Saturday, June 6, 2009

Like no way...Are you kidding me?

Within the past two weeks my age as a 27 year old woman has been questioned. Two weeks ago I was asked by one of my sister's friends if I was still in high school. What?? Then just last night at a craft class at Robert's the teacher asked me if I was a teenager. I told her my age and she about died. Everyone says I'll love it when I'm old but I'm beginning to question why so many people are thinking this. Is it that I look young or do I just act like a teenager? Hopefully it's the first of the two! I personally think it's just my youthful inner-spirit.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Where does the time go?

Well I can't believe it is officially June and that Gus is now officially 8 months old....almost 9 really. We have been enjoying our time in Utah. It has been filled with good food, family, nice weather, walks in the stroller and did I mention good food?
My little boy is getting bigger by the day. Here are a few of his latest accomplishments:
* He loves loves to eat real food. If I'm eating something and he isn't he'll complain until he gets a taste, even he doesn't like it
* He still loves taking baths and has become a master of taking tubs in the sink
* He is getting more hair, and it looks like it might be a little curly
* He loves going outside to look at nature and especially likes to watch the birds
* Still no teeth....we're not sure where they are
* And probably his biggest and most recent accomplishment is crawling. That's right, he is becoming mobile. I love it.

We also had the pleasure of visiting with my bff/sis-in-law Melissa and Gus's cousin Noah, who is super cute and I am so jealous that he is going to have red hair!! I might have to claim his as my own.
Anyway, it was so fun to see them and we wished they lived closer to us so we could play with them more often. Love you guys.

I love this succession of pics. Gus is going in for the kill, makes contact and then Noah reacts. Priceless.