Thursday, November 10, 2011

Life Lately

Well life has been quite crazy lately..... and that's the excuse I wish I could use for not updating this blog more often. We have been having a wonderful fall filled with awesome weather, great food, fun times with family and both the boys growing up way too fast. Gus turned 3 in September and Finn is almost 18 months. I always tell Greg that I remember when Gus turned 18 months I thought he was so grown up.....little did I know. Both boys are so fun right now and even though we have our bad days of hitting, pushing, name calling we have our great days too! (they may be sparse right now but I savor every one of them!)
Either way, here are a few pics of what we have been up to lately.

Enjoyed a wonderful day at the zoo!

This was the best group pic I could snap!

Group pic with cousins at an amazing pumpkin patch

Finn and Great Gramma Keller

Gus and his pumpkin

                                Finn admiring his pumpkin

me, my gramma, my mom, my sister and my cousin

Finn picking apples

Me attempting a pic with Finn

Gus and his beloved hoodie

Another attempt at the family pic. My boys need some photography lessons.

                             Gus being a tiger

Gus and the tiger pumpkin and a new hair cut

Finn doing a "cheese" and showing his new hair cut

Finn the Pumpkin

And Gus the Bat

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


I know, I know. It has been quite a while since this old blog has been updated. What can I say? We have been having a fun summer filled with popsicles, friends, riding bikes, swimming, going on walks, playing with the new puppy, birthday parties, going to the zoo, going to the petting zoo, playing outside, etc. etc.

Anyway, can't believe that it is already August! Where does the time go, seriously.

And when did my little baby turn one and start walking! Time flies when you are having fun I guess.

Brothers enjoying Wheeler Farm

My Boys

This is a classic "boys look right here for the picture" picture. They never work.

Finn (1 year)

Gus (2 almost 3 years) and don't mind the weird facial expression. I think he was mid-word.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Cook-E-Book is Done!!

The moment you have been waiting for has arrived.  My wonderful mother has been working on this cookie only cookbook for almost a year now and I am proud to say that it is finished!!  This amazing cookbook has over 90 cookie recipes and more than 20 frosting recipes and they are all delicious (believe me, I taste tested every one!) and all that for only $20!!!  So if you are interseted and would like one for yourself, your mother, your mother in law, your sister, your bff, your who-ever here are the details of how to get your hands on them.

*Email your order to and include the following:
                *how many cookbooks you would love to have
                *and how we can get them to you. If you are out of state and just can't wait till you visit Utah         next then we have no problem mailing them so be sure to include your address.  If you are a local we can still mail or plan to hand deliver you one.
                *and questions you may have

This isn't a limited edition so anytime you want to order one just let us know and we'll get one to you. I've also put up pics of a few of the cookies that are in the book......just to entice you!!

Chocolate Cupcake Tops

Pink Lemonade

Polar Bear Claws

Frosted Tea Cakes

DIY Oreo's

Here's to a cookie filled summer!!!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Hair today Gone tomorrow

When you can do this to your 10 month old son's hair:

notice the cute piggie tails

and here's the view from the back

It's probably time for this:

And why not just do brother's why we're at it.


And after:


Tuesday, February 1, 2011


If you are anything like me, you have tons of old pictures that are fun to look at but then what do you do with them? Well, I've finally figured it out. You put them on your blog. So here goes. Here are just a few old pictures that are just sitting on our computer waiting to get their 15 minutes of fame. So enjoy. And congrats to you if you made the cut.

Nothing like remembering the good times. Still have a ton more but I'll save them for another day.

Where does the time go?

How did my baby Finn go from this:

to this:

Finn will be 8 months in a week and I am dying. He is getting so old and I cannot believe how fast time really goes by. Finn is such a jolly baby and is so quick to smile. He loves sitting up and is ready to crawl; just has to figure out how to make that happen. He loves to eat any kind of food and dives for anything edible anyone offers him. He can wave and do patty cake, which makes him seem like such a little human. He loves his big brother and gets so excited when Gus pays any attention to him. Finn is such a sweet little boy and I don't know if I'm ready for him to get any older. Can't he just stay 8 months forever??


Gus and I were playing the piano Sunday night. I was playing songs from the primary children song book and we were talking about them and picking different ones to sing. Gus always wanted to sing "once there was a snowman" (a favorite in nursery) and I would try to sing any other one, but usually ended back up singing about that crazy snowman and melting small, small, small. I did however manage to sneak "I am a child of God" in there and there was no protest from Gus. I started playing the music and Gus started singing his little heart out which about melted mine. I sat there listening to him sing those sweet words and couldn't help but tear up. It was so amazing and uplifting to hear my two year old child say the words that we all know are so true but so easily forget. I am a child of god, and he has sent me here. Thanks Gus for reminding me of who I am.