Friday, April 30, 2010
Alabama man charged with murder after robbery accomplice killed: "A Northport man was charged with murder Wednesday after his friend was shot and killed by a would-be victim. Investigators say that the actions of Rashad Drakkar Hayward, 20, led to death of Christopher Antonio Collins, 18. Police said that Hayward and Collins tried to rob and shoot a man who ended up shooting Collins with his own gun on Tuesday night. Criminal charges will likely not be filed against Gerald Bertrand, 23, because he acted in self-defense, Northport’s police chief said Wednesday. Police say that Gerald Bertrand, 23, shot Christopher Antonio Collins after Collins, 18, robbed and threatened to kill him. Bertrand arrived at his home at 3405 18th Street at 9:35 p.m., Green said. He was walking inside with a pizza when two masked men ran toward him from across the street, he said.... Bertrand’s mother opened the door to their house and distracted the gunman, giving Bertrand a chance to grab the gun and shoot Collins in the chest, he said."
ME: Gun advocates open carry in park: "About 75 gun rights supporters — most of them wearing side arms — gathered in a public park to exercise their Second Amendment rights Sunday, enjoying hamburgers and hot dogs as joggers trotted by and a small group of demonstrators gathered nearby. Shane Belanger, a University of Southern Maine student who organized the display of guns, which included a machine gun mounted on a jeep, said the aim wasn’t to frighten anyone. Instead, he said, the goal was simply to show that people have a constitutional right to bear arms. ‘A right unexercised is a right lost,’ Belanger said as the gas grill warmed up on a sunny afternoon. ‘We’re law-abiding citizens, just having a barbecue.’”
Federal bills would repeal DC gun laws: "Federal lawmakers Tuesday introduced bills into the House and Senate that would repeal most of the local gun laws in Washington, D.C. The bills come less than a week after Democratic leaders withdrew landmark legislation that would have given the District a vote in the House of Representatives because of Republican plans to introduce an amendment similarly aimed at loosening city gun restrictions.”
VA: Gun lobby believes it can gain more ground for owners: "Philip Van Cleave wants every Virginian who has a permit to carry a concealed handgun into a bar to be able to have a drink — or he wants no gun carrier to be able to drink. That’s the choice that Van Cleave, the leader of the pro-gun Virginia Citizens Defense League, wants to offer state lawmakers next year when the General Assembly reconvenes. He said he is going to find a legislator to submit two bills to the body representing both positions. His aim is to force lawmakers to expand the rights of concealed-handgun owners in bars or rescind the current exception that allows law-enforcement officers and commonwealth’s attorneys to carry concealed weapons and consume alcohol.”
Thursday, April 29, 2010
WV: Man shot after attempting to break into homes: "One man shot another man at an Atenville home in Lincoln County Tuesday afternoon because he tried to break into his home, according to State Police. Thomas Perry, 44, tried to break into several homes along West Virginia 10 Tuesday afternoon, said State Police Senior Trooper L.T. Goldie Jr. He approached the residence of Jeffrey Lambert, who was home with four children. Lambert warned Perry to leave the property, but he would not, Goldie said. At about 5:30 p.m., Lambert fired one shot, and Perry was later flown by helicopter to Cabell-Huntington Hospital, Goldie said. ‘Mr. Lambert is not facing any charges,’ he said. ‘It was a defensive shot.’”
AK: Gun advocates, cameras descend on UAA: "A highly-anticipated protest by Anchorage gun advocates on the campus of the University of Alaska Anchorage Wednesday turned out to be more of a media circus than anything else. On Wednesday four armed men walked onto UAA's main quad, where journalists outnumbered guns by about five to one. A swarm of reporters and photographers documented the University of Alaska Police Department filling out Notices of Violation to the four men and politely asking them to step off campus. (The usual detail of three on-duty UAPD officers had been upped to seven for the occasion.) The armed men agreeably moved their protest a few hundred feet south to stand on Providence Drive, where they and about 20 supporters waved to honking drivers and held up signs reading "Patriots protect our Constitution" and "Don't tread on me."
Georgia recognizes gun carry rights in parts of airports: "Georgia’s registered gun owners would be allowed [sic] to carry their firearms into parts of the world’s busiest airport, as lawmakers shot back Tuesday at a court ruling that had long frustrated Second Amendment activists. The House voted 120-37 to allow gun owners to carry their weapons into parts of airports throughout the state not controlled by the federal government, such as terminals and parking lots. The proposal has already been adopted by the Senate and now goes to Gov. Sonny Perdue.”
OK: Henry vetoes gun legislation: "Gov. Brad Henry today vetoed a bill that would have exempted guns or ammunition made in the state from federal regulations. The Democratic governor said Senate Bill 1685 would have presented safety concerns to citizens and law enforcement officers. Henry said the … bill would have made it easier for criminals to obtain a wide array of weapons in Oklahoma and endanger residents and law enforcement officers in the process.’ … ‘I’m a strong supporter of the Second Amendment and have earned an A rating from the NRA (National Rifle Association), but this legislation does nothing to protect an individual’s right to bear arms,’ Henry said.”
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Virginia: Householder kills intruder with shotgun: "Armed with a double-barreled, 12-gauge shotgun, the resident of a Botetourt County home fatally shot an intruder Friday night, authorities said. A family living in the home heard someone yelling, cursing and pounding on their house about 10:40 p.m., according to a release Saturday from Botetourt County Sheriff Ronnie Sprinkle. A man living there called 911 and secured his family members in a locked bedroom, then loaded the shotgun. The intruder used a wrought iron patio chair to break a glass sliding door and come into the house, and the male resident shot him. “From what I’m told, he showed some restraint,” Botetourt County Commonwealth’s Attorney Joel Branscom said about the shooter. “But it got to the point where he didn’t have much of a choice.”. Deputies arrived as the shots were fired, Sprinkle said. The wounded man was taken to Carilion Roanoke Memorial Hospital, where he was pronounced dead. His identity has not been clearly established, Sprinkle said."
North Carolina: Resident pulls gun on intruder: Suspect flees: "A Broad Street man aimed up on a burglary suspect still inside his home Thursday morning. Armed with a revolver, according to a Shelby Police report, 63-year-old Roger Dale Ramsey told the thief to “freeze” before the suspect fled outdoors. The report states Ramsey returned home around midnight Thursday and heard noises for several minutes before investigating. “Roger advised he checked his rear bathroom window then the window on the west side of the house, then turned around in his dining room to see a suspect step out of his bedroom into the dining room,” read the report by Officer J.V. Patrick. Ramsey then pointed his gun, but the suspect didn’t halt as requested. “The suspect turned and leapt out the bedroom window on the east side and ran,”
Connecticut: Would-be robber shot in New Haven’s Wooster Square: "A 40-year-old man apparently picked the wrong person to try to rob at knife point Monday and ended up at the hospital with two gunshot wounds to the chest, police said. As the alleged would-be robber lay wounded, his intended victim called 911. The shooting victim, tentatively identified by a source as Hector Santiago, 40, is expected to recover, and was speaking to police. The shooter, who police said is 65 and from out of town, waited at the scene for officers to arrive and was brought to police headquarters to be interviewed. He was later released, police said. Police recovered a small knife at the scene, not far from the shooter’s discarded umbrella." ... Police spokesman Joe Avery added that the man brandished a knife, and that’s when his intended victim pulled out a gun. The shooter is licensed to carry the weapon, police said, and there was no information on any charges."
California: Man fires gun to scare off gang-banger burglars: "A man who heard banging outside his apartment confronted three suspected burglars and scared them off by firing a pistol, police said today. Officers arrested two of them a short while later. Police said the incident happened just before 10 p.m. Sunday near West Washington Street and Key Avenue. The resident told police he confronted three men outside his apartment building and as they advanced on him, he retreated and fired a semi-automatic pistol into the ground. The men backed off but stayed in the area. Police responding to the possible burglary report captured two of the men about two blocks away: Lamberto Godina, 18, of Ripon and Jose Mendoza, 19, of Salida. They were booked into the San Joaquin County Jail on charges of assault, trespassing, and creating a disturbance." The police department will ask the San Joaquin County District Attorney’s Office to review the case for possible charges against the victim for discharging a firearm within city limits" [!!!]
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Omaha: Customer shoots robber: "It happened around 8:55 Monday night at the Walgreens near 61st and NW Radial Highway. That's just blocks from Benson High school. Witnesses say two men were trying to rob the store, when a customer noticed their gun. They say that customer shot one of the would-be robbers. He was taken to the hospital in critical condition. Homicide detectives were on scene. No arrests have been made.
NM: Resident Fires Handgun, Scares Burglars Away: "Two 18-year-old Las Cruces men were arrested after police said they broke into an apartment Wednesday evening and were confronted by the resident, who was armed with a handgun. Police said Ryan Galaz, Shannon Robert Vasquez and a third man kicked in the front door of a man's apartment at 999 Telshor Blvd., but were confronted with a .357-caliber handgun. The homeowner told police he fired three shots after he saw what appeared to be a knife. Las Cruces police caught up with Galaz and Vasquez a short time later, but the third man remained on the run. No charges were expected to be filed against the victim because he fired his handgun in self-defense, police said.
