



Happy late Thanksgiving everyone!  I hope you all ate lots of delicious food and had an excellent holiday. This will just be a short post to let you all know that we had an awesome Thanksgiving and to give a quick little update.

This year was our year to have Thanksgiving dinner with Tyler's family and we made sure to only include immediate family since we're still trying to keep Aleah away from crowds and germs.  We had an awesome time!  Pumpkin rolls are quite possibly my favorite dessert in existence but since Tyler can't eat dairy, I only make them during the holidays when other people can help me eat them.  This time around I decided to make things interesting by doubling the filling in our pumpkin roll and my oh my was it tasty.  It was probably a gazillion calories but totally worth it!!

We love Thanksgiving at our house because we get to enjoy family and friends, eat good food, and join in festivities, but skip all the stressing over presents.  LOVE it!  Plus, how cool is it that we have a day dedicated to counting our blessings?!  Pretty dang awesome if you ask me.

This year especially, Tyler and I have been amazed at how abundant the blessings are in our lives.  It has been amazing to watch the blessings pour in once we found out that we were pregnant.  We have incredible families and friends, food and shelter, a wonderful ward, tons of opportunities, great jobs, etc.., etc...  Plus, we have been given the gift of always finding ourselves surrounded by some truly great people.  In fact, I think that the people in our lives are oftentimes are greatest asset because of the support and shining examples that they always give us.

In closing, we are soooo THANKFUL for a wonderful year.  Life pretty much rocks.


7 Weeks Old

The other day it occurred to me that I haven't posted pictures of our growing little baby on here.  For one thing, we're so horrible at taking pictures that we don't even know where our camera is right now.  For another, I've been trying to soak up every little minute I have with her on maternity leave.  But anyway, enough with the excuses and on with the post...
Thankfully I do have some pictures.  They were all taken on my phone so you'll have to overlook the poor quality and know that hopefully soon I'll be able to redeem myself.  We recently bought a camera online that is small, durable, and does video and pictures so I can have it on me at all times.  Now we're just waiting for the shipment to come in.
Anyway, can I just say what a joy it is to be a mommy?  I seriously ADORE this little girl!  She doesn't like me to sleep, eat, or get myself ready in the morning, but I couldn't be happier.  I mean, I get to wake up to this face every morning:
It doesn't get any better than that :)

As you can see by the above picture, she has grown a lot.  She is starting to get those cute baby rolls. Hooray!  I love them!

Here are some of the other pictures I've collected over the last month or so:
I took this one yesterday after she fell asleep on me in a sling.  I love it when she curls up like this!

Aleah has a cute habit of reaching up to find skin when she falls asleep.  She likes to know that she is being held so oftentimes she'll keep her hand there just in case you decide to pull a fast one on her and lay her down.  That's my theory anyway ;)  Tyler wanted me to take a picture of it because he loves it so much.  He always tell me that it "melts his heart". Aww.

Aleah's arrival has introduced us to the most comfortable sleeping position ever.  Here is a picture of Tyler demonstrating it for us.  I snuck up on him one night to get this image so he has no idea that it exists.  Mwahaha!

Everyone told me that Bumbos were amazing but I had no idea how cool they really were until we put Aleah in it.  Not even a month old and she sat up just fine in it.  Pretty crazy-cool, right?

I took this one last week.  She just looked so beautiful, I couldn't help myself.

This was taken on Sunday.  I just love these little lace rompers!  Hooray for having a girl that I can play dress up with!

 One of the things I love about this girl is that she pull faces all the time!  Here is me trying to capture some of them on camera one day.  She is just a few weeks old in these pictures.

I'm afraid that's all for now.  Basically we are all doing well and loving life.  I can't express how thankful I am to have this little girl in my life!  She is such a blessing.  I feel so humbled to have her.  I really don't know what I ever did to deserve this sweet little girl but I will be grateful for such an incredible blessing.

Sorry to only be posting about baby stuff right now.  Since we've locked ourselves in the house during cold/flue/RSV/crap season, she's literally my world.  But I'm totally okay with it.

Until Next Time,

Our Wedding

Vwala! Here are our pictures as promised. They're miniscule looking on here, but you should be able to click on the link to enjoy them in a more big and beautiful state.

Temple Day

Temple Day
We took this on the day of my first temple visit

The Great Outdoors

The Great Outdoors
Pre-Marriage Camping trip