Friday, June 27, 2008

Day at the Gateway

We went to the children's museum at the Gateway downtown.  The kids love it there.  Now that Emerie can walIk... she wandered around like she owned the place.   There is so much for them to do and play.  They have a grocery store (yes, Jackson is holding a green pepper), a construction area, a farm, a water area, a kitchen just Emeries size and a place were they can explore their creativity. I think it would be fun to get some of Jackson's friends together and head down for a trip to the museum.

Then the kids played in the fountain at the Gateway.  What a great time on a hot summer day!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Summer has arrived at our house

Well, summer has finally arrived at our house.  You know it is summer when there is very serious vehicle washing happening in the front yard.  Bryce had already washed his baby (the truck) before I got the camera out.  I think next time I should make sure Jackson has pants on...

The kids had a lot of fun playing in the pool yesterday.  Emerie loved to walk around the inside of the pool, splash and then make sure the water tasted okay.  Jackson loved to go down the slide and see how big of a splash he could make.  By then end of the day, I don't know who was more wet...the kids or myself from all of the splashing.  Maybe next time, I will actually have to get my swimming suit on and join them!


Saturday, June 14, 2008

Girls Camp

I just spent a week at girls camp and Bryce stayed home to take care of the kids.  
We both survived!  

I am so glad that Bryce was able to take time off work and be Mr. Mom.  He said he was exhausted by Monday night... he still had 4 more days to go. Yikes!  I think he now understands why I am so tired all of the time.  Thanks to my mom and my neighbors for checking in on him and the kids.  

We went to Heber Valley Camp for a week with 8 girls and 5 leaders and had an absolute blast.  Our stakes theme this year was "I Will Stand."  Each day among all the fun, we had some spiritual moment of how we each can stand for what we believe in and how to stand as witness of our Savior.  We stayed at the Marjorie Pay Hinkley camp.  This camp was specifically dedicated by President Hinkley.  Our camp site, is where his family comes and stays when they visit the camp.  We definitely could feel of his spirit and love for the Young Women.  He was definitely inspired when he created this awesome camp.  
(I will add more pictures when I get them from the other leaders)

Monday was beautiful... we all had sunburns.  Some girls had an opportunity to go to the challenge course and they did a great job.  I would have loved to go down the zip line, but we didn't have time.  

Tuesday was nice in the morning when we went to the lake.  It was awesome.  Laurel and I are great paddle boaters!  A storm blew in on Tuesday night.  We knew it was going to be a cold night and perhaps stormy.  We were going to make dutch oven cobbler, but none of us wanted to sit in the freezing wind to keep an eye on it.  So we moved the party inside.  We played games all night.  My favorite is "Act it Out."  It is a game that you have to act out a scene for someone, then act out what they remember.  It is kind of like the "telephone" game.  The end is sometimes nowhere near what the original scene was.  I have never laughed so hard!! Even though it was cold, we had a great time inside. Thank heavens for our cabins to keep us out of the cold. 

Wednesday we woke up to snow and 36 degrees.  It is really hard to eat pancakes when your hands are shaking so bad from the cold.  That day the stake had cancelled all hikes and the challenge course.  So that meant lots of time inside.  I am so glad we brought games to play.  And more acting games.   We also moved lunch inside.  By the afternoon the snow had stopped and the sun came out, but it was still very cold.  We had skit night and singing in the trees all evening... we were cold once again.  The girls were great in packing for the cold and I never heard one complain about the cold temperatures.

Thursday was the day where the other young women leaders, the girls who couldn't come up the whole week and the bishopric joined us.  We had a great time doing service projects for the camp and for a local elementary school.  Thursday was a bit warmer than Wednesday, but it was sunny.  We had a great testimony night.  The Spirit was there and I know each girl felt it and hopefully gained a stronger testimony.  The girls were awesome.  I think we all accomplished the goals of having fun and becoming closer to Christ.  I know that I sure did. 

I am so fortunate to have gone and spent a week with these girls and leaders.  They are such a great example to me of how to stand as a witness of Christ.  I left with a stronger testimony, lots of laughs, memories and close fiends.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Baseball Class

Jackson just finished up taking a baseball class. He loved it!! He is so proud of his trophy. Jackson always wanted to work on hitting first. He thought it was great to play with other kids instead of his mom and dad.