MO: Truck owner shoots thief: "Police said the vehicle's owner, Fred Murphy, was inside his home when he heard something outside. He went to look and saw a burglar breaking into his 2004 Dodge pickup. Murphy went out into the parking lot and confronted the suspect. The owner said the burglar got out of the truck and pointed a gun at him. Murphy was also armed, opened fire, and a gunfight ensued. The suspect was struck in the leg. Police are calling the injury to the would-be thief minor, identified as 17-year-old Shaquille Kirkendoll. Investigators said Kirkendoll remains hospitalized with a gunshot wound to the leg. The suspect's gun was recovered from the scene. Police said charges are not likely against Murphy since the suspect was armed. However, the St. Louis Circuit Attorney's Office issued charges of theft/stealing, armed criminal action and stealing of a motor vehicle, against Kirkendoll."
Treaties may enforce gun control: "Right now, Washington is scheming and scamming to erode and then erase the Second Amendment from our Constitution. And it will accomplish it through the signing of international treaties on gun control, bypassing the normal legislative process in Congress, tightening regulations upon firearm and ammunition manufacturers, using the anti-gun financing of tycoons and ultimately confiscating all firearms under the guise of terrorism patrol and enforcement. Without public debate and cloaked in secrecy, gun control covertly will come upon us like a thief in the night. One day, we will wake up to discover that the U.S. has signed a global treaty that will prohibit any transfer of firearm ownership, force reductions in the number of firearms privately owned and eventually eradicate the planet of guns for law-abiding citizens. Of course, the criminals still will have their guns illegally. And on that day, if you do not comply with that global treaty, you will be fined and face imprisonment."
Monday, April 26, 2010
GA: Man Killed Near Nightclub, Shooter Claims Self-Defense: "Atlanta police said after an initial investigation, a man may have killed another man in self-defense. It happened at 1790 Cheshire Bridge Road NE just after 3 a.m. Sunday in the parking lot of the Dirty Laundry Boutique business near Club Life Nightclub. Police said they were investigating the possibility that the dead man tried to rob the man who shot him. Police said the deceased man was shot multiple times and pronounced dead at a local hospital.
Montana’s states’ rights showdown: "State lawmakers have done a lot since President Obama’s election to shake off Uncle Sam, passing ’sovereignty’ resolutions and a record number of laws that specifically defy Congress on issues such as legalized marijuana and health-care reform. Most make the same claim: that the U.S. Constitution gives the federal government power to regulate commerce between states but doesn’t permit interference in purely local affairs. Later this year, the Montana Firearms Freedom Act, which proclaims that guns manufactured in Montana and sold in state are not subject to federal rules such as background checks, is slated to become the first of these Obama-era commerce challenges tested in court."
Book Review: From Luby’s to the Legislature — One woman’s fight against gun control: "Suzanna Gratia Hupp’s new book, From Luby’s to the Legislature — One Woman’s Fight Against Gun Control, is much more than the story of the Luby’s massacre that occurred in October of 1991. It is a story about a girl and the lessons her loving parents taught her. It is about her family and events that made her the women she is today, the importance of being able to protect yourself, and the ability to change the world to make it possible (and legal) to protect your family in all the places you live.”
Are gun rights advocates seditious? "Many Americans are upset at our government. Approval of the job performance of Congress is about 20% … Gun owners tend to be among the political right, and Second Amendment support is a common thread among Tea Party demonstrators. All of us who bitterly cling to our guns are painted by the mass media as a violent bomb, just waiting to go off. From ex-president Clinton on down, there have been comments to the effect that the political right is urging any crazies who might be willing to … commit violent acts against the government. We have been called seditious. We are told that sedition is rising up against the authority of the state, and as practitioners we probably ought be muzzled or incarcerated to calm down the country.”
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Florida: Man shoots burglar: "The Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office is investigating a home invasion and a burglary attempt at a Hazen Avenue home in Thonotosassa. Investigators say a man was sleeping in a back bedroom when he heard two suspects in a different bedroom. He armed himself with a semi-automatic weapon and confronted the suspects. He says a physical confrontation started when one of the suspects waved a clothes iron at him. The man felt threatened and shot that suspect several times. The other suspect took off and is still on the loose. Deputies have not released the name of the injured suspect. But they do say he has a warrant out for his arrest. He was taken to Tampa General Hospital where he is listed in critical condition. Sgt. Scott Bell of the Hillborough County Sheriff’s office, says they are still investigating the incident. But it’s unlikely that the man living in the home will face any charges."
OH: Habitual criminal waves gun, gets shot: "An 18-year-old man was charged Friday in the fatal shooting of a man who died after an argument outside a South Toledo apartment. Jonathan G. Jackson, 18, of 2142 Dana St. was charged with murder after turning himself in through an attorney, police said. Donald Corrigan, 20, of Toledo was pronounced dead at 2:20 a.m., just 10 minutes after he was shot in the street outside an apartment building at 2010 Arlington Ave. According to police reports, Corrigan and two others had crashed a party at an Arlington Avenue apartment and gotten into a fight with at least one other person. As they were leaving, Corrigan reportedly waved a gun in the air. Police said about that time, another individual with a gun appeared in the door of the apartment building, and the two reportedly exchanged gunfire. [I doubt that the murder charge will get far in the circumstances]
Virginia to Teach Gun Safety in Elementary Schools: "A new law will require Virginia's education department to come up with a gun-safety curriculum for public elementary schools that incorporates guidelines from the NRA. The law allows local school divisions to offer gun-safety education to pupils in kindergarten through fifth grade. While each school board can decide whether to offer it, those that do must use the state curriculum -- which will include rules used by the NRA's Eddie Eagle GunSafe Program. NRA's Eddie Eagle website says that the program's goal "isn't to teach whether guns are good or bad, but rather to promote the protection and safety of children."
Saturday, April 24, 2010
FL: Shop owner shoots robbery suspects: "A store owner had to turn into a real crime fighter when he was confronted by a trio of suspected robbers. Miami Police said, Omar Rangel was forced to defend himself and shoot at the robbery suspects Friday morning, hitting two of them. The third fled the scene on foot. One robber dropped a gun as he fled the scene. The men attempted to rob the Okay Auto Tire Service along Northwest 46th Street and Second Avenue in Miami... According to investigators, Rangel was inside his business with other employees and a visitor when three men barged into the shop. "[They] forced four of the employees to the ground at gunpoint," said Miami Police Officer Jeff Giordano. As subjects began to search all of the victims' pants pockets, Mr. Rangel drew his own firearm and shot at the subjects."
NY: Pistol packin' 61-year-old fends off thieves: "There was another shooting in the city overnight but this one had a twist on recent violence. Police say two men jumped another man with a knife on Tubman Street and tried to rob him. It turns out that the victim was carrying a legally registered handgun. He pulled it out and fired one shot. Police say the robbers ran away, knowing the man meant business. The victim told police he didn't think he hit anyone. Police are not identifying him because the robbers are still at large."
Spain: Businessman found not guilty of murder after shooting dead two thieves: "A Valencia businessman, Francisco Ramirez, who killed two burglars who broke into his villa in January 2006, has been found not guilty after the court accepted his plea of self-defence. The case against him had been brought by the widows of the two deceased. He told the court he fired his gun fearing for his own life, and the court noted that he had a licence for the pistol he used."
Friday, April 23, 2010
MS: Shooting ruled self defense: "According to investigators, 41-year-old Wilford Seymour was at home asleep when 37-year-old Paul Mahaffuy showed up at this home "in a jealous rage." Police say, Seymour went to the door and the Mahaffuy struck Seymour in the face with a hammer. Seymour then tried to close the door, and Mahaffuy followed him inside his home. Seymour then picked up a gun, fired one round and killed Mahaffuy. Police say alcohol did play a role in this altercation. At this time, no charges will be filed against Seymour; however, evidence is being sent to the state crime lab."
Oklahoma on verge of passing pro-gun law : "A bill exempting guns and ammunition made in Oklahoma from federal regulation passed the state Legislature and is on its way to the governor, lawmakers say. Proponents of the bill in Oklahoma City say the Constitution’s interstate commerce clause stipulates the federal government can only regulate gun sales involving commerce across state lines, The Oklahoman reported Wednesday. Weapons manufactured and sold within a single state do not come under federal oversight, they say.”
Gun rights freak DC Democrats: "Democrats withdrew a bill on Tuesday to give the District the voting rights it has long sought in the House of Representatives, saying the "price was too high" after learning of Republican plans to introduce an amendment that would eviscerate the city's gun laws.... Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton, the District's nonvoting representative, said House Democratic leaders over the weekend received an updated Republican amendment that would have gone much further than the one attached to the Senate bill. She said the new amendment would have barred city officials in the nation's capital from enacting laws that would restrict concealed or open carry of guns, diminished the authority of the city's police chief to deny concealed-carry licenses, and prohibited city leaders from preventing guns from being taken into city buildings."
California: Open Carry Ban on the Horizon? "Democratic assembly-woman Lori Saldana of San Diego has authored a bill which would effectively eliminate the open carry of firearms. A shocking twist in the debate over California gun rights, such measures would ultimately remove the ability of Californians to defend themselves from like threats. As many residents and non-residents are aware California is already a “May-Issue” State with regards to concealed carry licensing and now their only means of lawfully carrying a firearm is under attack. While open carry advocates have urged their legislators to make concealed carry and other laws to put those who are scared by the sight of an openly-toted, unloaded firearm at ease, responses from the Assembly have been more reactionary than pro-gun advocates expected."
