiding doing research on gun ownership, most “social scientists” are not familiar with the results of studies on the topic. To ignore science and hold oneself out as a scientist is simply wrong.
3. They pretend to be acting on others’ behalf while acting in their own selfish interests. Sociologists are opposed to rape. But they are overwhelmingly opposed to concealed carry laws that reduce rape. Clearly, they have decided that they are more interested in preventing an assault on their worldview than in preventing assaults on innocent women.
Put simply, the time has come for these “social scientists” to stop acting like bums and become productive members of society. It may be true that they have families to feed and nowhere else to go. But we can’t keep giving them handouts forever.
[I can think of one reason why sociologists normally avoid research on the effect of gun ownership. In 1974, Gordon Tullock did a survey of early statistical research into the effect of punishment (particularly the death sentence) on deterring crime. He noted that economists started out from the assumption that deterrence would work and sociologists started out confident that it would not work. Both groups did statistical research to test their assumptions. Sadly for the sociologists, their research showed that they were wrong. They obviously don't want to repeat that "mistake"]
Killing Americans: Guns and Cars
Lying with statistics
On Friday, a link to an article on Alternet appeared in my e-mail (from a friend): Since Colorado was listed as one of the ten states where “guns killed” more people than “cars killed” (actually, motor vehicles, including trucks and buses and motorcycles), and since I do a lot of work in Colorado, I decided to see if this was indeed true (I have a naturally suspicious mind). So I did a quick search on the topic.
Here is information from that 2010 article:
The number of people killed in motor vehicle crashes on Colorado roads last year dropped to what is likely the lowest level in 30 years, authorities said.
"It's difficult to call it 'good news' when so many people still died last year on Colorado roadways, but the progress the state has made in saving lives is truly encouraging," Gov. Bill Ritter said in a statement.
In 2009, 464 people were killed in traffic crashes in Colorado, a 15 percent drop from 2008, when 548 people died on state roadways, said Heather Halpape, spokeswoman for the Colorado Department of Transportation.
That same report states that there were 579 deaths in Colorado in 2009 which were “Injury by Firearm” and lower than the VPC’s 583 claim. You have to go to another CDPHE web page to see a breakout.
For 2009, there were 7 unintentional firearm deaths, 105 firearm homicides, 6 firearm deaths from “undetermined intent,” 8 that were “legal intervention” and 453 that were suicide by firearm.
This information shows (1) the VPC is not careful about their data being accurate (the 464 versus 553 versus 565 number AND the 579 versus 583 number. (2) The VPC comparison is an apples and oranges one. First off, although we know people DO commit suicide by automobile, and DO commit vehicular homicide, it is reasonable to assume that the vast majority of motor vehicle fatalities are “unintended” – that is, accidents.
On the other hand, the vast majority (566 of 579) firearms deaths can be assumed to be INTENTIONAL (yes, some homicides and suicides are accidental, but it is not a large number). Comparing unintentional (or undetermined) causes of death in Colorado in 2009, firearms were “responsible” for a mere 13; motor vehicles for 553.
Obviously, Mr. Whaley is far from the only newspaper or media type who edits a press release and publishes it under his byline, when it seemingly supports his position on firearms, liberty, and self defense. And if VPC has one state's data wrong, I think it reasonable to assume that they might have more than one - and we all know how statistics lie. But they have a big voice: page after page of search results have this lying piece of trash featured.
But we can overcome it, in part, with truth.
WV: Police ID Dead Robbery Suspect: "West Virginia State Police on Tuesday identified Kevin Lee Walnoha as the man who was shot and killed by a store employee while attempting to rob the Elm Grove Pharmacy on Friday. Walnoha, 37, of Wellsburg jumped over the pharmacy counter, brandished a handgun and demanded pills from a pharmacy worker about 5 p.m. Friday, police said. He then reportedly pointed the gun at a second employee who appeared from a back office. The first employee had access to a gun and shot Walnoha during the incident. Walnoha died at the scene."
Suspect shot in downtown LA jewelry robberies: "A suspected robber was shot by an off-duty reserve sheriff's deputy while two other robbers escaped Tuesday during a brazen daytime attempt to hold up two jewelers at the same time in downtown Los Angeles, according to police. At about 2:30 p.m., the three suspected robbers split up to rob two neighboring stores in the city's jewelry district. When a single robber pulled a gun in a jewelry store on the 600 block of Broadway, the off-duty deputy shot him in the leg, said Borihanh. The suspect was taken to a hospital and was listed in stable condition, said Borihanh. While robbing the neighboring store, the two other robbers heard the gunfire and ran out to escape in a dark colored sedan. Police were continuing to search for them Tuesday evening."
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
SC: Man stopped robbery attempt in Myrtle Beach, surprised suspects with his gun: "A 46-year-old man told Myrtle Beach police he surprised two would-be robbers with his gun and forced the suspect to drop his gun, according to authorities. Officers learned the 46-year-old man was inside his room with the door open when he saw some men enter the property and come up the stairs, according to the report. The victim told police he put his handgun in his pocket because “it didn’t look right.” The victim said when he turned around two men, armed with a gun, were standing in his room pointing the gun at him demanding marijuana, according to the report. The victim told the men he didn’t have any drugs and then pointed his gun at them. The victim made the suspect put his gun down and then made them leave the room without taking anything, according to the report."
Experts Weigh in After Four Witnesses in Trayvon Martin Case Change Story: "Several key witnesses in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin by Neighborhood Watch captain George Zimmerman have changed their original stories since first being interviewed by law enforcement, according to news reports about recently released evidence in the case. Some analysts cited in the media speculated that three of those revised accounts might hurt the shooter’s claims of self-defense as the second-degree murder prosecution goes through the Florida court system. Experts in the field, however, have noted that later recollections — which could be impacted by external factors such as publicity, for example — are thought to be less reliable than earlier memories. And the addition of post-event information into the memory reconstruction process, normally unbeknownst to the person, is one reason why psychologists believe that eyewitness testimony can often be unreliable." [In ANY criminal trial, a changed story is normally regarded as unreliable evidence]
Experts Weigh in After Four Witnesses in Trayvon Martin Case Change Story: "Several key witnesses in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin by Neighborhood Watch captain George Zimmerman have changed their original stories since first being interviewed by law enforcement, according to news reports about recently released evidence in the case. Some analysts cited in the media speculated that three of those revised accounts might hurt the shooter’s claims of self-defense as the second-degree murder prosecution goes through the Florida court system. Experts in the field, however, have noted that later recollections — which could be impacted by external factors such as publicity, for example — are thought to be less reliable than earlier memories. And the addition of post-event information into the memory reconstruction process, normally unbeknownst to the person, is one reason why psychologists believe that eyewitness testimony can often be unreliable." [In ANY criminal trial, a changed story is normally regarded as unreliable evidence]
Monday, May 28, 2012
TX: Woman fatally shoots a cousin who broke into her house: "A woman fatally shot her cousin who was allegedly breaking into her north Houston home. The incident happened about 12:30 a.m. at the 5900 block of Reid. A woman started shooting in the dark after two burglary suspects sneaked inside her house, the television station reports. The men had first turned off the home’s electricity, trying to lure residents out of the house. According to investigators, the woman grabbed her gun and started shooting in the dark. She hit one of the men and then turned on the lights and saw her cousin, bleeding on the floor. Investigators told KTRK that the woman’s cousin was attempting to steal from her. He was taken to Ben Taub General Hospital, where he died, the station reported. The second suspect has not been caught."
