Wednesday, April 08, 2009

One of these days...

One of these days I will be a dedicated blogger. For some reason I just read everyone elses blog and write nothing on my own. I guess sometimes my life just doesn't seem that interesting.

I have not been working as much because Bryce is getting his own business going. So he goes to work everyday. Yes it is in his friends basement...but it is work. I am back to being a full time mom. That took some adjusting!! His company is going great! A bit slow getting things going...but taking off. We couldn't ask for better business partners. I think he found his new best friends.

Jackson had his first t-ball practice of the season. They are the green lizards. Can you guess what color his shirt is? He is so excited. We will be spending may nights a the ball park and in the yard playing ball.

Emerie has her second ear infection in a month. YEAH...not really. Hopefully she will start to feel better soon. She just had a birthday a few weeks ago. I can't believe my baby is 2 already.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Sad Day...

It was a sad day...we sold the truck. I don't know who was more bothered by it...Bryce, Jackson or myself. Oh well it is only a truck.

Saturday, February 07, 2009

Truck for Sale

We have decided to sale our truck. I knew this day might come. It is a great truck and Bryce and I really don't want to sell it. I guess you have to do things that you don't want to do sometimes. Here is the link to the KSL add we have on it If you know anyone who is interested, let me know.

Saturday, January 31, 2009


I have not forgotten to update...just seem to never have the time or even anything interesting to say. So, here is what has been happening in our life.

December: We had a great Christmas. It was very humbling time for our family. We had surprises show up on our porch to make sure that our family had a Christmas. We can't tell you how greatful we are for all of our friends and family. We really realized the true meaning of Christmas...the birth of Christ and service towards others.

An awesome New Years Eve party with friends. Since we all have young kids we all left by 10:30. But it was fun anyway. We played the scene it "Office" game. I thought I knew The Office, until I played with our friend Collin. I think he has every eposide memorized!

January: We had a fun weekend out with some friends. Jackson played the Wii all weekend. He loved playing with the big kids. He tried to sleep up in the loft with the big boys, but didn't last. Secretly I was glad because I know he isn't growing up too fast and still needs his mom and dad. Bryce went out and rode the fourwheelers in the snow, tried to surf behind it on a sled and went out shooting guns. Unfortunately, I was in by the fire, sick. So Emerie and I stayed inside. We ended up leaving early because I was so miserable. Thanks guys for a fun weekend!!

Bryce is still looking for a job. He has had a few interviews and has not gotten the job for whatever reason. He is still plugging along working every possible lead and network. Unfortunately it seems we haved started a club in our neighborhood, the laid off club. Hopefully none of you will have to join!! Bryce is still working on getting his own business going with some friends of his.

I have been working as much as possible. It is nice to be able to fall back on my teaching experience, but my heart is at home with my kids. I am debating what to do for next school teach full time or not. It is just so hard to know what to do.

I am so grateful for Bryce and him taking up all of the slack since I have been at work. He truly is Mr. Mom. He gets the kids dressed (yes they even match most days), attempts to do Emerie's hair, feeds them, gets Jackson to and from school on time, and even calls friends over to play whith Jackson. On top of all of that, the house is clean most of the time when I come home from work. Thanks honey for all you do!! I love you.

Well, that is our life in a nutshell at the moment. Thank you friends and family for all of your prayers and support during this difficult time that we are facing. I know we couldn't do it without you all.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Latest Pictures

Last Saturday was the BIG game!! This is our lastest picture. Three Utes and a poor lonely cougar. We all got dressed in our team colors and went to watch the game at my parents house. Poor Bryce and Uncle Greg had a rough day watching. GO UTES!!!

Finally our Halloween pictures! Jackson was a Bees Baseball player and Emere was a Bee! They loved trick-or-treating. Jackson understood this year what he was doing. Too bad there wasn't a whole lot of candy that he would actually eat. Emerie at one point had suckers in both hands.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Family Pictures

We had our family pictures taken in August at Gardner Village.  Our friend Kensley Cheshire took them.  She did and awesome job.  Thanks Kensley!!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

We are alive...

Hey everyone...
We are alive!! Our lives have been turned upside down the last few months and so I have not been the best blogger. (And it doesn't help when Emerie wants to "help" me when I am trying to do anything on the computer.) Well, you might ask..."How are the Greenbergs?" We are doing okay. Since Bryce was laid off in August we are on auto pilot and just trying to keep life as normal as possible. He is still working on trying to get his business Vantage Pointe going and is still looking for a job. We have a potential offer for a part time job on the table...we will see how it goes.

I have started to work as a substitute at Jackson's preschool and at elementary schools around the valley. It is going well. It is a nice to get out the house, but I miss being at home with the kids. I don't know how working moms do it!

We don't know why we have been delt the cards we currently have, but we know that our Heavenly Father is watching out for us. We are blessed with such a great ward, family and friends. We can't express fully the love that we feel from others. We are so blessed. I just want to let you know that I am glad that we followed the prophet to have some savings and some food storage. We didn't have a natural disaster...but we have realized what an importance it is. My challage to you is to be prepaired for whatever may come your way.

Well, this is the latest in our lives. Hopefully I will be better at posting current pictures and info.