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Iowa: Elderly Des Moines woman puts .22-caliber stop to break-in: "An intruder bashed in the front door of Turner’s east-side Des Moines house about 5:30 a.m. Turner said she yelled at the man, telling him he had the wrong house and warned him she would shoot if he came inside. “He was a big, burly guy,” Turner said. “He was pulling at his shorts and talking crazy. If they stay outside, OK. But I always said if they come inside, it’s me or them. Turner fired one shot – and missed. “I squeezed it again but it didn’t go off,” she said. “By then he was pounding on the coffee table.” A neighbor who heard the gunshot called police. When officers arrived at Turner’s house, located north of Hiatt Middle School, they found Nelson McAlpine, 37, standing in the front yard. McAlpine, who has an extensive police record, was being held in the Polk County Jail on Tuesday on a charge of second-degree burglary. Bond was set at $10,000."
Texas: Citizen shoots man attempting to hijack Metro bus: "A wild crime spree ended in gunfire Tuesday when a citizen shot a suspect who was trying to hijack a Metro bus, Houston police said. Torres said the suspect entered the bus and began assaulting the driver, in an apparent attempt to hijack the bus, until the driver of a car idling behind the bus noticed what was happening. “This person is a licensed concealed handgun carrier. He got out of the vehicle [and] went to the bus to try to intervene in the assault that was taking place,” he said. “He did pull the suspect away from the driver and engaged in a physical confrontation with the suspect.” As the two men struggled, the gun discharged and struck the suspect in the upper abdomen, Torres said. Police said Hankston faces several charges, including aggravated robbery, failure to stop and render aid and aggravated assault."
The Obama Administration Year One: The flight from gun control: "Much to the surprise of many, President Obama’s first year in office has not featured a push for new gun control legislation. In fact, not only has he not pushed for new legislation, he has actively resisted calls by gun control groups while signing legislation allowing open and concealed carry in National Parks and Wildlife Refuges as well as allowing firearms on Amtrak trains. … President Obama’s gun rights transformation is proof, not of a change in his core beliefs, but of a change in America itself as gun rights escapes the historical bounds of hunting and becomes mainstream. In order to maintain the momentum of this trend, it is incumbent upon those of us who believe … in gun rights, to continue to reach out.”
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Indiana: Robber killed in self-defense: "The fatal shooting of a robbery suspect at a Near-Northside apartment appeared to be self-defense, police said Monday. Christopher Hampton, 38, Indianapolis, was shot and killed at 6 p.m. Sunday in the apartment in the 1500 block of North Pennsylvania Street. Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Sgt. Matthew Mount said Brian Blevins, 24, Indianapolis, told investigators Hampton tried to rob him. Blevins, who had a permit to carry a handgun, and two witnesses were questioned by detectives and released. The Marion County prosecutor's office will review the evidence. Hampton was wearing an ankle bracelet for an unrelated invasion of privacy and violation of a protective order arrest on April 5."
Bloomberg on the march: "[New York City] Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s national anti-gun group is using the anniversary of the Columbine shooting to launch a campaign to close the gun show loophole. Mayors Against Illegal [sic] Guns began running television ads today on CNN, MSNBC, Fox News and in local markets in five states.”
Gun owners come armed with message: "Gun owners came out in force on both sides of the Potomac on Monday to proclaim their Second Amendment rights, but only those on the Northern Virginia side of the river came bearing their handguns and rifles. Hundreds of pro-gun activists rallied near the base of the Washington Monument on the National Mall and at Gravelly Point Park in Arlington, Va. Those in the District protested city laws that prohibit them from displaying their guns in public. The daylong event in the District attracted gun-rights advocates from across the country."
Crime and constitutionality: "I’m a strong proponent of the Second Amendment. One reason for that (there are others) is that I believe that you have an absolute right to self defense. A firearm is, for many, the best and most effective method of self defense. You’ll often hear me lamenting the fact that one person at a crime scene — a passenger, a customer, a teacher, a student, a security guard, a clerk — could have saved many more if only they’d had a gun to use against the bad guy. And it’s not bragging to tell you that I’m right in 100% of those cases because it’s a plain and simple fact.”
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Hawaii: Woman shoots robbers: "Police said that at 10:30 p.m. two men armed with handguns and plastic zip ties ordered two women and a man to go into a house on the 100 block of Kilea Street. A fourth person, a 28-year-old man, was told to stay out of the house. When he tried to disarm his two assailants -- a 23-year-old man and a 38-year-old man -- one of the guns went off and he was hit. Then one of the women, 26, opened fire on the two men, who returned fire before they ran to their car and fled. Police stopped the car at California and Kamehameha avenues and arrested the driver, a 31-year-old man, for attempted murder in the first degree. The two other men in the car were taken to a hospital with multiple gunshot wounds"
Mass.: Gunman shot with own gun: "A 25-year-old Chicopee man was shot in the leg by his own weapon Monday morning on Belmont Avenue during an attempted robbery when his intended victim grabbed the gun and began to wrestle him for it, police said. Ibrahim Abdullah, 23, of 128 East St., Chicopee, suffered a gunshot wound to his calf, said Sgt. John M. Delaney. He was struck by a round from his own weapon, a .22-caliber semiautomatic handgun, Delaney said. The target of the robbery, 25-year-old Jamie Luis Cruz, 25, of Avon Place, Springfield, suffered an injury to his hand. He had his hands on the gun when it discharged, and the weapon’s slide caught his finger as it recoiled. The shooting happened in a second-floor hallway at 49 Belmont Ave. just before noon, Delaney said. He said the shooting was drug related."
CO: Starbucks under attack over pro-gun policy: "Starbucks, best known for its coffee, is gaining kudos from gun rights activists for allowing guns in its shops and drawing the ire of gun control advocates. Today about 20 protesters gathered outside the Starbucks at 6th and Grant Street urging the company to ban guns inside the coffee shops. ‘I used to hold a lot of meetings at Starbucks, but the idea that I might be at risk worries me, I will choose a gun-free place,’ said Mary Kershner a registered nurse who advocates for gun safety. In Colorado, one of many states that allows the ‘open carry’ of fire arms, companies still have the right to ban the practice within their properties.”
The NRA sits on sidelines of gun fight with feds: "The nation’s most influential gun-rights group is conspicuously absent — and nearly silent — in a growing battle between states and the federal government over gun control. The National Rifle Association has been taking a low profile when it comes to the firearms freedom acts that have been passed by seven state legislatures and spawned a growing legal fight between those states, some gun advocates and the U.S. Justice Department.”
Monday, April 19, 2010
Alleged robber killed in Indianapolis shooting: "Metro police officers responded to a report of a person shot at an apartment building at 1503 N. Pennsylvania Street around 4 p.m. Sunday. When they arrived, they found an unidentified male lying in the third floor hallway with multiple gunshot wounds. Paramedics pronounced the man dead at the scene. The 24-year-old shooter told police he and his girlfriend were helping another friend move into an apartment when they were approached by the shooting victim, who was asking for change for a five dollar bill. One of the men said they had change in the apartment. As they walked into the building, the shooting victim pulled out a gun and ordered everyone into the back room. The shooter said he feared for their lives, so while walking to the back area of the apartment, he pulled out a gun he was carrying, turned and fired at the would be robber. It is unknown if the shooting victim fired any shots. No arrests have been made at this time".
VA: Shooter exonerated: "A man who was injured during a shooting in March is now charged in connection with the same incident, police said. Michael Jerome Parker, 29, of Hampton, was found by police March 12 in the first block of Emeraude Plage near Big Bethel Road, suffering from multiple gunshot wounds. Johnathan C. Long, 26, of Hampton, was initially charged with aggravated malicious wounding and use of a firearm in the commission of a felony in connection with the shooting. The charges against Long have been dismissed, said police spokeswoman Cpl. Paula Scheck." [More detail here]
Why not try a “pro-gun” self-defense TV show?: "As long as advocacy programming is part of the mix, there’s no shortage of truthful stories to be told about armed defense. … Reality programming is comparatively cheap to make, which is why there’s so much of it, and based on the fact that there is so much of it, people evidently watch it. I think it’s past time such a program was attempted. I bet it could even be a hit if it were done right, like, say, per my outline. I bet it would even draw a lot more viewers than the sob-sister hoplophobes could ever hope to bring in.”
NRA too soft? "Some gun owners, saying that the National Rifle Association isn't battling hard enough for their rights, are taking the fight into their own hands. They are coming together in smaller, loosely organized groups that recruit on the Internet and find inspiration from the tea party movement. On Monday, several thousand gun owners plan to mount two protests—a march in Washington and an "open-carry" rally in Mount Vernon, Va. "More and more the gun-rights movement is moving toward a stand-up-and-shout approach," said Jeff Knox, director of the Firearms Coalition, a for-profit, loose-knit coalition of activists. "There's a lot of general frustration with NRA not taking a hard enough line."