GA: Victim shoots back but injured: "At least one person was injured in an explosion of gunfire in northwest Atlanta on Monday, according to police. Police said they suspect it was an attempted robbery attempt on the 1900 block of Donald Lee Hollowell Parkway. Witnesses say they ran for cover as more than 25 shots were fired. "A group of guys was on the side of the building. I heard some commotion going on. I ran outside and that's when the shooting started," said Nate Cake. Officials said the shooting victim's friends rushed him to Atlanta Medical Center after he was hit. The victim is expected to recover."
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Dershowitz Doubles Down on Trayvon Martin Case
As part of a recent AIM Report, I wrote briefly about the release of documents last week in the George Zimmerman case. Zimmerman has been charged with second degree murder in the death of Trayvon Martin. But more has come out since then, and attorney Alan Dershowitz has stepped up his criticism of the special prosecutor in Florida who brought the charges.
Dershowitz said that the special prosecutor, Angela Corey, "was aware when she submitted an affidavit that it did not contain the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. She deliberately withheld evidence that supported Zimmerman's claim of self-defense." As I argued in an earlier AIM Report, the media and certain politicians have played leading roles in fanning the flames, and this story has a long way to go.
After that went to press, Dershowitz went even further in an interview on Fox News Channel's "Huckabee," with former Gov. Mike Huckabee, in which he accused Angela Corey of being "aware of most of the evidence in general outline" and said she made "a deliberate, willful, unethical, unprofessional, and illegal decision to withhold that evidence.from the courts and from the affidavit that she filed in support of an overblown second-degree murder prosecution."
He said Ms. Corey should be investigated for submitting an affidavit that she knew to be a half-truth, which he equated to a lie. And, he said, she sees her job to do justice for Trayvon, and to avoid riots, not to see justice for Zimmerman. He added that she has raised expectations for a conviction, but that no reasonable jury will convict on second-degree murder charges based on the evidence. He said that if there are riots because Zimmerman isn't found guilty or because the charges were dropped, she will be responsible.
Dershowitz also said that the prosecutor "made up" the notion that Zimmerman had "profiled" Martin because he was black, though there was no evidence to support that.
In an expanded version of the Dershowitz-penned article cited above, he also had some tough words for The New York Times. He accused the Times of "generally biased" reporting against Zimmerman, suggesting that "if the police had done their job properly the evidence would point to Zimmerman's guilt." He also blasted them for using "uncorroborated gossip," in citing a woman who had called an investigator with an opinion that Zimmerman "has racist ideologies," though she refused to identify herself.
"I think the New York Times should ask itself whether it would have published the contents of a phone call from an unidentified person that made similar inflammatory charges against Trayvon Martin," Dershowitz wrote. "I believe that the publication of such unsourced gossip-which would be totally inadmissible in any trial-violates the New York Times' own policies. It has some explaining to do."
Now, it turns out, according to the Orlando Sentinel, that four of the witnesses cited in the documents changed their initial story of what happened, and in at least three of those four cases, the changed version was damaging to George Zimmerman's case.
The release of the documents in support of the second-degree murder charge against George Zimmerman, along with evidence of changed memories, have only complicated and exacerbated an already racially charged prosecution.
Bank of America is anti-gun -- vote with your feet
If you're a gun-owner, Bank of America would prefer you move your business to another bank. Immediately.
Papa B writes, "If you are not familiar with McMillan manufacturing, they are a large manufacturer of firearms stocks and components located in Phoenix, Arizona."
McMillan Fiberglass Stocks, McMillan Firearms Manufacturing, McMillan Group International have been collectively banking with Bank of America for 12 years.
Today Mr. Ray Fox, Senior Vice President, Market Manager, Business Banking, Global Commercial Banking (Bank of America) came to my office. He scheduled the meeting as an “account analysis” meeting in order to evaluate the two lines of credit we have with them... He spent five minutes talking about how McMillan has changed in the last five years and have become more of a firearms manufacturer than a supplier of accessories.
At this point I interrupted him and asked "Can I possibly save you some time so that you don’t waste your breath? What you are going to tell me is that because we are in the firearms manufacturing business you no longer want my business."
"That is correct", he says.
I replied, "That is okay, we will move our accounts as soon as possible. We can find a Second Amendment-friendly bank that will be glad to have our business. You won’t mind if I tell the NRA, SCI and everyone one I know that BofA is not firearms industry friendly?"
"You have to do what you must," he said.
"So you are telling me this is a politically motivated decision, is that right?"
Mr. Fox confirmed that it was. At which point I told him that the meeting was over and there was nothing left for him to say.
I think it is important for all Americans who believe in and support our Second amendment rights to keep and bear arms should know when a business does not support these rights. What you do with that knowledge is up to you.
When I don’t agree with a business’ political position I can not in good conscience support them. We will soon no longer be accepting Bank of America credit cards as payment for our products.
Republicans Backing Off Holder Contempt Charges
Republicans in Congress better wake up and start freezing some of their own targets against the left if they hope to see a GOP victory in November. The level of corruption, from murdered federal agents to looting taxpayer monies got green companies like Solyndra to the war on religion should be enough to have our elected representatives up in arms.
Yet, there are still legislators who remain squeamish in the face of our constitutional republic's impending demise. Sarah Palin got it right on Monday while on Fox News' "Hannity."
"This phony, hypocritical, one-sided call for a cease-fire by the left and their lapdogs in the media. These leftists politicians saying 'that's going to be off the table, that's going to be off the table...And then for the Republican operatives who are high-paid consultants to candidates agreeing to take things off the table - that's no battle plan for victory on our side - on the common-sense constitutionalist side. It's ridiculous."
These Republican operatives, Palin maintained, "seem to have the fighting instinct of Mr. Snuffleupagus[.]"
Think Palin is off the mark? An AP reporter at The Hill is now reporting certain Republican congressmen on Issa's House Oversight committee are "wary of going forward" in citing Attorney General Eric Holder with contempt for his part in Fast and Furious.
Mike Vanderboegh of Sipseystreet has issued Speaker John Boehner a challenge to disprove the AP story as a disinformation campaign by the Obama administration. One of Vanderboegh's inside sources flatly states the GOP congressmen are scared of Holder's race card, but not afraid of a firestorm of criticism from the conservative blogosphere if the measure fails to get enough votes.
Politico is reporting committee Republicans have moved the deadline for Holder to turn over missing documents from Memorial Day to mid-June. Sounds like Vanderboegh's source is dead on.
Indian women turn to firearms against threat of violence
Guns are increasingly popular with well-off Indian women who feel that they should be able to defend themselves against crime
Indian women explain why they are buying guns for protection, in response to rising rates of sexual harassment and robbery. Link to this video
When Dr Harveen Kaur Sidhu travels from her home in an upmarket neighbourhood of the north-western Indian city of Chandigarh, she always slips her lightweight .22 revolver in her bag. The gun is a new purchase – Sidhu got her licence only a year ago – but now the 33-year-old dentist won’t travel without it.
