Monday, June 13, 2011

My little Brother is all growed up!

I can't believe that my little brother is a married man. I am so excited for him and his wife. It was fun to make a trip and see them get married. It was such a beautiful ceremony and we had such a fun celebrating at their reception. They even rode off into the sunset on the back of a horse! (I wish it would upload but it won't) I am so grateful that we have the opportunity to go to the temple and be sealed together FOREVER!

Espicially to these two munchkins!

Thanks mom for making my girls the cutest dresses ever!

Hogle Zoo 2011


My little brother got married and since we were going to be up for the weekend we thought we would take a little trip as a family to the zoo. Me my siblings and all the nephews headed to the zoo with grandma and grandpa!

Taylee and Rusty looking at something...I think it was one of the many monkey cages
This monkey was just hanging out. I was laughing because it reminded me so much of how Carmindy is when she is eating!

My little monkey. She had fun just hanging out in her stroller

Family Picture

We rode the merri-go-round

I thought this penguin had the cutest face!

This Cheetah was so funny. It is always pacing the windows and everytime it would pass Taylee it would stare her down.

Riding the wooden horses

The infamous peep holes. (I might even have my own picture of this)

We even rode the train!! Well Carmindy slept through most of it

The entire family minus the newlyweds and My sis-in-law (We missed you)

The Water ball in front of the park. I think the kids would have played with that thing all day. Just so they could get wet.

It was such a fun day. I'm glad we got a mini vay cay before the crazy summer comes. We have alot going on but that is another post by itself.