Sunday, April 18, 2010
NY: Old folks with gun stop thief : "68 year old Kathleen Smith and her husband Charles were armed and ready when they allegedly found a stranger named Michael Smith in their barn on Wednesday. Sgt. Kevin Streety answered the 9-1-1 call. "I could hear the yelling in the background, and I knew that someone had a gun.I knew that someone was trying to cause harm to them. At that point, the person (Kathleen) did advise me that there was a person on the property, and they were going to shoot them." Police say Michael Smith was there to steal metal to sell for scrap. The barn was broken into on Monday, and the homeowners were checking to see if the thief was coming back for more. Sgt Streety dispatched a crew, and coached Kathleen on what to do next. "I told them to tell the person to get on the ground. She obeyed all the commands."
RI: Drug dealer shoots intruder: "Mathew A. Salvato, 22, who lived in Apt. 2 at 902 Chalkstone, was arraigned on one count of possession of marijuana with intent to deliver, one count of manufacturing marijuana and two counts of possession of a firearm while committing a crime of violence. Officers were initially called to the scene following the report of an armed intruder. Delasnueces, who was pronounced dead of a gunshot wound at Rhode Island Hospital, was found lying inside the first-floor front door of Apt. 2. As part of their investigation, officials found a large quantity of marijuana being grown in the basement and on the third floor of the Chalkstone Avenue building. Court records show that Delasnueces, who also went by the last name Delasueces, had been in trouble with the law before... Salvato does not have a criminal record, according to the attorney general’s office. “We’re dealing with some potential self-defense issues,” said Oates, who explained that it is legal in Rhode Island to possess a handgun on your own property."
"Arizona to allow concealed weapons without permit: "Favoring the constitutional right to bear arms over others' concerns about gun safety, Gov. Jan Brewer on Friday signed into law a bill making Arizona the third state allowing people to carry a concealed weapon without requiring a permit. The measure takes effect 90 days after the current legislative session ends, which likely puts the effective date in July or August. "I believe this legislation not only protects the Second Amendment rights of Arizona citizens, but restores those rights as well," Brewer, a Republican, said in a statement. Alaska and Vermont now do not require permits to carry concealed weapons. By eliminating the permit requirement, the Arizona legislation will allow people 21 or older to forego background checks and classes that are now required."
Colorado State University gun ban isn't settled yet: "The CU Board of Regents suffered a setback in their plans to ignore the wishes of the majority of students and ban all guns from the campus. Their ban has been struck down by the Colorado Court of Appeals for being in conflict with the Concealed Carry Act of 2003. That act included verbiage to harmonize the laws from the state level down, so that lower governing bodies like cities could not restrict weapons beyond what the state law allowed.... And the clincher: "The statute’s plain language applies to “all areas of the state” and does not specify public universities in its list of exceptions. § 18-12-214. Had the legislature intended to exempt universities, it knew how to do so."
Saturday, April 17, 2010
MS: Home invader shot: "But the crime that has occurred seemingly unabated elsewhere in the city this year arrived - expected or not - Friday when a resident shot an alleged burglar. The resident, whom police would not identify, likely will not face charges because of Mississippi's "castle doctrine." Johnny Washington, 42, allegedly broke into an apartment complex at Jefferson and Gillespie streets Friday and tried to steal a bow and arrow and a vehicle jump kit, Holmes said. The resident woke about 5 a.m. and noticed the silhouette of a man standing in his bedroom. The homeowner picked up a gun and followed the man as he fled. When the intruder allegedly made a threatening gesture, the homeowner shot the suspect in the leg, police say. Washington's wound was treated, and he was released to police. He was booked into the Hinds County Detention Center on house burglary charges.
VA: Man found not guilty in deadly shooting: "A Danville Circuit Court jury found Lantron Nakia Womack, 32, not guilty Wednesday of the five charges he faced in connection with a double shooting that took place on Aug. 14, 2009 that left Jermay Antonio Smith dead. At about 11:15 p.m. on Aug. 14, police responded to the 200 block of First Street after receiving a 911 call reporting shots fired. When they arrived, they found Smith and Ramon Guy lying in the street with gunshot wounds. The victims were taken to Danville Regional Medical Center where Smith died and Guy was treated and released. Womack, of Sutherlin, turned himself in to Lynchburg authorities two weeks later accompanied by his attorney.... Smith told Womack to stop, grabbed him and tried to rob him, telling Womack to “give it up,” Sanzone said. A struggle ensued between Womack, who was in the car, and Smith, who was outside the vehicle and bent over Womack. Womack, who testified in court that Smith was reaching into Womack’s pocket with one hand and grabbing his own gun with another, shot Smith and testified Wednesday that he next heard a “click” and turned and saw Guy approaching the passenger side with a gun. Womack then shot Guy and left, according to the defense."
MS: Off-duty officer, ex-con exchange gunfire: "Fabian Chapman allegedly was burglarizing his sixth vehicle when an off-duty police officer spotted him around 1 p.m. Thursday. Moments later, gunfire rang out. Chapman had pulled a gun on the officer and started firing, police said. The officer, whose identity was not released, and a passenger inside his white SUV reached for handguns inside their vehicle and returned fire. Chapman was struck at least twice, including once in the upper torso. Chapman, 24, of Jackson, was transported to the University of Mississippi Medical Center, where he was listed critical condition. The officer received a minor laceration to the hand from a window that shattered in his vehicle. The passenger was unharmed. Because the officer and his passenger acted in self-defense, they are not expected to be charged, police said."
WI: Bill would increase home self-defense rights: "A bill slowly moving through the state Legislature would make it legal for Wisconsin residents to use deadly force if necessary to protect their homes. Under current law, someone could break into a house, and if the intruder was injured in the act, he or she could sue the homeowner, said state Rep. Amy Sue Vruwink, D-Milladore, whose district includes central Wood County. People should have the right to defend themselves in their homes, but even if the bill goes into effect, law enforcement should continue to be the first line of defense if an intruder threatens the safety of a family, Wisconsin Rapids Police Chief Kurt Heuer said. A bill to allow what is commonly called a Castle Doctrine has been introduced numerous times but failed to become law."
Friday, April 16, 2010
AZ: “Million Gun March” on Phoenix April 19: "It looks like Arizona will have its own ‘Second Amendment March’ on Monday, April 19, to coordinate with the massive gun-rights rally expected in Washington D.C. … What I hear is that a lot of people are planning to take their safely holstered sidearms out for a walk to the state capital from High Noon to 2 p.m. No one is organizing this thing, it’s pure grass roots, no speechifying, no sound stage, just brown bag lunches on the lawn.”
Vitriol approaching fever pitch as gun rights march looms: "If one believed all of the vitriol that has been, and is being generated against the upcoming Second Amendment March in Washington, D.C. next Monday, April 19, one might expect a parade of gun-toting Klansmen marching down Pennsylvania Avenue. It appears to be an unfortunate aspect of life in America that one cannot simply engage in a rational conversation on a hot political topic. Civility has been replaced by the politics of destruction, and nowhere is this more evident than in the mounting criticism of the upcoming rally.”
If 2nd Amendment rallies are “threat to the rule of law,” then “rule of law” needs threatening: "Yesterday, National Gun Rights Examiner David Codrea reported that Josh Horwitz, of the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence (CSGV) has described him as a ‘threat to the rule of law.’ You really need to read David’s article — I promise it will be well worth the time, and I’ll be waiting here, when you get back. … OK — so now you know what what makes David so ‘dangerous,’ according to Horwitz. It’s that he reminded enthusiastically statist journalist Ted Rall that sending American citizens — who have broken no laws — to be tortured, is likely to provoke a forceful reaction from the citizenry.”
Don’t deprive the vulnerable of their right to own firearms: "A group of state lawmakers recently authored a letter supporting three Delaware public housing authorities in banning gun possession on their premises. Regulations to prevent public housing residents from legally possessing firearms in their own homes have been struck down in federal courts elsewhere, largely on the grounds that law-abiding citizens should not be denied their Second Amendment rights based on their address or their socio-economic status. In their letter, the legislators noted that seniors and those with disabilities often live in public housing. We believe these vulnerable citizens should not be deprived of a means of self-defense.”
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Ohio: Legal concealed weapon ruins robbery try: "Cincinnati Police are investigating a shooting where it appears a robber left the scene with the victim’s cell-phone in his hand, and a slug from the victim’s gun in his lower abdomen. Police say the robber ran into someone with a concealed-carry permit, and at some point the would-be victim was able to get his gun out and shoot the suspect, who took off running from the shooting scene on Rosemont Avenue south of Glenway in West Price Hill. He dropped the permit-holder’s cellular phone somewhere on a six block run to West Liberty Street just west of Manss Avenue. That is where the suspect dropped to the ground and was found suffering from a gunshot wound. Three people have been charged in connection with the case. Troy Hammond, 21, Tremaine Hughes, 22, and Todd Hammond are all charged with aggravated robbery. Todd Hammond was the suspect who was taken to the hospital."
Philippine gun ban experiment fails: "Last January I wrote about the decision of the Philippine government to ban all guns outside the home for their entire election season to control the violence that has troubled their elections in recent years. So far, no magic. In fact, this election cycle is more violent than the last one. The US State Department has issued a travel warning to Americans to avoid travel to the Philippines and if they have to go, to avoid large groups. The Philippine National Police note that there are now 112 private armies, even though they have been specifically trying to suppress these armed camps since the first of the year.”