“I don’t have faith in the police to protect me. There are so many attacks on women these days. It’s everybody’s right to defend themselves. I think all women who are vulnerable should be carrying guns,” Sidhu said. She is not alone. A growing number of well-off, educated Indian women are turning to firearms for protection.
The trend is part of a broader growth of gun culture in the land once known for the non-violent principles of Mahatma Gandhi.
There are estimated to be 40m guns in India, the second highest number in the world after the US. Licences are hard to obtain and most are illegal weapons, many manufactured in backstreet workshops. Ownership levels per capita remain low – three guns for every 100 people in India – but there is strong anecdotal evidence that middle-class interest in firearms is rising fast.
One sign is the emergence of groups such as the National Association for Gun Rights India, founded in 2009, which lobbies for fewer restrictions on ownership of firearms. “We are not trigger-happy people. We are looking at [using firearms] as a last resort. We see [guns] as a force equaliser,” said Rakshit Sharma, the group’s secretary general.
His group, he said, receives “many inquiries from women who want to know how to obtain a gun and stay within the law”. The trend is strongest in regions where a tradition for firearms is well-established, such as Punjab in the north-west, due to local wealth, a strong martial history and a brutal insurgency that ended only 20 years ago.
The local taste for conspicuous consumption has also boosted sales. “Business is very, very good. Better than it’s ever been,” said Satish Kumar, a gunseller in Chandigarh, the Punjab state capital. “People buy weapons, 10% for security and 90% for status. People will happily spend 80,000 rupees (£9,600) on a foreign-made handgun.”
Kumar said only one in 50 purchases were made by women but the number was rising. Data obtained earlier this year under India’s new Right to Information law revealed that nearly 31,300 arms licences have been issued to women in the Punjab and 31,026 of them have actually purchased arms.
One recent enthusiast is Anita Dhiman Dass, who lives in Ludhiana, a prosperous centre of trade and farming 80 miles west of Chandigarh. Dass, 46, got her first gun three years ago, has three weapons on her licence and says a Ruger .22 pistol is her favourite. “It’s so light. I put it in my bag when I go shopping, to the mall, to the market or wherever. It is very necessary. There is so much robbery these days. They just snatch chains and bangles,” she said.
Like Sidhu, Dass said carrying a gun made her feel secure. Her husband, Ishwar, runs a car dealership in the town. His collection of 11 weapons includes hunting rifles and vintage shotguns. Dass said a four-year-old grandson was now “very fond of guns” and the family’s new puppy has been named “Sniper”.
Thursday, May 24, 2012
AL: Robber shot by barber shop owner: "Police in Enterprise are looking for a Dothan man in connection with the robbery of a barber shop, which ended with the barber shop owner shooting the robbery suspect in the thigh. According to information from Enterprise police, the incident happened around 7 p.m. Monday at Creative Hair Masters located at 2950 Rucker Boulevard. The barber shop owner told police that two men came into the shop and asked for haircuts. One of the men pulled out a semi-automatic handgun and demanded money and jewelry from the owner, who grabbed his own gun and fired at least one round at the robber, who was struck in the left thigh. Police are now looking for Caleb Allen Pogue, 22, of 800 Oppert Road in Dothan, who police believe was the robber. He is a black male, 6 feet tall and weighs approximately 230 pounds."
NC: : Store Clerk Kills Armed Robbery Suspects: "Gates County officials are continuing their investigation Wednesday after a deadly shooting at a store. The shooting was reported Tuesday, according to our affiliate in Norfolk Virginia. Two suspects went into a Gate's County store and allegedly held up the store's owner. At some point during the reported robbery, the owner fired a gun shooting both suspects. One suspect ran to a nearby vehicle where he died. The other suspect was found dead on a local road."
Va.: Aggressive beggar Shot, Killed in Stafford: "The man who had asked for money again walked up to the driver’s side of the car, but this time attacked the male occupant of the car through the driver’s window with a knife, said Stafford Sheriff Charles Jett. While attempting to fight off the attacker, the man reached into his glove compartment and pulled out a gun which he used to shoot the attacker, said Jett. After shooting, the attacker fell to the ground. Sheriff’s deputies arrived on the scene to the find the gunman with injuries that did not appear to be life threatening, said Jett. The gunman immediately surrendered his gun and cooperated fully with the investigation, he added. Investigators found a knife consistent with the one used in the attack lying near the victim’s body, which was lying next to the gunman’s car when deputies arrived, Jett added. Christopher Rigby, 29, was named as the shooting victim."
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
NC: Store owner kills robbery suspects: "Two suspects have been shot and killed after an attempted robbery at a store in Gates County, according to officials. Webb said two men wearing bandanas on their faces and armed with guns tried to rob the store’s owner, who is in his 60s. The suspects reportedly kicked, punched and beat the owner. When the owner fell to the ground, he was able to grab a gun and shot blindly over his shoulder, hitting one suspect, Webb said. When the owner got up, he shot the second suspect. Webb told the suspects shot back at the owner, but he was not struck. The suspects fled out of the store. One collapsed just outside the door while the other fled into a wooded area, where he also collapsed. Both died at the scene. According to Webb, the store’s owner was taken to Albemarle Hospital where he was treated and released."
FL: Bystander with gun stops bank robbery: "It took 62-year-old Ruben Torres a New York minute to become a Palm Bay hero. That was the amount of time it took Thursday for the off-duty security guard to spot a suspected bank robber in the lobby of the Space Coast Credit Union, retrieve his gun, and hold the bandit until patrol officers arrived. Police credit Torres -- who has a concealed-weapons permit -- with thwarting the bank robbery at the credit union at 152 Malabar Road. The suspect, Floyd Francis, 23, of Palm Bay, was charged with robbery."
SAF and Calguns sue Oakland and San Francisco police: "The Second Amendment Foundation has filed a federal lawsuit against the police departments in San Francisco and Oakland, California for refusing to return firearms to people who had been charged with crimes, but subsequently cleared of any wrongdoing. SAF is joined in the lawsuit by the Calguns Foundation and two private citizens. The case is known as Churchill, et al. v. Harris, et al."
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Congress Not Standing Ground on 2nd Amendment
Are gun voters being taken for granted? Republicans control the House and self-styled pro-gun Democrats abound in the Senate. So why has neither chamber addressed any of the major gun rights issues awaiting resolution?
Numerous bills to restore and preserve Second Amendment rights to Americans have been filed, yet not one has been slated for a vote this year. John Velleco of Gun Owners of America (GOA) tells Townhall, “Every election year, the members of Congress come to pro-gun voters asking to be re-elected, yet we don’t have any pro-gun votes scheduled to come to the House and Senate floor.”
Among the bills ready for action is S. 2205, the Second Amendment Sovereignty Act, introduced last week by Sen. Jerry Moran (R-Kan.). This bill would bar the Administration from signing onto the Arms Trade Treaty. Moran worries that this treaty allowing international bodies to regulate civilian firearms could wind up letting those institutions “restrict the lawful private ownership of firearms in our country.” The Senate should consider this important idea as part of its broader look at the risks the Treaty poses.
