Friday, August 01, 2008

Lake Powell

Every year we take a family picture so we can see how much the kids have grown up from year to year.  This year they didn't want to get their picture taken.  Next year, I will need to take it the first day, when we are all happy.

Emerie trying to color and actually holding still for a picture.

Jackson started a waterfight with his grandpa and his dad.  He thought it was so funny to throw water at them.  And grandpa and Bryce were good sports! 

It was great to get out and ski again!  We need to convince my dad to get the boat out more, or even let us borrow it.  

Jackson's first fish!!  He even held it and threw it back.  He was so proud!  Jackson caught the most fish on the trip.  (Maybe it was because he just took over everyone's pole.)

Bryce skiing. Someday I will be able to get him up on one ski.  He does a great job!  My dad and Bryce thought it would be fun to drive next to the wall and touch it while skiing.  

Yes he did it!!!  Ok, you can only see the front of his wake because of the dumb camera.  But he did it.  He was skiing and touching the wall with one had for about 10 feet.  I am very glad he didn't crash!

We were trying to "recreate" a picture I had when I was a kid of wearing my moms sunglasses.  Emerie didn't want to cooperate.   So this is what we ended up with.