Safer Streets 2010: American Militias: "In the framing era and in 2010, the Militia within the meaning of the second amendment is the everyman and outside the control of the Commander-in-Chief. Smear was then and is now a powerful weapon against freedom in America. As if Independence from public servants and love of freedom were somehow contentious. Any sort of independent thought is an enemy of the State, and when shills smear independent thought, they cheat the sovereign electorate out of making their best informed decisions. Real Americans prefer the independence of thought. It becomes self-rule.”
MI: 2nd Amendment supporters bring firearms to rally: "The state Capitol was swarming with supporters of the Second Amendment today, as about 250 people gathered on the steps for a rally and tour of the building in preparation for a larger rally next week in Washington, D.C. Although not as loud or as large as many past demonstrations (for gun rights and other causes), today’s event was distinctive in one way — many if not most of the participants were openly carrying firearms. Although they remained holstered or slung over shoulders, the armed citizens were conspicuous as they strolled the corridors and watched a session of the state House from a gallery above the floor after the outdoor rally.”
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
TN: No charges in deadly shooting: "Cheatham County authorities said no charges will likely be filed against a woman who shot and killed her estranged husband last week. Authorities said Diane Sanders, 51, shot Bobby Sanders, 64, multiple times at 2870 Mosley Ferry Road in the West Cheatham area on April 6 shortly after 10 p.m. Diane Sanders was questioned by authorities, but will not been charged... Duncan said Diane Sanders called 911 and admitted to shooting her husband, who had violated a restraining order by coming onto the property. The detective said Bobby Sanders told Diane Sanders that if he couldn’t have her, then no one else could and he threatened to kill both of them. “He came in the home carrying a gun. In fear, she grabbed her gun and began firing,” Duncan said. Bobby Sanders was found dead in the kitchen, he said."
TX: Naked woman got intruder’s gun, shot him: "While naked in her bedroom, a woman surprised a masked intruder, disarming him and shooting him with his own gun, testimony revealed in a Tuesday burglary trial. Latoya Harkless testified against Raymond Marlon Britton, 27, who police accused of a July 31, 2008, burglary in the 2900 block of Tarpey Avenue in Texas City. A man wearing black pants, shirt and a ski mask entered the bedroom, Harkless testified. He was holding a gun, she said. “He had the gun down toward his stomach,” Harkless testified. “He was more scared than me.” Harkless, while still undressed, surprised the masked intruder, and “karate chopped” the gun from his hand, Prosecutor Reese Campbell said. “I quickly picked it up, shot, he screamed and ran,” Harkless testified. “I shot again, and I kept running after him.”
TN: “Guns in bars” legislation advances in Senate: "Legislation is advancing in the Senate that would allow handgun permit holders in Tennessee to carry weapons where alcoholic beverages are served unless posted otherwise. The measure, co-sponsored by Democratic Sen. Doug Jackson of Dickson, was approved 7-2 by the Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday and will now be scheduled for a vote on the Senate floor. A judge ruled last year that the guns in bars law is unconstitutionally vague. Critics say it’s unclear where patrons can carry their weapons. But proponents say the new legislation solves the problem by allowing individuals to carry guns where alcoholic beverages are served ‘unless it’s posted’ that they cannot.”
NV: Nevadans free to openly carry guns: "Just about everybody on the Las Vegas Metro Police force has heard of Tim Farrell, and he sometimes gets mistaken for a law enforcement officer. Farrell is a 29-year-old wireless Internet engineer — and a gun rights crusader. He is one of what appears to be a growing number of people taking up the ‘open-carry’ cause, advocating a constitutional right to openly carry firearms. ‘The open-carry movement has gained momentum over the last four or five years because people are waking up to their rights,’ Farrell said. Nevada is a better place than most for Farrell because it is ‘an open-carry state.’
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Florida: Homeowner Shoots At Teen Burglar Caught In Act: "A DeLand homeowner opened fire on a teenager he saw breaking into his house on East New Street Monday. The bullet didn’t hit the teen, but the homeowner still helped police make an arrest; the homeowner held down the suspect until the police got there. Daven Woulard was coming home from the store and, from the street, his wife who was with him in the car saw two legs sticking out of a window. It’s the window to their son’s bedroom. Woulard was not about to let anyone break into his home. He pulled into his driveway in a hurry, jumped out of the car and grabbed his .44-magnum handgun, which he has a permit to carry. Woulard told the young boy to get out of the house and, when he didn’t react right away, fired a shot into the ground. That made the 16-year-old move a little quicker. At that point, the teen did everything Woulard told him to do, holding still until the police got there... Police arrested Jarrett Holloman and charged him with burglary"
MI: Good Samaritan Stops Bank Robbery Suspect: "At 10:00 a.m. Monday, a man is accused of passing a note to a teller at the National City Bank on Woodward, and then grabbing the cash and running out the door. Good Samartian Michael Farrow saw him running down the street and decided to get involved. Farrow has a CCW and was carrying a gun when he told the man to stop and get down. "He actually thought I was a police officer at the time," he said. Police arrived seconds later, taking 49-year-old Robert Lee Chandler into custody. He is a parolee, who police say has an extensive criminal history. The suspect will face charges. Farrow's two sons, who were with their father at the time, also helped out. "They recovered the money blowing down the street.
NH: Residents protest gun laws: "Some of them armed with handguns and rifles, more than 30 people gathered Saturday on the State House plaza to protest laws that restrict gun ownership. The peaceful rally included the denunciation of state lawmakers who last year voted to ban firearms in the capitol building. ‘You need to remember in November that some of these people want you defenseless,’ Jennifer Coffey, a state representative from Andover, said about the next election. The Statehouse firearm ban, coupled with other New Hampshire and federal laws, prompted the gun owners to demonstrate in Concord. They contend their Second Amendment rights are under threat by a sprawling government that could potentially disarm them.”
Thanks to the “fruitcakes,” we’re safe from despotism: "I was surprised by your statement, ‘One of the fruitcake arguments spouted by rabid advocates of the Second Amendment is their need to possess weapons to protect themselves from the government’ (Cheers & Jeers, April 2). That is precisely the reason the Bill of Rights is included in the Constitution: to protect us from the government. Who else could restrict our right to speech, assembly, press and about 15 other rights? The Founding Fathers knew despots invariably restricted these rights and called in the weapons once a country was conquered. Those ‘fruitcake arguments’ made sure a despotic administration could not do the same to us. Thank heavens for the ‘rabid advocates’ who wrote our Constitution"
Monday, April 12, 2010
OK: Man shot by homeowner: "A Sunday evening shooting in Sand Springs sent one man to the hospital. It happened at 403 N. Lincoln in downtown, said Assistant Police Chief Mike Carter. Officers were still sorting out the details Sunday night, but they know that one person was shot in the upper arm. It appears the man who got shot had called the homeowner earlier and said he was coming over to do some kind of harm, Carter said. Police believe the two knew each other. Officers think that two shots were fired, Carter said, and the man was struck once. Carter said the homeowner originally said the man who got shot had tried to force entry. Police were trying to verify if that was indeed the case. "Then, the guy who got shot fled, and somehow got to Hillcrest," Carter said. The homeowner who did the shooting was still on scene Sunday night."
TN: Law enforcement coalition wants longer prison terms for armed robbers: "Law enforcement in Tennessee wants stiffer penalties for armed robbers in exchange for dealing with non-violent property offenders differently. Those goals are outlined in the Tennessee Public Safety Coalition’s (TPSC) 2010 legislative agenda shared with members of the Times-News Editorial Board on Monday. “We’re now approaching a billion dollars a year in Tennessee to trail ’em, nail ’em and jail ’em,” quipped Knox County District Attorney General Randy Nichols. “We’re paying out $100 million in indigent defense.” “Every law enforcement officer in the state of Tennessee will tell you that armed robbers need to be locked up as long as you can keep them locked up,” said Sullivan County District Attorney General Greeley Wells. “The armed robber of today is the murderer of tomorrow."
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Men killed in San Diego shooting identified: "Two men were killed and a woman was injured early Saturday in a shooting inside a Tierrasanta apartment. The husband of the woman was detained by San Diego police but released after several hours of questioning as police continue to investigate the shooting, said homicide Lt. Kevin Rooney. "We released the guy pending additional investigation," Rooney said. "We are evaluating everything including the possibility of self defense." Late Saturday, the County Medical Examiner's Office identified the dead men as Kamren Halfacre, 19, and Ryan West, 22.... Rooney said shortly before the shooting the woman had arrived at the apartment, which she shares with her husband and child, with the two men, who he said were acquaintances, and her son. One of the men got into an argument with the woman’s husband and the husband shot the two men, he said."
TX: Country music singer acquitted: "Country music singer and songwriter Billy Joe Shaver was on his way to Houston to play a scheduled gig Friday after a McLennan County jury acquitted him of aggravated assault in the shooting of a man outside a bar in 2007. Earlier in the day, Shaver testified that he feared for his life when he shot Coker in the upper lip on the back patio of the bar in Lorena, just south of Waco, with a .22-caliber pistol that was smaller than the palm of his hand. Shaver said he was nervous after Coker brandished a knife in the bar and then asked him to step outside. "I wanted to scare him ... wanted to beat him to the punch. I feared he was going to kill me," Shaver said. Perhaps the most critical testimony came from Daniel Silvas, who said he saw the shooting from his truck after he pulled into the bar. Silvas said he saw a quarrel between two men, one of whom he later learned was Shaver. The other man then went at Shaver with a knife as Shaver backed away, Silvas said. "To me it looked like (Shaver) was just trying to ... to get away" before firing, Silvas said."