Then there’s H.Res. 490, an expression of no confidence in Attorney General Eric Holder, introduced last December by Rep. Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.). Though not technically a gun bill, this resolution has important Second Amendment implications. It states that one reason for no confidence is the fact that Holder has thwarted efforts to investigate gunrunning by the Department of Justice.
“Operation Fast and Furious allowed thousands of weapons of various types to be illegally sold and or transferred from the United States to violent drug cartels and known criminals in Mexico and elsewhere,” H.Res. 490 notes. Many conservatives (the resolution has 111 cosponsors) worry that the Justice Department was running guns to help advance anti-gun initiatives in the U.S.
GOA’s Velleco, for example, is concerned that Operation Fast and Furious was part of a larger Justice Department effort to impose gun control through government action other than legislation. He cites a Justice Department demand letter to the border states of California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas that “requires gun dealers to report multiple sales of long guns to an individual within a five day period.” There is no legislative requirement to this effect.
Although some have expressed federalism concerns, Rep. Paul Braun (R-Ga.) has introduced H.R. 2900, the Secure Access to Firearms Enhancement (SAFE) Act, to provide reciprocity in regard to the manner in which nonresidents of a State may carry certain concealed firearms. In the Senate, Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) has introduced S. 2213, the Respecting States' Rights and Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act. Activity on these measures thus far? Zilch.
Gun rights advocates did get a little something to cheer about late last week. The House approved an amendment to the Defense Authorization bill that exempts military personnel from Washington, D.C.’s gun ban. But that is just a small step. Both chambers have yet to bring up legislation repealing our capitol city’s unconstitutional gun ban.
Meanwhile, gun issues that got some legislative action last year remain in legislative limbo this session. H.R. 822, legislation to allow state-issued conceal carry gun permits in most states, passed the House 272-154 last November. It crossed to the Senate, where it has lain ignored by the Senate Judiciary Committee ever since.
Our Founding Fathers recognized the natural right of people to protect themselves. After all, they had to take up arms to win their own freedom. So they made darn sure that the bill of rights guaranteed that “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
Two recent U.S. Supreme Court decisions have provided clarity on the nature and extent of this right. In D.C. v Heller, 554 U.S. 570 (2008), the Court affirmed that the Second Amendment is an individual right. In McDonald v Chicago, 51 U.S. 3025 (2010), the Court applied the Second Amendment to the states. These two rulings should have empowered and inspired lawmakers to push for more freedom—not to pretend as though they don’t deserve the time of day.
The Zimmerman case disintegrates
Beating people up because they looked at you funny is wrong
The release of evidence in George Zimmerman’s murder trial quickly made a mockery of his second-degree murder charges, and threw a further layer of shame upon media and political opportunists who misrepresented a tragic, but fairly straightforward, case of lethal force employed in self-defense.
It is remarkable to take stock of this evidence and realize that it supports every single aspect of Zimmerman’s statement to the police. His injuries are consistent with his account of physical assault by Trayvon Martin. Martin’s gunshot wound occurred at the very short range described by Zimmerman, demolishing fantasies about a racist mall-cop wannabe stalking and murdering an innocent black kid for no reason.
The Smoking Gun highlighted this bit of eyewitness testimony – released to the public by the Sanford police only a few days ago, but known to the prosecution when Zimmerman was charged – tendered to the police only 90 minutes after the shooting occurred, by a resident of Zimmerman’s community who heard the altercation and decided to investigate:
The man recalled seeing “a black male, wearing a dark colored ‘hoodie’ on top of a white or Hispanic male who was yelling for help.” The black male, he added, “was mounted on the white or Hispanic male and throwing punches ‘MMA (mixed martial arts) style.'”
The witness--who was in his living room and about 30 feet away from the confrontation-- said he called out to the two men that he was dialing 911. “He then heard a ‘pop,’” police reported, and saw the black male “laid out on the grass.”
Jim Hoft at Gateway Pundit relates the discovery of video from Trayvon Martin’s YouTube account, removed at some point during the last month, that shows he was actually involved in some sort of underground “fight club.”
Also fatal to the prosecution’s case is the discovery that Martin had THC in his system – he had apparently been smoking pot that night. As related by the local CBS News affiliate:
According to the autopsy report made public record by the Office of the Medial Examiner, the blood from Martin’s chest contained 1.5 ng/ML of THC, a drug commonly found in marijuana. There was about 7.3ng/mL of THC carboxy, the by-product of the body’s metabolism of THC.
Depending on the amount of THC consumed and the frequency in which it is consumed, THC carboxy can stay in a person’s system from somewhere between two weeks to a month, according to WBTV. THC itself can stay in the body for as long as four hours.
This is important because the charging document clearly, and without evidence, accuses Zimmerman of racially “profiling” Martin. On the other hand, Zimmerman told the 911 dispatcher that Martin caught his eye because “this guy looks like he’s up to no good, or he’s on drugs or something… it’s raining and he’s just walking around, looking about.” Only then did the dispatcher specifically ask about Martin’s race, and request a description of his clothing.
Despite the prosecution’s awareness of the autopsy reports and eyewitness testimony, they included none of it in their affidavit against Zimmerman. Criminal lawyer and Harvard Law professor Alan Dershowitz, who has been beside himself ever since the Zimmerman charges were filed, writes in the New York Daily News that it’s time to drop the charges, but doubts State Attorney Angela Corey “will do the right thing,” because “until now, her actions have been anything but ethical, lawful, and professional.”
As Dershowitz points out, the evidence released in this case means Florida’s “Stand Your Ground” law isn’t even a factor in Zimmerman’s defense. Much political hay has been made out of this law, but if Zimmerman was on the ground getting beaten to a pulp, withdrawal from the encounter was physically impossible for him. “A defendant, under Florida law, loses his ‘stand your ground’ defense if he provoked the encounter,” observes Dershowitz, “but he retains traditional self-defense if he reasonably believed his life was in danger and his only recourse was to employ deadly force.”
For that matter, as Dershowitz notes, there is not one shred of evidence to support the prosecutor’s contention that Zimmerman provoked the encounter. Neighborhood Watch patrols are not illegal. There is no evidence that Zimmerman shouted any “fighting words” at Martin.
Dershowitz also mentions a suspicion I’ve harbored since the weird, circus-like press conference at which Corey announced the charges: they’re a political instrument designed to buy time for everyone to cool down, leading to a long trial that dismantles some of the hysteria built up around the Trayvon Martin case. If true, the strategy is understandable… but utterly outrageous. The United States does not do “show trials.” The justice system is not a safety valve for releasing unhealthy levels of political tension. Individual citizens are not pawns to be shoved around in media games by gun-control advocates, race hustlers, or opportunistic politicians. The purpose of law enforcement is to protect the public, not appease certain segments of it.
State attorney Angela Corey responded by saying, “What the general public has to remember, and the media has to remember, is that there is a lot we cannot release by law.” Zimmerman’s lawyer also cautiously conceded that more evidence may be in prosecutorial hands, as yet unreleased to either him or the public.
