Thursday, February 07, 2008

Bankrupt Budget



Pharmacies are collecting non medical information, the SEC has decided we can't keep our investments unless we give them information not related to our accounts, doctors offices and hospitals have begun photographing their patients...

Apparently that is not enough. Kit Bond says that our privacy will be protected by the committee and somebody at the FBI said that we would have more privacy when they do eye scans, palm prints and tattoo mapping.

What next, anal probes?

Monday, February 04, 2008


Yes Virginia, there IS an explanation why the 2007 Legislative session failed to solve the school funding issue.

* A team needs to have an effective team-leader — again, although intuitive, yet it's vital to the success of a team.
* Most team-failure is due to either an ineffective leader or other team-players trying to interfere with that leading role.

* An effective team-leader is able to:
* delegate appropriate responsibility to each team-member,
* oversee the overall operation of the team project,
* communicate with each team-member so the parts can fit together seamlessly,
* most importantly, assign the right person to do the right job.


* Our research shows that most team failure is due to the inability to cooperate and collaborate among team-members.
* One of the reasons why cooperation and collaboration failed is because of the wrong people being assigned to the wrong job.
* Essentially, it is the failure of the team-leader, and consequently, the failure of the team-members.

Extreme Weather in China?

I don't even know what I was looking for when I found this.

SCO Secretary-General issues statement on natural disasters in China
The Secretariat of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation is expressing sympathy to the families of those who have suffered from the unprecedented extreme weather conditions in southern and north-western regions of the People’s Republic of China.
The major natural disaster disrupted the normal operation of factories, damaged transport networks, power lines and other life supporting facilities, severely compounded the movement of a large number of passengers by rail, road and air in the run-up to the Chinese New Year celebrations.
The urgent measures introduced by the leadership, ministries and departments of the PRC to provide emergency response, including the launch of a mechanism of eliminating consequences of natural disasters, ensuring the security of population in affected regions and restoring normal passenger traffic, are yielding positive results.
Against the backdrop of the continuing natural anomaly the vigorous efforts of the Chinese government to repair damaged parts of the transport, energy and industrial infrastructure and to bring the economy back to normal are deserving the recognition and moral support of all friendly states.
The relevant articles of the Treaty on Long-term Good-neighbourliness, Friendship and Cooperation among the SCO Member States signed in 2007 envisage provision of mutual assistance in eliminating consequences of natural disasters and technical emergencies.
As neighbours and friends, the SCO states are standing with the people of the People’s Republic of China at the time of the major natural disaster.

Bolat Nurgaliev
02 February 2008