Ohio official tells residents to 'arm themselves' amid police cuts: "When the sheriff's department in Ashtabula County, Ohio, was cut from 112 to 49 deputies, just one vehicle was left to patrol the 720-square-mile county. Asked what residents should do for protection, Common Pleas Judge Alfred Mackey replied, " Arm themselves," and added, "We're going to have to look after each other." Area gun dealers and instructors told WKYC-TV, Cleveland, that they've noticed an uptick in sales and interest in self-defense classes. One instructor, Tracy Williams, said the cuts mean "you don't have any other option" other than to listen to Mackey's advice."
Saturday, April 10, 2010
A bizarre story from Australia
Even wooden guns are "unsafe". The RSL is Australia's major veterans' organization and runs clubs throughout Australia. I am myself a member of one and do occasionally stop to look at the weapons and memorabilia display inside
HUNDREDS of harmless historic RSL displays, containing rifles, machineguns and cannons, may have to be removed from public view because they are unlicensed. The red tape farce, which will hit clubs throughout Queensland, was triggered in Cooktown in the far north where police last week confiscated two guns – including a replica firearm made entirely of wood.
Cooktown RSL members have lashed out at the crackdown that requires them to prove the guns are inactive following a complaint from a local pacifist who felt the weapons promoted war and violence.
RSL Queensland chief executive Chris McHugh yesterday admitted an unknown quantity of weapons on display in more than 80 clubs across the state would have to be taken down if found to be unlicensed. A law introduced after the Port Arthur massacre in 1996 requires weapons made after 1900 to be proved inactive and registered with the Queensland Police Weapons Licensing Branch, with gun barrels required to be welded shut.
"While we don't have any problems with the law introduced after the Port Arthur massacre, it has always caused us some grief and hassle and we would hope it would be applied with some common sense," Mr McHugh said. "We'll be sending out reminders to all clubs about their obligations. It is a massive amount of paperwork."
A wooden replica of a Vickers machinegun and a rusted World War II machinegun, had been displayed on the roof of two RSL buildings in Cooktown's main street for more than a year but are now being held in the police station until licences are processed. Despite being rusted through after spending 30 years in a Cape York rainforest, the World War II machinegun must be licensed to prove it is inactive.
The wooden replica requires a separate licence because of its likeness to the real thing.
Cooktown RSL sub-branch secretary Jim Fay was stunned when told he had to dismantle the guns and hand them in to police. The club is fighting to get them back on display and has installed a plastic water gun in place of the confiscated weapons until they're returned. "They are going to have to go around Australia and check every gun in every RSL, because I'm pretty certain we're not the only ones in this crazy situation," he said.
The confiscated weapons are classified as Category R, which includes fully automatic machine and submachineguns and any replica or facsimile of a machine or sub-machinegun that is not a toy.
Mr McHugh was disappointed by the petty nature of the complaint that led to the guns being removed, saying they had become a landmark. "Over 100,000 Australians died at war fighting for the rights this whinger [whiner] enjoys today," he said. "The RSL and sub-branch does enormous work in the local community and we're disappointed someone would be so petty to say it glorifies war."
The Cooktown woman who lodged the complained told The Sunday Mail she was proud of the efforts of Australian soldiers but was disgusted at displaying "killing machines". The woman asked not to be named for fear she would be targeted by those opposed to her pacifist views.
"My grandfather was a World War I digger and he came back a shattered man, so I don't think he would have approved at all of the public display of these killing machines," she said.
All guns on display at Norths Leagues and Services Club at Kallangur are licensed, but treasurer Shaun Smith can understand why clubs may not have appropriate licences. "If a gun is made of wood and it's been on display for ages it's a bit of a joke to make them take it down to get a licence," he said.
"All the weapons we have on display are certified as inactive . . . but it's understandable that there are examples across the state where things haven't been done so thoroughly."
FL: Road rage shooting justifiable homicide: "The second killing involved Christopher A. Alfaro, 24, who was found shot in the head April 1 shortly after ramming his car into another motorist during a road-rage attack. In the road-rage killing, 38-year-old Craig Wickersham contacted police after the incident. Alfaro, 24, and a passenger were driving south on Cassat Avenue about 2 a.m. when they got into a road-rage squabble with Wickersham, police were told. Alfaro rammed his vehicle into Wickersham's, which is considered an aggravated battery, Schmitt said. Wickersham, who had a gun and concealed weapons permit, fired at Alfaro's car. Alfaro was shot in the head and crashed at Cassat and Shirley avenues. An investigation found no evidence that the shooting was anything but justified and Wickersham was not charged, Schmitt said."
GA: Fatal shooting in club parking lot: "Octavis Mabry, 26, of Carrollton was shot early Sunday morning in the club’s parking lot by security guards following an altercation between Mabry and another man, Latrampus Crowder, 22, also of Carrollton, according to the Carroll County Sheriff’s Office. Mabry died later at Tanner Medical Center/Carrollton. Crowder and security guard Kevin Ridley, who were both shot by Mabry, were treated at area hospitals and released... “I didn’t know the situation would turn out like this,” Ridley said. “However, when he had that gun, all I could think to do was to stop him before anyone else got shot. Ridley said he has not hired an attorney because he was informed by the Sheriff’s Office that his actions were in self-defense."
Kentucky: Man shot to death while forcing his way into home: "Police in Carter County are investigating after a shooting Wednesday morning that left a man dead. The shooting happened at about 6 a.m. at a home on Clark Hill Avenue in Olive Hill. Police say Boyd E. Littleton II, 45, was shot to death by homeowner Carl Bright when Littleton attempted to forcibly gain entry into Bright’s residence by kicking both rear and front doors of the house. Littleton was shot after he managed to kick in the front door. There have been no charges filed against Bright by the Kentucky State Police"
Friday, April 09, 2010
Oregon man scares off attacker with warning shot: "A 55-year-old Forest Grove man narrowly escaped a brawl with a drunk 21-year-old from Cornelius early Wednesday morning by firing a warning shot from his pistol while he was pinned, Police said. John McKnight was walking his dog on the 1700 block of Elm Street about a half-hour after midnight Wednesday when he was accosted by a trio of inebriated young men. McKnight said the three men assailed him with insults and continued to threaten him. McKnight then drew a .38 caliber pistol and told the trio to back down. Police say Michael W. Ryan III, a Cornelius man with no fixed address, then said he didn’t believe the gun was loaded, and began to assault McKnight. McKnight told police that Ryan had him in a sleeper hold and he felt that he was losing consciousness when he fired a shot from his revolver near Ryan’s head. Only then did the young man back off, Police said."
WA: Two neighbors shoot aggressive intruder: "Detectives now say that a 35-year-old man who broke into a home Wednesday was shot by both the homeowner and a neighbor in self-defense. Grant told detectives he was awakened to the sound of the suspect breaking out the windows of his van. When Vern went downstairs to investigate, the burglar began smashing his way through the sliding glass door. Vern told detectives he called a neighbor for help, but was hit on the head by the suspect in the process. The neighbor arrived, saw the broken out door and saw Grant covered in blood from a head injury, was holding a gun. The suspect allegedly made a move toward Grant, who then fired one shot, hitting the man in the shoulder. Grant left the house to get help, with the neighbor holding the suspect at gunpoint with his own gun. At some point, the suspect moved toward the neighbor. The neighbor fired a shot, hitting the suspect in the leg. The suspect stayed down until sheriff's deputies arrived.
SD: Gunman shot with own gun: "An alcohol-fueled argument led to the second homicide in three days in Sioux Falls, and the fact that alcohol was involved has made it difficult for police to figure out exactly what happened. Anthony Kevin Hennings, 24, of Sioux Falls was killed with a .38-caliber pistol in an early morning shooting Thursday after reportedly threatening a man and a woman with the gun, police spokesman Sam Clemens said. "What we know is that the victim had the gun, the suspect was able to get the gun away from the victim and it went off," he said. The rest of the details are sketchy. The man who wrestled the gun away from Hennings is in custody for a parole violation, but he has not been charged with any crime related to the shooting"
States exempting guns from rules now total 7: "Joining a nationwide effort to challenge Washington's authority, Idaho Gov. Butch Otter today made his state the seventh to exempt guns made and kept in the state from any federal regulations. House Bill 589 was listed today on Otter's website among legislation that had been signed into law. The governor added Idaho to the list of states that have adopted what has become known as "Firearm Freedom Acts." The movement began in Montana, where a court case was filed seeking affirmation that the state – and not bureaucrats in the nation's capital – has the right to manage in-state issues and actions. Idaho's legislation cites the Second, Ninth and 10th Amendments as justification for its exemption, as well as the Constitution's Commerce Clause."