That doesn’t change the virtually indisputable fact that Corey deliberately suppressed evidence helpful to Zimmerman when her affidavit was written. At best, that’s very sloppy work. ABC News discusses the sort of cards Corey might be holding:
One key to the case is which of the two men instigated the clash that left Martin dead. The prosecution says Zimmerman initiated the altercation when he "profiled" Martin that night, and then got out of his car to follow him. In the newly released documents, lead homicide officer on the case, Chris Serino of the Sanford Police Department, called the shooting "avoidable" had Zimmerman remained in his vehicle.
What has yet to be seen are two main pieces of evidence: Zimmerman's statement on the night of the incident, and his reenactment of the events of that night, which could prove vital when and if the case is heard in court.
It’s difficult to see how any of that might convince a jury to hand down a “guilty” verdict to Murder Two charges. How does that “stay in your car” principle work? Do you have to stay in your car when you see anyone acting suspiciously in your neighborhood, or do the age, sex, and racial background of the subject matter? Does everyone have to stay in their cars, or only members of certain age, sex, and racial groups?
Or is it simpler for the law to assert that beating someone into the ground and administering an MMA-style thrashing is wrong, even if they looked at you funny?
Monday, May 21, 2012
NC: Woman homeowner shoots suspected burglar: "Cumberland County authorities have arrested two men in connection with a home break-in over the weekend in which the homeowner scared them off after shooting one of them in the chest. The woman told sheriff's deputies that she was taking a nap in her home on Grape Arbor Drive, east of Fayetteville, Saturday afternoon when she heard glass breaking. She grabbed the shotgun, police said, went into the kitchen and saw the hand of a man attempting to unlock a window. She fired a shot when yelling didn't scare them away. The two teens then fled the scene, and the woman called 911 to report the crime, according to investigators. The Cumberland County Sheriff's Office later charged Dashawn William Smith, 18, of the 200 block of Ellington Road in Fayetteville, after he was admitted to Cape Fear Valley Medical Center to be treated for a gunshot wound to the chest. Investigators said that they do not plan to file any charges against the homeowner."
FL: Victim shoots back but killed: "The victim, who was 16 to 20 years old, died where he stood, police spokesman Allan Ortman said. About 5:30 p.m., the man was standing next to a bicycle in a vacant lot at 32nd Street and Eastview, when two men pulled up in a small black sports car, Ortman said. "They exchanged gunfire together," Ortman said. "That's what witnesses indicated." He said police found a gun on the dead man and were checking to see if it had been fired, and were examining the eight casings found on the ground."
FL: Victim shoots back but killed: "The victim, who was 16 to 20 years old, died where he stood, police spokesman Allan Ortman said. About 5:30 p.m., the man was standing next to a bicycle in a vacant lot at 32nd Street and Eastview, when two men pulled up in a small black sports car, Ortman said. "They exchanged gunfire together," Ortman said. "That's what witnesses indicated." He said police found a gun on the dead man and were checking to see if it had been fired, and were examining the eight casings found on the ground."
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Zimmerman murder case looks like long shot
Unless Angela Corey has something she's not telling us, her second-degree-murder case against George Zimmerman is looking more and more like a long shot. The special prosecutor assigned to investigate the death of Trayvon Martin released hundreds of pages of evidence last week.
But any expectation of a bombshell to explain her reason for filing a murder charge — which comes with a much higher burden of proof than a manslaughter charge — was short-lived.
The documents failed to answer the case's biggest questions: Who started the fight between Zimmerman and Trayvon? And whose voice was heard screaming for help on a 911 call?
None of the witnesses saw the entire confrontation between the two, or who threw the first punch.
The evidence does, however, support Zimmerman's claim that he was assaulted by Trayvon — whether Zimmerman started it or not.
Photos of Zimmerman's bloodied head and swollen nose show he was injured. On the other hand, Trayvon's autopsy report showed no sign of bruising or other injuries that would indicate he was punched by the Neighborhood Watch leader.
That only further serves to bolster Zimmerman's claim that Trayvon went after him and that he shot Trayvon in self-defense.
It can't be good for Corey when her discovery documents appear to strengthen the defendant's case more than her own.
The best piece of evidence for the prosecutor is something we already knew but was explicitly stated in a Sanford police report: Trayvon's death was "ultimately avoidable" if Zimmerman had stayed in his vehicle and waited for law enforcement to arrive.
Police, who recommended Zimmerman be charged with manslaughter, also affirmed, "There is no indication that Trayvon Martin was involved in any criminal activity at the time of the encounter."
But getting out of your vehicle isn't a crime. Neither is following someone on foot.
More here
Breyer Push For More Protection Illustrates Elite Double Standard
An early May robbery at the Washington, D.C. home of Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer was the second time the jurist has been victimized since February, The Washington Post reported Thursday. While no one was home in this latest incident, the earlier one involved the jurist and his wife being confronted by a machete-wielding home invader at their Caribbean vacation house.
“The robbery comes a month after Congress allocated nearly $1 million to hire 12 new Supreme Court police officers, according to The Hill,” Fox News related in a follow-up report. “Breyer had been among the group pushing for that greater protection after U.S. District Judge John Roll was among six people killed in a gunman’s rampage at a Tucson shopping mall last year…”
That Breyer demands armed police protection provided at taxpayer expense illustrates no small amount of elitist hypocrisy considering his dissent in the landmark District of Columbia v. Heller case, in which the Supreme Court majority held the Second Amendment protects the right of individuals in federal enclaves to possess a firearm in the home for traditionally lawful purposes, including self-defense.
“We must decide whether a District of Columbia law that prohibits the possession of handguns in the home violates the Second Amendment,” Breyer wrote in an opinion shared by Justices Souter and Ginsberg. “The majority, relying upon its view that the Second Amendment seeks to protect a right of personal self-defense, holds that this law violates that Amendment. In my view, it does not.”
Breyer dissented again in the Chicago v. McDonald case. Joined by Justice Sotomayor and again by Justice Ginsburg, Breyer rejected the application of the Second Amendment to the individual states.
More here
Saturday, May 19, 2012
IN: Drunken man breaks in apartment, residents hold him at gunpoint: "Carlos Rodriquez thought he was home, he later told police, but the apartment door wouldn’t open. So he kicked it in. He was greeted by a woman with a gun, and he obeyed her order to lie on the ground until police arrived. The 28-year-old woman and her 31-year-old husband, who live in an apartment with the same number as Rodriguez’s but in a different building in the same block, the 5900 block of Old Porter Road, told police they woke at about 3:30 a.m. Monday to banging on the door. When the door crashed open, they left their bedroom to see an unknown man walking toward their living room TV. Rodriguez, whose blood-alcohol level was 0.21 percent, was arrested for felony residential entry and criminal mischief."
