Our BEAIRD family reunion was a great success and a big THANK YOU! to all of you for the effort! Travis and Holly and the 3 Musketeers were so very good at hosting 31 of us at their lovely home! Wa. is truly God's Country especially up were you see Mt. Rainer always in the background...the weather was terrific the fourth os July and all the fireworks we had so much fun ! I really enjoyed just watching everyone inter-act with each other and playing with each other...the 5 little girls under 3 were so fun to see... The crazy uncles and boys plus Emma Lilly and Chelsea hanging out and just having a great old time together...OH!and Ryguy and the "BEE BITE" I laugh when I think of so many fun things... Thanks for the memories it was a blast so a BIG " SHOUT- OUT" to you LOVED IT All and hope the pictures turn out I'm excited to see them! Happy bithday to NYAN Hunter Lott who will be Baptized soon...can't believe Sophia is one! and Mia turns 3 and ARICK 4 this month of July!!We really do have alot of July Birthdays!
Grandpa and I will celebrate our 41st anniversary on the 15th of August also Emma Jane turns 8 on the 10th of August and will be Baptized Mike has a birthday on the 16th as well!
8 years ago