Monday, June 13, 2011

Ellie’s THREE!!

Ellie turned 3 on the 11th! Last week was seriously CRAZY!! Remind me to not have birthdays so close together. :) On Friday I threw a little Fancy Nancy party for Ellie. It turned out really cute and the little girls could not have been more adorable! I was a little worried about how the party would go, but all of the girls were so good and we had a ton of fun!

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Her actual birthday started out with coming to watch me finish a half marathon!! Greg got the girls up and dressed them, which explains Ellie’s hair. :)


For lunch we took the girls to the park for a little picnic.


Then that night we had a few people over for pizza and cupcakes. She got hooked up with lots of dress up accessories!

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I know she doesn’t look too excited in the last picture, but I promise she was in heaven!


Happy Birthday Ellie!! We love you, sass and all! (Well sometimes.) :)

Macy’s ONE!!

Our little Macy girl turned ONE on the 9th! I cannot believe that! We did a little BBQ at our house the night before because Greg had school on her actual birthday.

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The girls loved helping Macy open up her gifts.

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Then on her actual birthday I took her to McDonalds and she got to enjoy some really healthy fries and chicken nuggets. :)


We love our Macy girl! She is funny because she can be the sweetest easy going baby, but if you get on her bad side, it can be ugly! We have another drama queen on our hands. If she doesn’t get her way or gets frustrated with something, watch out!!

Happy Birthday Macy!!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


*WARNING: Picture overload!*

We just back from the “Happiest Place on Earth,” and we absolutely loved it!! My Aunt Shirl was nice enough to invite us to go with her family. I went a little early with her and then Greg joined us later on in the week for Disneyland. Ellie surprisingly was the best I have ever seen her on a vacation! It was weird. :) (By the end of the week she started showing signs of the Ellie I know and love. :) )

The first day we went to the beach. Ellie loved it! She had so much fun chasing/running away from waves, chasing birds, and playing in the sand. Her hair tie broke so the poor girl had to deal with her crazy hair the whole time.

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My Uncle Robert hooked us up with this awesome shade umbrella. It put my little one to shame. :) DSC_0425

My little white Macy had to stay under it the whole time. :) DSC_0432

The next day we went to the San Diego Zoo. My Aunt Lynda had a couple free passes which was a huge bonus! I loved that zoo, but by the end of the day I was SO tired. Pushing a double stroller in the heat all day wore me out!

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After we left San Diego we headed up to Anaheim to meet everyone else for Disneyland!! We spent three days there and loved every second of it! I took a ton of pictures, but here are a few of my favorites…


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This is how Greg spent a lot of the time…doing business on his phone! He even managed to send emails while going in circles on the carousal. Talented man!

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Ellie was really scared of the characters at first. Notice her face in each of these pictures. She got better with each one until she finally hugged Chip and Dale and stood all by herself! A true miracle!




The princesses were her favorite part. Marie and I didn’t want to stand in line for hours just to see them so we paid money to have lunch with them. I must say that it was the best money I have ever spent! :) She was in HEAVEN!!

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I love the picture of Ellie and Snow White because she is looking at the little picture of Snow White on her dress. She couldn’t believe that she was actually standing next to THE Snow White.


Macy joined in on the fun the next day. I loved this Ariel! She was awesome!


Here are the girls on the train.

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We had so much fun!! Thanks again Aunt Shirl!! I’m already thinking about my next trip back there…don’t tell Greg. :)

Friday, April 22, 2011

Lots of Pics!

Here are some pictures of the girls over the last few weeks.

DSC_0040  DSC_0012 This is what Ellie’s hair looks like when she wakes up in the morning! I like to call it “Medusa Hair.”

 DSC_0080 DSC_0092 DSC_0102 DSC_0110 There is nothing like seeing a child’s face when they swing. :)

DSC_0079This is how you can find Ellie most days. You can’t see that she has on princess shoes too.DSC_0002  She is SO sweet.DSC_0122 This was so cute. I was getting ready to go running at the gym. I usually put the girls in daycare while I work out and Ellie does fine in there. Well as I was getting ready, she ran and found her “running shoes” and put on a few of my headbands (I always wear one when I run). I knew this was going to be a problem because she wanted to run with me, NOT go to daycare. Sure enough, 10 minutes after I put her in daycare they brought her to me. I had to get off the treadmill, but they have an indoor track, so I took Ellie over there. She wanted to run, so we ran together. She ended up running ONE MILE!! I was seriously impressed. I kept asking her if she needed a break, but she would yell, “No! I RUNNING!!” I have to admit that it was really cute. But now she won’t go to daycare anymore. She thinks going to the gym means running on the track!

Well there you go. Maybe I will stay on top of things and blog more often. Maybe…

P.S. Kailee, I hope you are happy. :)

Thanksgiving Point

So much for a little tease! 2 1/2 months later, here I am finally posting! I am WAY too far behind, so I’m just going to start with what is going on now. Hopefully someday I will get to Thanksgiving and Christmas. :)

We finally had ONE nice, sunny day here, so we decided to go to the Gardens at Thanksgiving Point. I love this place!! We ended up spending over 4 hours there! It was supposed to be the Tulip Festival, but because the weather has been so crazy we literally saw one tulip. :) It was still gorgeous though and we had so much fun being outside. Here are some of my favorite pictures from the day.

DSC_0146 DSC_0141 DSC_0201 Ellie thinking this was the Sound of Music.

DSC_0144 DSC_0168 DSC_0179 DSC_0208 To say that Ellie loves her cousins is an understatement. :) DSC_0152 Poor Macy didn’t get many photos taken of her because she was in the stroller the whole time. Love that girl. :) And last but not least, I have to throw in the picture of our ginormous kettle corn bag. It had it’s own seat!!