Zimmerman Medical Report Shows Broken Nose, Lacerations After Trayvon Martin Shooting: "A medical report compiled by the family physician of accused Trayvon Martin murderer George Zimmerman and obtained exclusively by ABC News found that Zimmerman was diagnosed with a "closed fracture" of his nose, a pair of black eyes, two lacerations to the back of his head and a minor back injury the day after he fatally shot Martin during an alleged altercation. Zimmerman faces a second degree murder charge for the Feb. 26 shooting that left the unarmed 17-year-old high school junior dead. Zimmerman has claimed self defense in what he described as a life and death struggle that Martin initiated by accosting him, punching him in the face, then repeatedly bashing his head into the pavement."
Friday, May 18, 2012
MO: Robber killed: "Wednesday's shooting death of a man at a house on Labadie Avenue was justified because he was breaking into the home at the time, police said Thursday. The dead man was identified Thursday as Jerome Burse, 38. Police say Burse, who had a gun, and a second man armed with a knife broke into a home in the 4700 block of Labadie Avenue at about 2:30 p.m. Wednesday. They took money and jewelry from people at the home. Shots were fired inside the house, police said. One of the adults in the home was a 23-year-old man, who chased the intruders outside and fired shots at them. Burse collapsed on Marcus Avenue about a half block from the house. Burse was taken to a local hospital, where he died."
OR: Drug dealer shoots robbers: "Darrin George Dubouch was convicted of second-degree robbery and first-degree burglary, following a brief “stipulated facts” trial in Lane County Circuit Court. Dubouch, 39, was arrested Feb. 2 after he and another man — Springfield resident Shawn Connelly — forced their way into a Stoney Ridge Road home in the hills above East 30th Avenue with plans to steal drugs and money from Tyler Norman, a 27-year-old heroin dealer who lived at the home with his mother, stepfather and several younger siblings. Norman, who was home alone at the time and said the robbers were armed when they came to his front door, surprised the intruders when he grabbed his own .40-caliber handgun from underneath a pillow and shot Connelly through the throat and upper torso, prosecutors said. Connelly, 44, died at the scene."
Medical Report Shows Martin Attacked Zimmerman: "More evidence has emerged that proves George Zimmerman, the Hispanic Democrat who shot black teeanger Trayvon Martin in Sanford, Florida on February 26, fired in self defense as he claimed. On Tuesday, ABC News released the medical report that details Zimmerman’s injuries. It is thoroughly consistent with Zimmerman’s claim that Martin savagely attacked him, forcing Zimmerman to pull his gun and shoot Martin. Now, it appears, the prosecution’s case has fallen apart. According to ABC, the report confirms what Zimmerman has said from the minute police collared him after he shot young Martin, a 6-foot-three 150-pound football player: that Martin struck first, knocking Zimmerman to the ground and trying to kill him."
Trayvon Martin 'had drugs in system': "TRAYVON Martin, the Florida teen shot and killed by former neighbourhood watchman George Zimmerman in February, had the drug THC in his system at the time of his death, it was reported today. The report came shortly after prosecutors announced they would be releasing hundreds of documents in the case to the public today. Mr Zimmerman pleaded not guilty in April to second-degree murder in the February 26 shooting death of Martin. The former neighbourhood watchman told police he shot Martin in self-defence after the unarmed African-American teen attacked him.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
WA: Shooting of invader called self-defense: "Doug Snarski knew someone was going to die when he realized his girlfriend's ex was inside their home early Sunday. The intruder, Sean Parsons, was armed with a shotgun, a handgun, a belt stocked with ammunition and yelling about how no one would be getting out of the house alive. Parsons had arrived at the Newman Lake home about 12:30 a.m. - just hours after he'd been served with a restraining order that prohibited him from going within two miles of the house. In what law enforcement officials are describing as an apparent act of self-defense, Snarski, 55, shot Parsons to death after Parsons, 43, fired the shotgun and handgun up the stairs where his ex-girlfriend and Snarski were hiding. Dispatchers at Spokane County's 911 center heard the confrontation, including the fatal shots, because Snarski dialed 911 after he grabbed a handgun from his nightstand when he realized Parsons was inside the home."
AZ: Shooter acted in self-defense: "Yuma police have confirmed the deaths of 27-year-old Jason Snelling and 26-year-old Glenn Curry following the Friday night shooting. Police have identified the shooter as 23-year-old Daniel Dillman. Officers say it appears Dillman shot the two men in self-defense, and he has been released from police custody."
Gun hysteria: "A Detroit groundskeeper, who turned in a loaded handgun he found hidden in weeds while working, was fired by the Wayne County Department of Public Services. John Chevilott, who is just two years shy of retirement, found the loaded snub-nosed revolver on May 3 when he and his crew were mowing a lawn in Wayne County. Chevilott secured the gun, waiting for police to drive by so he could hand it over to them. But, according to the station, the Detroit police never did pass by, so Chevilott finished his work that day, drove the gun home and later that same evening turned it into his local police department. He says the cops ran the gun and discovered the weapon had been stolen from St. Clair Shores in 2005. "They said I did the right thing getting it off the street," Chevilott told However, Chevilott's superiors at the Wayne County Department of Public Services had a much different opinion. According to a Wayne County spokeswoman and the rules, employees aren't allowed to possess a weapon on work property. Chevilott says he didn't bring a weapon to work. He found it on the job."
NC: Government lets emergency powers ruling stand: "North Carolina’s failure to appeal a federal judge’s ruling that struck down the state’s emergency power to ban firearms and ammunition outside the home during a declared emergency adds one more Second Amendment victory to the court record being established by the Second Amendment Foundation."
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Texas Jewelry Store Owner Engages in Shoot-Out With Robber: "On May 9, an attempted robbery turned violent when a man posing as a customer tried to rob Randy’s Fine Jewelers in Beaumont, Texas. The suspect, identified as Joshua Nowland, 35, revealed a gun and ordered a customer and employee to lie on the floor. Nowland then allegedly fired a bullet at the store’s owner, hitting his upper leg. The store’s owner retrieved his own handgun, striking Nowland several times in his upper body. The store’s owner held Nowland at gunpoint outside the store until police officers arrived at the scene. The owner suffered a wound in his leg but remains in good condition. Nowland, however, had to receive surgery to remove a bullet in his abdominal cavity. After surgery, he will remain in the custody of Beaumont police."
Some good news out of NJ: "A blind gun collector can keep his gun permit and will have the weapons previously seized from his house by police returned to him, following a judge’s order handed down Friday in Superior Court in Morristown. Steven Hopler, 49, of Rockaway Township won the latest battle in an ongoing war over his Second Amendment rights. The Morris County Prosecutor’s office had asked Judge Thomas Manahan to revoke Hopler’s firearms ID card and seize all guns in his possession, arguing Hopler abused alcohol and posed a danger to others by being a gun owner. Hopler’s attorney, Gregg Trautmann, said, “First it was, ‘He can’t own guns because he’s blind.’ Now they tried, ‘you’re a habitual drunkard and we think it’s improper because you’re a habitual drunkard.’”