Thursday, April 08, 2010
Ohio shooting probable self defense: "The shooting happened just before noon on Wednesday at the intersection of Anna and Hoover avenues. Police said the 46-year-old man was shot in the street and a neighbor called 911 and helped keep him alive until medics arrived. Lt Bob Chabali said, “The victim had identified the suspect and the suspect waited for us to arrest him peacefully.” Not only did the suspected shooter wait for officers, he even called them to let them know where he would be. Officers then learned that the shooting started with a fight... “It escalated to where a knife was pulled and eventually a gun was pulled,” Chabali said. After detectives talked with the suspected shooter, they found out that the suspect may have actually be the victim and that the victim may have been the suspect. Sources told News Center 7 that the man who was shot may have initiated the argument and the gunman fired in self-defense."
IL: Would-be robber shot and killed: "Cook County prosecutors announced a first-degree murder indictment Wednesday against Kristian Branch in the death of Mario C. Charles, a Rockford resident killed last month during a shooting at a Schaumburg hotel.... At some point, Charles pointed a gun at the victims and he and Branch demanded money, prosecutors say. The 26-year-old Minnesota man also pulled a gun and both men were shot during the ensuing gunfire, prosecutors say. Branch was charged with murder because Charles' death occurred during a felony she was involved with, authorities said."
GA: Why was this not self defense? "Derrick Lamont Jones, 28, of College Park was arrested and charged with murder and aggravated assault, Clayton County police said Wednesday. He is accused of killing 30-year-old Terrant Flournoy and wounding 17-year old Montavious Davis on April 1, police said. According to police, the men were arguing at a party in the 1080 block of Brookstone Road. Jones got in his car to leave when Flournoy broke the front driver’s side window, police said. Jones then pulled out a 9 mm gun and started shooting, police said. Police arrived and found Flournoy face down on the ground. He was pronounced dead at Grady Memorial Hospital."
Wednesday, April 07, 2010
Texas homeowner stabbed. Offender disarmed by observer with gun: "San Antonio police Tuesday morning arrested a man suspected of stabbing another man in what they said was an attempted theft at a far North Side home. Robert Alzapiedi, 37, was waiting to be booked into Bexar County Jail on a charge of aggravated robbery with a deadly weapon. Bail was set at $50,000. Sgt. Tobe Whitley said the victim saw a man attempting to break into his truck parked in the driveway of his home in the 15800 block of Lomita Springs, near Loop 1604 and O’Connor Road, around 7:30 a.m. The two struggled after the homeowner confronted the man. During the scuffle, the victim thought Alzapiedi had punched him only to find moments later that he’d been stabbed, the report states. The suspect then ran away. Moments later, a witness saw Alzapiedi running down the street with a bloody knife and confronted him, Whitley said. “The witness could tell, definitely, that something wasn’t right,” he said. “The suspect threatened the witness with the knife,” he said, and then dropped it when the witness — a concealed handgun carrier — showed the suspect his weapon. The suspect continued to run, Whitley said, but several witnesses gave police his description. He was detained on Knoll Creek Drive"
KS: Bill would allow guns in less-secure places: "Residents authorized to carry a concealed handgun should be able to defend themselves if the government can’t guarantee their safety, gun proponents say. That’s the idea behind a bill that would allow people with concealed-carry permits to take their firearms into state or municipal buildings that don’t have ‘adequate security measures’ such as metal detectors and trained guards. That means places like the Capitol, Intrust Bank Arena and college campuses. ‘If they are going to strip me of my right (to carry a firearm) then they need to take responsibility for my safety,’ said Patricia Stoneking, president of the Kansas State Rifle Association.”
VA: Students demonstrate for right to bear arms: "It’s a silent protest for their rights, but to these students it’s more about their protection. Kevin Garris, President of Students for Concealed Carry on Campus says, ‘People that want to carry concealed weapons on campus are following the law.’ Garris is trying to change James Madison University’s administrative policy regarding carrying concealed weapons on campus. ‘If you look particularly at JMU, a lot of people say guns and alcohol don’t mix. I totally agree, but the alcohol and drinking and partying isn’t taking place on campus. That takes place off campus where people can carry if they so choose,’ says Garris.”
AZ: New law bans stricter gun regulation by cities: "Arizona communities will no longer be permitted to have gun regulations stricter than state laws.Gov. Jan Brewer on Monday signed legislation which overrules any local ordinance which is more restrictive than those approved by the Legislature. And even in situations where the rules are the same, cities and counties could not have a penalty more severe than permitted by lawmakers. Most immediately the law, which takes effect later this summer, would overrule regulations that some cities have against people having handguns in city parks. Instead, that would leave only state laws which spell out how far from a building someone must be to fire a weapon.”
Tuesday, April 06, 2010
TN: Father shoots violent son in self-defense: "A man is shot and killed in Meigs County, and authorities say his father pulled the trigger, but that father does not face charges in the death. Investigators with the Meigs County Sheriff's Office won't say exactly what led up to the incident inside the father's home. But we do know that while he admitted to shooting his son, he hasn't been charged. His family says it's because he was only trying to protect himself from his violent son. Around 6:30 Friday evening, officers responded to the scene and found the victim, 28 year old Jason Morrow. "Victim on floor in kitchen, he had sustained a gunshot wound in left side of his chest." Detective Keith Kile says Morrow was rushed to the hospital where he later died." While officers won't say what led to the violence, his family told us that Jason had a drug problem."
Gun control is hitting what you’re aiming at: "If you have ever wanted a great ‘one-liner’ to roll off your tongue when you are in a friendly but competitive debate with someone who is less than ‘pro-gun,’ then you will love this report. … Here is my list of favorites: An armed man is a Citizen. An unarmed man is a subject. A gun in the hand is better than a cop on the phone. Gun Control is not about guns; it’s about control. If guns cause crime, then cameras cause pornography. Free Men should not have to ask permission to bear arms. If you don’t know your Rights you don’t have any.”
Open carry — individual sovereignty: "Periodically, I encounter individuals who express the idea that you can somehow have a society which is free, while at the same time safe, antiseptic, and womb-like. In particular, certain kinds of conservatives are fond of saying things like, ‘I don’t have any problem with people [committing some socially unacceptable act] in their homes, but they ought to keep it to themselves.’ But it is specifically the public expression of our rights which tests whether or not we are, in fact, free.”
Monday, April 05, 2010
MI: Man admits to botched stick-up: "An Argentine Township man pleaded guilty Friday morning to attempting to rob a Deerfield Township country store with a starter pistol. Police said Malinowski was armed with a starter pistol when he walked into the country store at about 3:30 p.m. Feb. 18 and demanded money. The 70-year-old clerk, however, knocked the bandit's weapon away and pulled out his own handgun while ordering the would-be robber to the floor. Instead of complying, the robber fled in a 1998 Pontiac Grand Prix, which the clerk said he shot "full of bullet holes" in an effort to stop him. As the bandit fled, however, a good Samaritan followed him... Prosecutor David Morse has said he will not bring charges against the store clerk because the clerk had the right to self-defense"
Students resist colleges, strap on empty holsters: "College students across America will once again strap on empty holsters in an act of silent protest against laws and policies banning licensed concealed carry on campus. The protest, sponsored by Students for Concealed Carry on Campus (SCCC), will take place April 5-9, 2010 and comes on the heels of college administrators discriminating against concealed carry permit holders, and censoring students who disagree. According to the group, colleges have repeatedly ignored or attempted to keep students from discussing the issue. In Pennsylvania, one college banned SCCC member Christine Brashier from handing out fliers about the group, stating, ‘You may want to discuss this topic but the college does not, and you cannot make us.’”
TX: Gun case could impact healthcare reform suit: "A Texas high school student’s decision to bring a .38-caliber handgun to school in 1992 could end up at the center of the legal fight over President Barack Obama’s healthcare reform plan. Alfonso Lopez Jr.’s arrest at Edison High School in San Antonio set in motion a legal battle that may prove crucial to 13 state attorneys general fighting the new law. Lopez, a senior when he was arrested for handgun possession in March 1992, ended up facing federal charges of violating the Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990. But the Supreme Court, on a 5-4 vote, threw out his conviction five years later on the grounds that Congress exceeded its regulatory authority under the Constitution when it approved the 1990 law, which makes it a violation of federal law to possess a firearm in a school zone.”
Sunday, April 04, 2010
MO: Argument in store leads to shooting: "The owner of a lawn mower repair shop shot and wounded a customer whom he believed was reaching for a weapon Saturday morning, police said. The customer was taken to a hospital with injuries that weren’t life-threatening, said Lt. Shawn Lane, a Jennings Police spokesman. The trouble started about 10 a.m. at Jennings Lawnmower Repair, 6502 West Florissant Avenue, with an argument between the owner and a customer. The owner told police that the customer came behind the counter to threaten him, went out of the store and came back in. He reached to his waistband, implying he had a gun and was about to use it, Lane said. The customer did not have a gun. The owner — identified by an employee as Ahmad Harris — shot the customer three times. Police questioned and released Harris."
