Self defense no excuse in Massachusetts?: "The alleged shooter, Christopher Davis, 26, claims he opened fire in self- defense after a trio of men attempted to enter his Fenn Street apartment around 2 a.m. As a result, the three men - Douglas Starbird, Anthony Astore and Tyler Hewitt - may soon face charges of home invasion, according to Detective Capt. Patrick F. Barry, commander of the Pittsfield Police Department Special Operations Division. None of the men were hit by gunfire. Although the charges against Davis will remain the same - assault with a dangerous weapon, possession of a firearm without a license, discharging a firearm within 500 feet of a building, and possession of ammunition without a Firearms Identification Card - the police investigation has revealed that the trio may have been the aggressors. "We recovered a roofing rake we believe was used in the home invasion," Barry said, adding that the tool was likely used to smash out the windows of Davis' truck. Davis was held on cash bail of $100,000, or $1 million bond, after denying all charges at his arraignment Monday in Central Berkshire District Court. Davis was captured in Colonie, N.Y., the day after the shooting, but police have yet to recover a weapon, which is believed to be a .22-caliber handgun."
OK: Robbers' baby shot: "Sequoyah County Sheriff Ron Lockhart said two men robbed Devin Jeremiah in his home, Saturday afternoon, north of Roland. Lockhart said the victim fought back firing a gun at the suspects as they fled. Lockhart said one bullet hit a one-year-old child who was in the suspects' get-away vehicle, driven by the child’s mother. "The victim of the robbery was battered and as the suspects were fleeing the house the victim of the robbery shot several times into the car," Lockhart said. Lockhart said Jeremiah didn't realize there was a kid in the vehicle. Bobbie Keefner, Jeremiah's aunt, spoke exclusively to 40/29 News. She said her nephew acted in self defense. "They basically came in, robbed him and just beat him nearly to death," she said. "He didn't know that there was baby in the vehicle at all or he wouldn't have shot.” Jeremiah was taken to Sparks Hospital where Keefner said he was treated for severe head and mouth wounds. Lockhart said as the mother of the child drove to Sparks Hospital with the suspects, she spotted a Roland police officer who followed her to the hospital where they learned of the robbery. The child was flown by helicopter to Children's Hospital in Little Rock, where they were listed in critical condition Saturday night."

Can you believe this bulldust from Canada?: "Guns in bars. No background checks at gun shows. No permits to carry required. No restrictions on how many guns a person may buy (in some cases now it’s one per month). What Americans don’t seem to understand is how crazy they look to most of the rest of the world. The reason they don’t understand is because of their one-thought tyranny. Americans are tyrannized by 1776, The Second Amendment, The Bill of Rights, The Constitution and other colonial-era artifacts. They have been brainwashed into believing that those are the only thoughts there are. This is not freedom. Freedom means having a choice. If they could accept that there are other ways of thinking then they would have a choice! That’s what freedom is about and what many, if not most, Americans don’t understand." [He's obviously never heard of the Brady campaign or the American Left generally. Americans are positively SWAMPED with "other ways of thinking". Most just don't agree with it, that's all. He thinks the picture above shows craziness. I think it shows an all-American gal]
Idaho Firearms Freedom Act Has Been Introduced: "The Idaho Firearms Freedom Act has been introduced as H0589 by Rep. Dick Harwood. If passed, this bill would create a confrontation at the federal level by making it legal to possess a firearm in Idaho regardless of federal regulations PROVIDED the firearm’s use AND manufacture meet certain requirements, including being manufactured in Idaho, with products produced in Idaho and stamped “Made in Idaho.” This makes 25 states with FFA bills introduced or enacted. We’re now at 50% of states that are involved with the FFA movement to roll back Washington’s power over states."