Monday, May 14, 2012
NC: Shooting death 'justified': "The witness said Darling was acting aggressive and ran to 111 Fieldcrest when residents turned on the porch light. The Marine resident’s wife opened the front door to find Darling standing there naked and talking about a lighter and a cigarette. Lee said the Marine resident’s wife was very concerned for her two toddler children who were asleep in their bedrooms. Darling charged at her and the Marine resident’s wife shut and locked the door. The residents called 911. Darling began yelling for the Marine resident to let him in the house. Darling was ramming the front door with his shoulder. The Marine resident told Darling to leave, and that he had a gun. Darling then punched the screen out of the window by the front door and then quickly thereafter jumped, diving head first through the screened portion of the window into the living room.” The Marine resident used a 1911 .45-caliber handgun to shoot Darling three times in the back as Darling dove through the window, Lee said."
NC: Clerk says customer shooting was in self-defense: "A Durham store clerk who shot a customer in the leg last week said Friday that he was only protecting himself after the customer threatened to kill him. Alaael Ahmed El-Hamalawi, 52, said the man, whom police identified as John Reid Jr., walked into the University Market on West Chapel Hill Street, on April 30, yelling that he had a knife and was going to kill El-Hamalawi. El-Hamalawi said Reid also struck him on the hand and broke a window with an electric drill that he had been swinging. "If I (had not) ducked, he would have killed me that day," El-Hamalawi said. He said he tried to push Reid out of the store, and then he got a gun, warned him and then shot him in the leg. Police arrested both men – El-Hamalawi on charges of assault with a deadly weapon inflicting serious injury and discharging a firearm in the city limits and Reid, 55, on charges of communicating threats and injury to property. El-Hamalawi is out of jail on a $75,000 bond."
Sunday, May 13, 2012
AL: Argument escalates into gun fight: "Two men alleged to have been involved in a gunfight Friday in Anniston sustained non-life threatening injuries as a result, according to police. Anniston police Sgt. Josh Doggrell said two men fired shots at each other around noon Friday in an empty lot near the 2600 hundred block of Noble Street. “They appeared to be acquaintances, and they got into an argument,” Doggrell said. “That escalated into a fist fight, and the fist fight escalated into a gunfight.” One man was shot three times and transported to Regional Medical Center, Doggrell said, but was discharged later that day. The other man sustained minor injuries from the fist fight. No arrests have been made. “The one that didn’t suffer gunshot wounds claimed self-defense,” Doggrell said. “From statements made that seems to be consistent.”
GA: Ex cop stops armed robbery: "He had a black and white cap on and a yellow bandana over his mouth and over his nose. You couldn't even see his eyes -- he was that covered up," Martin said. "He says, 'Give me your money.' I told him I didn't have no money, then he pops his gun and says, 'B****, I said I want your money,' and I said, 'I already told you I don't have no money.' I mean, I thought it was a joke," Martin said. Luckily for Martin, an unofficial security guard and retired cop was nearby and knew it was no joke. "Then Lennard pulled his gun out and started shooting and then he ran out the door and he fell," Martin said. Every night Lennard McBride volunteers to work security at the convenience store behind his home. "I had just walked in and was standing there and he come in waving a gun around and told us it was a holdup and he wanted all the money," McBride said. Martin refused to hand over cash, giving McBride the half a second he needed. "When he turned away from looking at me and looked at the clerk, I eased my pistol out and started popping caps," McBride said."
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Pa.: Victim shoots back but badly hurt: "The victim was walking out of the McDonald's restaurant on Forbes Avenue with friends at about 2:40 a.m. when he was confronted by Jason Woodall, who wanted to steal a bracelet that the man was wearing, police said. The victim pulled out a legally registered and licensed handgun and exchanged shots with Woodall, taking one gunshot to the chest, police said. City police said Woodall ran to Oakland Avenue, where a University of Pittsburgh police officer arrested him and took his gun. Police said Woodall, 18, of McKees Rocks, was treated at a hospital, then taken to the Allegheny County Jail on charges of attempted homicide, aggravated assault, robbery, carrying a gun without a license and receiving stolen property. The victim was taken to UPMC Presbyterian for surgery and was last reported to be in critical condition."
TX: Motel guest fatally shoots intruder: "A man was killed as he broke into a room at a northwest Houston extended-stay motel Thursday night. Houston police said a motel guest was inside a first-floor room at the Studio 6 Extended Stay on the Northwest Freeway and Rothway Street when he heard glass break about 7:20 p.m. Detectives said a man broke a window and then broke down the door to the room. Herness said the motel guest whose room was broken into warned the man. "This guy is like a pit bull, fighting and mad," Herness said. "(The motel guest) was hiding behind their bed saying, 'Don't come in here, sir. I have a gun.' Thank God they had a gun. No telling what he would have done. The motel guest and a woman inside the room were not hurt."
TX: Jeweler exchanges gunfire with robber: "According to witnesses, the suspected robber entered the store posing as a customer. An employee began to assist the man and he produced a handgun and announced that he was robbing the jewelry store. He ordered the female employee and a customer to lie on the floor. The robber then confronted the owner and attempted to restrain him. The robber then fired one shot that struck the owner in his upper leg. The robber began to rummage through the store and the owner was able to secure his personal handgun and fire several shots at the robber. An exchange of gunfire then ensued between the owner and the now fleeing robber. During that gunfight, the robber was struck multiple times in his upper body. He exited the store and fell on the front sidewalk. The owner then held the robber at gunpoint until officers arrived. Beaumont EMS transported both the robber and the storeowner to St. Elizabeth ER for treatment of their wounds. The owner was listed in good condition suffering from a gunshot wound to his upper leg."
FL: Self defense acknowledged in shootout: " Investigators faced conflicting accounts in the March Sportsman's Park shooting that left Marcus Samuel dead, and couldn't overcome Terry McEliver's contention that he fired on Samuel in self-defense. Port St. Lucie police have said the shooting happened after an altercation involving Samuel and McKeliver, who were playing basketball at Sportsman's Park. Officials learned Samuel ran to his car and got a .22 caliber handgun he is said to have purchased in February. "Prior to retrieving said gun, Samuel allegedly made the statement, 'You're dead,'" police records state. "Samuel did return back to the park and fire his handgun prior to being shot by McKeliver." He said Samuel turned in his direction and pointed a gun at him. McKeliver first fired a shot — intentionally aimed high — to scare Samuel, but Samuel still pointed a gun toward him. McKeliver fired a second shot that struck Samuel."
Friday, May 11, 2012
CA: Knifeman chased off by gun: "The suspect reportedly brandished a knife and demanded money or food from a man and his girlfriend who were eating at a nearby restaurant at about 7:50 p.m., said Andrew Neiman, an LAPD spokesman. The man who was dining, a retired police officer, pulled a gun and chased the robbery suspect, who fled into the Gregory's shoe store on Melrose Avenue. No injuries have been reported"
SC: Kid shot while attempting to rob drug dealer: "Calvin Busby received a bond of $25,000 for his charge of possession with intent to distribute marijuana. Officials say Busby was the target of a failed robbery that resulted in the death of a 14-year-old. Family members say accused drug dealer Calvin Busby didn’t fire the shot that killed a 14-year-old. Shakeyia Benjamin said Busby has told his family he fired several warning shots in the air to frighten away his would-be robbers. Terek Wright, 14, of 140 Joe Paul Drive, Cordova, died from loss of blood after being shot in the abdomen. He and two others attempted to rob Busby in an otherwise quiet Cordova neighborhood on Monday night, officials claim. Brothers John Riley, 20, and Jerrell Richardson, 17, both of 231 Joe Paul Drive, are each charged with attempted armed robbery. Busby was taken in on a charge of possession with intent to distribute marijuana."
