Thursday, July 31, 2008

We have had a very busy summer.  Here are some of the things we have done.  I will have more adventures to add, once my camera stops giving me fits.

We attempted to go camping, but all of the camp sites were full.  So the next best in the back yard.  Jackson thought is was great!  He said, "Mom, since we are camping, can I just to to the bathroom in the flowers instead of going into the house?"  
Of course being the mean mom...I told him no.

Jackson has had a lot of fun riding his bike around the neighborhood.  He is getting to be quite the daring little rider who loves to go fast!  I am surprised how well he keeps his helmet on.  I guess it is because I told him that he will crack his head open and his brains will fall on the sidewalk. I guess whatever works!

Jackson took swimming lessons.  He has become quite the little fish.  Now when we go swimming, he is so daring in his wall jumping that he gets in trouble with the life guard.  I am very proud of him how much he improved during his lessons.

This is how Emerie looked at least once everyday while we were at swimming lessons.  She is mad a me because she can't get in and swim.  She loves being in the water and hates watching Jackson from afar.  Another kid who has to be part of the action!

We had the chance to meet Jackson's favorite basketball player Deron Williams who plays for the Utah Jazz.  If you have not seen or heard the basketball commentary from Jackson, you have not been to our house lately.  Jackson has posters of D-Will in his room and even a big cardboard cutout that Grandma Connie found for him.  He was at the opening of the new Sam's Club and so we made the trek to go see him.  He signed a ball for Jackson and gave him a high five.  Jackson was in heaven!!  I was unable to get a picture of the two of them together, but a photographer from the SL Tribune did that I am still trying to locate.

This picture is really bad because my battery was almost dead.  We had backyard movie night.  We invited a bunch of families and showed Curious George.  It was great.  We ended up having 65 people show up.  We loved having all of our wonderful friends and neighbors over.  We hope to do it again before it gets cold.

We wanted to get out of the heat so we went fishing at Silver Lake up by Brighton Ski Resort.  Ok, Jackson and Bryce fished while I chased Emerie up and down the board walk.  We had a great time, but no fish.  We saw deer, a moose and a chipmunk (Jackson still thinks he saw a rat).  It was great to see the kids having a good time in the mountains.  Hopefully next time we can actually catch a fish!

There is a story behind the big box of fireworks.  Jackson and Bryce went into the store and Bryce picked up the smallest box and Jackson looks at Bryce and says, "Dad, that is not going to do."  Well, what is a dad to do?  So he picks up the next size box (this one) and Jackson says, "Yep dad that is the one!"  So we got a box big as Jackson for fireworks on July 4th.  Jackson loved to help pick the next one out, and Emerie loved to watch.