Canada: No charges in violent struggle and fatal shooting at marina: "Police said Tuesday a man will not be charged for fatally shooting another man at a Vancouver Island marina during a violent struggle last year. Dennis Van Dooren, 62, was shot April 8, 2009, at the Bluenose Marina in Cowichan Bay and died in hospital three weeks later. Police say that three of five bullets fired in the double shooting were training rounds, explaining how one of the men escaped serious injury despite having been shot in the face. Van Dooren, was shot in the head and arm, and was transported to Victoria General Hospital by helicopter with life-threatening injuries. He never regained consciousness and died in hospital 21 days later. Police forwarded the findings from their investigation on to Crown Counsel, but did not recommend charges as independent witness testimony pointed to Van Dooren as the aggressor, and his victim was acting in self-defence." [Wow! You CAN defend yourself in Canada -- on rare occasions]
Saturday, April 03, 2010
Oklahoma: Sheriff’s Office Identifies Man Killed By Homeowner: "The Tulsa County Sheriff’s Office has identified the intruder who was shot and killed by Turley homeowner, Michael Lish, late Thursday night. The sheriff’s office says the intruder was Billy Jean Tiffey III, 19. The incident happened at a home in the 6000 block of North Owasso just after 10 p.m. According to Tulsa County sheriff’s deputies, a couple was entering the home through the back door when they heard a noise in the master bedroom. Deputies say the homeowner went to the bedroom and confronted the intruder. “He walked in until he got close to the master bedroom, at that time he saw a burglar in the house, the burglar was carrying a sword that belonged to a homeowner, approached the homeowner, the homeowner told him to stop, pulled out his gun, guy didn’t stop, and shot him,” said TCSO Captain John Bowman. Bowman says the intruder then reached for a gun in his pocket, so the homeowner fired two more shots, striking the man in the chest, killing him."
Sacramento murder charge dropped after home surveillance video shows self-defense: "Eugene Edward Walls Jr.'s home surveillance video came in handy when he shot and killed a man in front of his Oak Park home five months ago – it proved he pulled the trigger in self-defense. Prosecutors had initially charged Walls with murder. Upon further review, they dismissed the count Friday in Sacramento Superior Court, agreeing the video evidence showed that Walls gunned down Shedrick Letronn Cotton, 35, of Union City, after Cotton tried to gun him down. "He was coming out of his home and was attacked by a couple of guys, at which point he shot (Cotton)"
VA: Jury delivers ‘compromise verdict’ at murder trial: "A jury acquitted a Petersburg man of murder this week in the shooting death of an acquaintance -- but convicted him of using a gun in the shooting -- in a decision that a prosecutor interpreted as a compromise. After a two-day trial that ended Wednesday in Petersburg Circuit Court, jurors acquitted Marc D. Jones, 20, of first-degree murder but found him guilty of using a 9mm pistol in fatally shooting Donnell Howard, 22, in the Pin Oaks public-housing complex on Aug. 24. The killing occurred just before midnight in the First block of Persimmon Court, after Jones -- who had been drinking -- went to the complex with a loaded 9mm, Lindsey said. At about 11:30 p.m., Jones encountered Howard, who lived in the complex. Jones claimed that Howard had been with men who robbed him Aug. 23. "Jones claimed the victim approached him rapidly and was going to try to take his gun, so he shot him in self-defense," Lindsey said."
Gun Talk Radio Adds 90th Station: "Tom Gresham’s Gun Talk (R) welcomes KXYL FM in Brownswood, TX, as the 90th station to air the nationally-syndicated radio talk show. Gun Talk will air on 96.9 FM on Sundays from 1pm-4pm Central. This 100,000-watt FM blowtorch covers a huge part of the Lone Star State. KXYL’s Operations Manager Jesse Jones says “We’re smack dab in the middle of Texas — if you don’t like guns or know anything about guns, then you might as well pack it up and move on out!”
Friday, April 02, 2010
TX: Dead jewelry store robber IDd: "Juan Luis Martinez was the man shot and killed during an attempted robbery Wednesday, San Angelo police said. Fingerprint analysis conducted at the Tarrant County Medical Examiner’s Office positively identified the 20-year-old San Angelo man Thursday afternoon. Martinez entered Cano’s Diamonds, 2705 Sherwood Way, about 1 p.m. Wednesday with a handgun in an attempt to rob the store, police said Thursday. He and store personnel exchanged gunfire, and Martinez was killed.... No one had been charged in the shooting as of Thursday evening."
Lawmakers move to stop Omaha gun rule: "Nebraska lawmakers want to force the city of Omaha to stop requiring those with concealed-carry gun permits to register their firearms with the city. On Monday, they passed an amendment that would stop the practice in Omaha. The approval of the amendment follows an opinion from Attorney General Jon Bruning’s office on Friday that Omaha has been violating state law by forcing people who have permits to carry concealed guns to also register their guns. The formal opinion said Omaha’s rule isn’t allowed under a law that bars cities from preventing concealed-carry permit holders from carrying concealed guns inside city limits.”
Heller’s offspring: "These are the offspring of Heller: A woman contends her small stature makes her an appealing target for criminals but says she was turned down for a concealed-carry handgun permit by the Sacramento County sheriff. A Californian man, born without an arm below the right elbow, argues that the state’s roster of ‘approved’ handguns precludes him from being able to buy a left-handed Glock. An American man who now lives in Canada would like to purchase guns in the U.S. to store at his relatives’ home in Mount Vernon, Ohio, to use for sporting and self-defense. All are now plaintiffs in suits that were filed in the wake of the June 2008 District of Columbia v. Heller ruling.”
Arizona guns, ammo not subject to federal law: "State lawmakers have given final approval to legislation designed to let Arizonans buy, sell and manufacture guns and bullets while thumbing their nose at the federal government. A measure sent to Gov. Jan Brewer on Tuesday spells out that any firearm or ammunition manufactured in the state ‘is not subject to federal law or federal regulation. … To qualify, though, the guns or bullets need to have been made entirely in Arizona ‘without the inclusion of any significant parts imported from another state. Queries to gubernatorial press aide Paul Senseman … on the measure were not returned. But Brewer has portrayed herself as a strong proponent of the rights of individuals to carry guns to protect themselves.”
Thursday, April 01, 2010
MI: Prosecutors finally decide fatal Ann Arbor shooting was self-defense: "Police announced Wednesday that Washtenaw County prosecutors concluded a second review of a Dec. 2 fatal shooting in an Ann Arbor suburb and determined it was a case of self defense. A three-month investigation revealed Michael Rajchel, 28, of Van Buren Township, was intoxicated and under the influence of several prescription drugs when he was shot nine times while seated in a car in the Arbor Creek subdivision at Waters Road near Ann Arbor-Saline Road.... Rajchel then ordered Farha to drive them from the location, police said. When Farha refused, Rajchel lifted his shirt, exposing a Norinco pistol. Rajchel began reaching for it with his hand, according to the investigation. Farha pulled out his own gun, a .40 caliber Smith & Wesson semiautomatic, and fired nine shots as he exited the car. Rajchel died sitting in the passenger seat of Farha's vehicle with his pistol tucked in his waistband, police said. The pistol was loaded with the hammer cocked back, ready to fire, the report said. [I mentioned this case last Dec. 17]
Pennsylvania: Bethlehem shootout stops robbers: "A judge set bail for the suspects in last night’s shootout in Bethlehem at $750,000 for a man police said fired a sawed-off shotgun into an apartment window, and $500,000 for an accomplice. Police said the two planned to rob a west Bethlehem apartment last night and the plan was foiled when the victim opened fire with his handgun. Despite numerous shots being fired and a flurry of 911 calls from neighbors, no one was injured in the shootout around 11:15 p.m. at the Waters Edge apartments, 350 W. Lehigh St. Police said they recovered the shotgun, which had been tossed into a nearby wooded area as the men ran from officers, said Detective William Dosedlo. Christian Alberto Diaz, 27, of 930 Gordon St., and Eduardo Vinas, no age or address available, are charged..."
Hawaii: Woman Wounds 2 Robbery Suspects: "Two suspected robbers were seriously wounded Tuesday by a woman police said may have been defending herself and her wounded boyfriend. Police said two men armed with guns and zip-ties approached the home, which was rented by the couple and their two young children. One of the suspects’ guns went off during a struggle with the male resident. The resident was slightly wounded. Police say the woman brought out a handgun and fired after she said one of the suspects pointed his gun at her. Police say there was an exchange of gunfire. Police say robbery suspects Shane Reginald Flores, 38, and Floyd Orsborn, 23, were both hit more than once. Orsborn was listed in critical condition Wednesday night. They were arrested after police pulled over the alleged getaway car on Kamehameha Highway. Also arrested was the alleged getaway driver, Robert Logsdon III, 31. The three suspects are being investigated for possible charges of first-degree attempted murder. The woman who shot two of them has not been arrested."

Bargain collectors' gun -- a Luger .45: "An Indonesian billionaire paid $1 million for the real thing, and it became known as "the million-dollar Luger." On Sunday, under very different economic circumstances, the coveted .45-caliber Luger found a new owner for half that price at a public auction in Anaheim. The gavel came down at $430,000 from an anonymous bidder. With the 15% buyer's premium, the 103-year-old weapon fetched $494,500... "This is the holy grail of the collection," said Smith, who has collected Lugers for 55 years. "If you were to have one gun, that's the one to own." The 9-millimeter Luger was the standard firearm used by the Germans during World Wars I and II, according to the auctioneer. The Germans made the .45-caliber for the American market and tried unsuccessfully to sell it to the U.S. military in 1907. Only three were made and two survived. The other is in a Louisiana museum."
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