MO: Police chief drops demand for victim disarmament ordinance: "Washington Police Chief Ken Hahn has withdrawn his call for an ordinance making it illegal to openly carry firearms in the city limits. ... The police chief said he changed his mind after consulting with City Counselor Mark Piontek who said that a weapon would have to be readily capable of lethal use, meaning it has to be loaded, for a violation to occur. 'That would require our officers to check to see if a gun is loaded which they can’t do without probable cause,' Chief Hahn told The Missourian Tuesday. 'It’s a dead issue,' Hahn remarked"
Dershowitz: Fire Prosecutor in Trayvon Martin Case: "The special prosecutor in charge of trying Trayvon Martin’s killer should be fired from the case because she has made it clear that her priority is to “get” George Zimmerman, says leading appeals case lawyer Alan Dershowitz in an exclusive Newsmax TV interview. Florida Gov. Rick Scott should never have appointed Angela Corey to the racially sensitive case in the first place, added the Harvard law professor. “She has a terrible reputation in Florida for over-charging and being political and holding her finger to the wind and seeing which way the wind is blowing,” said Dershowitz, who has been an outspoken critic of the handling of the case. “This prosecutor says she is here to do justice for Trayvon Martin and that is not the job of a prosecutor. The job of a prosecutor is to do justice period, to let the chips fall where they may, and even to resolve doubts in favor of the defendant."
Thursday, May 10, 2012
A triple barrelled revolver. Definitely not for concealed carry or a weak wrist
Particularly with the short barrel, it should have some shotgun-type scatter effect so there should be some improvement in your chance of hitting your intended target

Details on the mad gunsmith who crafted this bizarre piece are unknown, except that it was made in Spain and appears to be a one-off creation. The fact that it only has a single trigger makes us assume the gun fires all three 6.35mm rounds at the same time, making it easy to get off 18 shots in no time. So even if you're a terrible shot, the gun's quantity over quality approach all but guarantees at least one round will find its mark.
Pa.: Veteran shoots intruder with gun carried during Korean War: "An 84-year-old western Pennsylvania man and Korean War vet shot and wounded a home invasion suspect. Ricciutti said he heard a noise at about 4:30 a.m. and could see someone coming into the room. He pulled a gun out of a drawer, yelled a warning at Hiles and then fired once, hitting him in the neck. Ricciutti said the suspect lives across the street, and he's never faced any hostility in the town. WPXI-TV first reported that investigators said Hiles was arrested a few blocks away, carrying a screwdriver and a stun gun. He's being held on $100,000 bail on charges including criminal trespass and burglary."
Wednesday, May 09, 2012
AL: 13-year-old suspect killed during robbery: "Birmingham police say a 13-year-old robbery suspect was shot and killed by the person he tried to rob in Birmingham Friday night. The Jefferson County Coroner's Office confirms the teen's identity as Jaqures Cortez Walker of Birmingham. He was a 7th grade student at Martha Gaskin Middle School and the quarterback for the football team, according to a family member. BPD Sgt. Johnny Williams said the teen suspect approached a couple as they pulled into their home at the gated Skyview Condominiums. The suspect had a T-shirt over his face like a bandana and was holding a cocked and loaded gun, Williams said. Police say the would-be robber approached the male occupant of the car and told him to "Get out and give it up." The man had his own gun in the car and shot the teenager. The teen ran a few feet, collapsed and died at the scene, Williams said."
Florida governor rejects gun ban for Republican convention: "Florida Governor Rick Scott has shot down a request by Tampa's mayor to allow local authorities to ban guns from the city's downtown during the Republican National Convention in August. Citing Second Amendment protections in the U.S. Constitution, Scott told Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn that conventions and guns have co-existed since the nation's birth and would continue to do so during the four-day event beginning August 27. "It is unclear how disarming law abiding citizens would better protect them from the dangers and threats posed by those who would flout the law," the Republican governor said in a letter on Tuesday. Local officials need Scott's permission to enact the temporary restrictions after state lawmakers last year passed a measure that prohibits local governments from adopting gun ordinances that are stricter than state law."
Tuesday, May 08, 2012
Why You Need a Gun
I am still convalescing but someone sent me this from Tennessee -- well worth posting -- JR
Apparently the media couldn’t find cute kiddy pictures of Michael Martin, because no one has been making an issue of his well-deserved demise:
Any relation to Trayvon is probably superficial.
I am still convalescing but someone sent me this from Tennessee -- well worth posting -- JR
Apparently the media couldn’t find cute kiddy pictures of Michael Martin, because no one has been making an issue of his well-deserved demise:
Any relation to Trayvon is probably superficial.
Saturday, May 05, 2012
Tuesday, May 01, 2012
MO: Woman shoots burglar: "Richardson and Trevor Garms, 17, broke into a home in the 5800 block of Garfield Street at 2:15 p.m. April 9. The two men alleged boasted beforehand that they were planning to steal a flat-screen television and an Xbox 360. Garms was distracted and yelling at Richardson, allowing the woman to grab the gun unnoticed, according to court documents. "Garms then put the gun to the back of the victim's neck and began trying to force her onto the ground. Thinking Garms was going to kill her, she fired one shot at him and he stumbled back," according to court documents. "She began begging him to leave, but he came back towards her and she fired again. Garms dropped the gun, but bent down to pick it up, still ignoring the witness' pleas for him to leave. As Garms picked up the gun, she fired again, at which time Garms stumbled out her front door and collapsed across the street." Garms died on the sidewalk."
TX: Guard Trades Gunfire with Robbers: "Steve Martinez says he was taking a cigarette break outside the game room in the 3000 block of Broadway when he was approached by three masked men. Martinez says one of them had a gun and told him to give them his wallet. When the guard refused, he says they knocked him to the ground. Martinez says he drew his gun and fired, knowing the robbers would shoot back. "I knew I was going to die, too," says Martinez. Instead, neither Martinez nor the robbers were hit. The robbers, all believed to be under the age of 25, took off without Martinez's wallet.
TX: Suspect Tries to Rob the 'Wrong Guys': "A robbery suspect with a gun chose the wrong place at the wrong time to threaten three men who were meeting behind a restaurant. He learned the hard way that they had guns of their own. Three undercover narcotics officers, who were dressed in shorts and baseball-style caps with no badges visible, were meeting around 11 p.m. Wednesday in the parking lot behind the Luby's Cafeteria on the Gulf Freeway frontage road near Telephone Road when a man wearing a ski mask jumped out from behind a bush, approached the group of undercover officers, pointed a gun at them and demanded their money and wallets. The officers complied with the robber at first and emptied their pockets, but one of the officers began to speak with the robber, which allowed one of the other officers to walk behind one of the vehicles parked nearby. When the robber threatened to shoot the officer who spoke to him, the officer who was hiding behind the vehicle fired several gunshots toward the robber and struck him once. The third officer also fired shots at the robber. The robber died as a result of the shooting."
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