


Tired of hearing about this yet?

Tyler and I have long been against sending out graduation announcements for ourselves, but between the talent of our friend Donna Shelby and the constant pleading of a very dear-hearted mother, we caved. Donna took many lovely pictures of us and if all goes as planned, I'll be posting them within the next week. In the meantime, here is a sneak peek, along with my very favorite graduation picture of all time:

P.S. I can't figure out how to upload these images so that when you click on them, they get bigger and you can actually read the writing. If anyone would like to advise me on how to alleviate this problem, I would be forever thankful.



Have I totally neglected this blog or what? I frequently read peoples' blogs in my down time and find myself disappointed each time I log on to find no new posts to peruse. Then it occurred to me- I haven't updated mine since our post-valentines day entry, so I have no room whatsoever to complain. With that in mind, I'll add my two cents to the blogging world and let you all know what we've been up to so I can feel free to complain about the rest of ya'll without feeling guilty ;) Here's what's new:

Tyler is one assignment away from finishing this semester. We are very much looking forward to walking together on April 23 and thrilled to be hearing from this man at our commencement:
PRESIDENT MONSON!! How cool is that! We really weren't planning on attending commencement until we read the program and of course changed our minds the instant we saw his name. Needless to say, we're pretty stoked. Tyler will officially be done with his B.S. in June and plans on pursuing his MBA next spring. Whew. Moving right along...
We recently had an awesome opportunity to participate in the Weber County political process. Tyler and I both recognize a need for our generation to be actively involved in politics. Regardless of political parties and agendas, young people NEED to become educated and actively involved in politics. Sometimes it really scares me to look around at all of my crazy liberal professors and the students who believe every crazy thing those professors tell them and wonder what our world is going to be like when I'm raising children one day. Another thing that scares me: maybe it's due to my limited perspective but from what I've seen, people are becoming less and less patriotic. Whenever I attend the Celebrate America show at Utah State University, I marvel at the seasoned men and women who would give their very lives in defense of our freedom. Their eyes fill with tears when they hear the national anthem and they stand up proudly when given opportunities to be recognized as veterans. Why don't we, the younger generation, have any of that emotion or commitment?
We are so blessed to live in a free country with rights and processes! It's true that there are several corrupt politicians making and contributing to decisions that change our society from both parties, which is exactly why we all need to speak up and do what we can to create positive change.
I just went off on a soap box, didn't I? Ahem. Sorry about that.
I'll tell you our story in a nut shell: Ty and I attended our neighborhood Republican caucus meeting and rallied people to vote us in as county delegates. We were lucky enough to be voted in together and then we watched in awe as our mailboxes and email accounts were FLOODED with literature supporting different candidates. We did our research, picked what candidates we thought were best, and then met all of the other 500+ delegates at the Weber County Republican convention. Here, we ate many yummy treats and visited booths of different candidates, attended a few meetings, and casted our votes to help determine which Republican candidates would end up on the next ballot. The convention was full of very formal processes and several votes regarding resolutions, motions throughout the meeting, and of course candidates. What a completely and totally awesome and educational experience!!
Though we've always had good intentions to get involved, the real kicker that convinced us to step up to the plate was my Uncle. Terry Thompson ran for Sheriff and asked for our support. We rallied supporters, wore pins and t-shirts, wrote letters to the editor, and even danced around at the convention holding campaign signs for all to see. In the end, he won and became the next Weber County Republican candidate for Sheriff. Woo hoo! Sadly, I only have one picture to display as part of our political extravaganza, but I'll share what I've got. It was an awesome experience and I encourage all of you to gather up your courage and get involved; I think you'd be surprised at what an enlightening experience it can turn out to be

(Please excuse the bobble head appearance. This picture was taken on a cell phone that was apparently unhappy with the short length of our faces.)

I think I'll end this post here, but stay tuned. I'll be posting some neato graduation pics soonly.

Our Wedding

Vwala! Here are our pictures as promised. They're miniscule looking on here, but you should be able to click on the link to enjoy them in a more big and beautiful state.

Temple Day

Temple Day
We took this on the day of my first temple visit

The Great Outdoors

The Great Outdoors
Pre-Marriage Camping trip