This is an old quarry which is now filled with water and is right beside the other one. The far pool is part of the system to prevent silicosis which killed many quarry workers because of the granite dust. It looks like a beautiful pond for swimming but it's very dangerous.
We also visited you-know-where again. Chris and Trey enjoyed the visit and the ice cream.
On Sunday we again visited the Joseph Smith Memorial where the spirit of the Lord is a tangible gift to all who visit this beautiful place.
We also drove through an interesting cemetery called Hope Cemetery which is a tourist site. It's the subject of a blog all by itself.
On Monday after Janeen and Greg had gone, we went to Barre's annual Memorial Day Parade. It lasted about 30 minutes and was full of lots of vets, bands from the local schools, limos with VFW officials and fire trucks and flags. The streets were lined with cheering people. This group is from the local military high school. Their drill sergeant is from our ward.
It was nice to have family here to share this adventure with us and to have someplace else to sit beside hard kitchen chairs. Dad spent his days putting together furniture which the boys provided for us. Just before I took this picture, I told him that I was going to send Jeff an e-mail. He's saying, "Tell him not to send anything else that I have to put together!"