Meet my comfrey plant. I am not sure what kind it is. I do not think it is a bocking 14, which they say is a sterile comfrey.
I only purchased the one because I felt that I could propagate it if it doesn't self seed this year.
It is a rather lovely plant, isn't it? I bought it from a small, local nursery. He had lots of people as for it last year, so he got some, but wasn't sure why they wanted it. I told him that I was looking for a local source for it to use in my compost pile. He said he was going to look into that.
Then, I asked at another nursery and when I did, the owner said, "why do you want a weed? I have plenty of those by my compost pile, if you want some, I'll dig them up for you,"
I planted this one at the top of the yard near the new compost pile. In that part of the yard, there really isn't much but weeds that grow there already. What's another "weed"? Only with this one, I will use the leaves in my compost pile and around my garden beds as mulch.
Comfrey has many uses in the garden. I have clipped a few from WIKIpedia that explain why I wanted the plant in my garden and the uses for it.
Comfrey is a particularly valuable source of fertility to the organic gardener. It is very deep rooted and acts as a
dynamic accumulator,
[7] mining a host of nutrients from the soil. These are then made available through its fast-growing leaves (up to 4-5
pounds per plant per cut) which, lacking fibres, quickly break down to a thick black liquid. There is also no risk of nitrogen robbery when comfrey is dug into the soil as the
C:N ratio of the leaves is lower than that of well-rotted compost. Comfrey is an excellent source of
potassium, an essential plant nutrient needed for
seed and
fruit production. Its leaves contain 2-3 times more potassium than farmyard manure, mined from deep in the
subsoil, tapping into reserves that would not normally be available to plants.
There are various ways in which comfrey can be used as a fertilizer. These include:
[9] [10]
- Comfrey as a compost activator - include comfrey in the compost heap to add nitrogen and help to heat the heap. Comfrey should not be added in quantity as it will quickly break down into a dark sludgy liquid that needs to be balanced with more fibrous, carbon-rich material.
- Comfrey liquid fertilizer - can be produced by either rotting leaves down in rainwater for 4–5 weeks to produce a ready-to-use 'comfrey tea', or by stacking dry leaves under a weight in a container with a hole in the base. When the leaves decompose a thick black comfrey concentrate is collected. This must be diluted at 15:1 before use.
- Comfrey as a mulch or side dressing - a two-inch layer of comfrey leaves placed around a crop will slowly break down and release plant nutrients; it is especially useful for crops that need extra potassium, such as fruit bearers but also reported to do well for potatoes. Comfrey can be slightly wilted before application optionally but either way, avoid using flowering stems as these can root.
- Comfrey as a companion plant for trees and other perennials. Soil tests confirm[11] that soil nutrients increase in the presence of comfrey even when it is not used as mulch, side dressing, or liquid fertilizer, but just allowed to grow.
- Comfrey potting mixture - originally devised to utilize peat, now environmental awareness has led to a leaf mold-based alternative being adopted instead; two year old, well decayed leaf mold should be used, this will absorb the nutrient-rich liquid released by the decaying comfrey. In a black plastic sack alternate 7–10 cm (3-4 inch) layers of leaf mold and chopped comfrey leaves. Add a little dolomitic limestone to slightly raise pH. Leave for between 2–5 months depending on the season, checking that it does not dry out or become too wet. The mixture is ready when the comfrey leaves have rotted and are no longer visible. Use as a general potting compost, although it is too strong for seedlings
I am not really sure how well this will do where I have planted it as the area is on top of a large boulder and only has a 2 inch layer of dirt on top. I say dirt because it is an area that I have not gotten to yet, however, I did mange to put some newly made compost from the yard and the free compost I get from the county on to it and around it and it has since flowered and seems to be doing better.
I would love to know what your thoughts are, won't you leave a comment? Thank you.